diff --git a/cargo_vendor.attr b/cargo_vendor.attr new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be2d48f --- /dev/null +++ b/cargo_vendor.attr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +%__cargo_vendor_path ^%{_defaultlicensedir}(/[^/]+)+/cargo-vendor.txt$ +%__cargo_vendor_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/cargo_vendor.prov diff --git a/cargo_vendor.prov b/cargo_vendor.prov new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6efca18 --- /dev/null +++ b/cargo_vendor.prov @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +#! /usr/bin/python3 -s +# Stripped down replacement for cargo2rpm parse-vendor-manifest + +import re +import subprocess +import sys +from typing import Optional + + +VERSION_REGEX = re.compile( + r""" + ^ + (?P0|[1-9]\d*) + \.(?P0|[1-9]\d*) + \.(?P0|[1-9]\d*) + (?:-(?P
+    (?:\+(?P[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$
+    """,
+    re.VERBOSE,
+class Version:
+    """
+    Version that adheres to the "semantic versioning" format.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, major: int, minor: int, patch: int, pre: Optional[str] = None, build: Optional[str] = None):
+        self.major: int = major
+        self.minor: int = minor
+        self.patch: int = patch
+        self.pre: Optional[str] = pre
+        self.build: Optional[str] = build
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse(version: str) -> "Version":
+        """
+        Parses a version string and return a `Version` object.
+        Raises a `ValueError` if the string does not match the expected format.
+        """
+        match = VERSION_REGEX.match(version)
+        if not match:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid version: {version!r}")
+        matches = match.groupdict()
+        major_str = matches["major"]
+        minor_str = matches["minor"]
+        patch_str = matches["patch"]
+        pre = matches["pre"]
+        build = matches["build"]
+        major = int(major_str)
+        minor = int(minor_str)
+        patch = int(patch_str)
+        return Version(major, minor, patch, pre, build)
+    def to_rpm(self) -> str:
+        """
+        Formats the `Version` object as an equivalent RPM version string.
+        Characters that are invalid in RPM versions are replaced ("-" -> "_")
+        Build metadata (the optional `Version.build` attribute) is dropped, so
+        the conversion is not lossless for versions where this attribute is not
+        `None`. However, build metadata is not intended to be part of the
+        version (and is not even considered when doing version comparison), so
+        dropping it when converting to the RPM version format is correct.
+        """
+        s = f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}"
+        if self.pre:
+            s += f"~{self.pre.replace('-', '_')}"
+        return s
+def break_the_build(error: str):
+    """
+    This function writes a string that is an invalid RPM dependency specifier,
+    which causes dependency generators to fail and break the build. The
+    additional error message is printed to stderr.
+    """
+    print("*** FATAL ERROR ***")
+    print(error, file=sys.stderr)
+def get_cargo_vendor_txt_paths_from_stdin() -> set[str]:  # pragma nocover
+    """
+    Read lines from standard input and filter out lines that look like paths
+    to `cargo-vendor.txt` files. This is how RPM generators pass lists of files.
+    """
+    lines = {line.rstrip("\n") for line in sys.stdin.readlines()}
+    return {line for line in lines if line.endswith("/cargo-vendor.txt")}
+def action_parse_vendor_manifest():
+    paths = get_cargo_vendor_txt_paths_from_stdin()
+    for path in paths:
+        with open(path) as file:
+            manifest = file.read()
+        for line in manifest.strip().splitlines():
+            crate, version = line.split(" v")
+            print(f"bundled(crate({crate})) = {Version.parse(version).to_rpm()}")
+def main():
+    try:
+        action_parse_vendor_manifest()
+        exit(0)
+    # print an error message that is not a valid RPM dependency
+    # to cause the generator to break the build
+    except (IOError, ValueError) as exc:
+        break_the_build(str(exc))
+        exit(1)
+    break_the_build("Uncaught exception: This should not happen, please report a bug.")
+    exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/macros.rust-toolset b/macros.rust-toolset
index 250e934..396f6c3 100644
--- a/macros.rust-toolset
+++ b/macros.rust-toolset
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
-# Explicitly use bindir tools, in case others are in the PATH,
-# like the rustup shims in a user's ~/.cargo/bin/.
-# Since cargo 1.31, install only uses $CARGO_HOME/config, ignoring $PWD.
-#   https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/6397
-# But we can set CARGO_HOME locally, which is a good idea anyway to make sure
-# it never writes to ~/.cargo during rpmbuild.
-%__cargo /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo RUSTFLAGS='%{build_rustflags}' /usr/bin/cargo
+# __rustc: path to the default rustc executable
 %__rustc /usr/bin/rustc
+# __rustdoc: path to the default rustdoc executable
 %__rustdoc /usr/bin/rustdoc
 # rustflags_opt_level: default optimization level
@@ -46,22 +41,56 @@
+  -Cstrip=none
   %{expr:0%{?_include_frame_pointers} && ("%{_arch}" != "ppc64le" && "%{_arch}" != "s390x" && "%{_arch}" != "i386") ? "-Cforce-frame-pointers=yes" : ""}
   %[0%{?_package_note_status} ? "-Clink-arg=%_package_note_flags" : ""]
+# __cargo: cargo command with environment variables
+# CARGO_HOME: This ensures cargo reads configuration file from .cargo/config,
+#       and prevents writing any files to $HOME during RPM builds.
+%__cargo /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo RUSTFLAGS='%{build_rustflags}' /usr/bin/cargo
 # __cargo_common_opts: common command line flags for cargo
 # _smp_mflags: run builds and tests in parallel
 %__cargo_common_opts %{?_smp_mflags}
-%cargo_prep(V:) (\
-%{__mkdir} -p .cargo \
-cat > .cargo/config << EOF \
+# cargo_prep: macro to set up build environment for cargo projects
+# This involves four steps:
+# - create the ".cargo" directory if it doesn't exist yet
+# - dump custom cargo configuration into ".cargo/config"
+# - remove "Cargo.lock" if it exists (it breaks builds with custom cargo config)
+# - remove "Cargo.toml.orig" if it exists (it breaks running "cargo package")
+# Options:
+#   -V     - unpack and use vendored sources from Source tarball
+#                    (deprecated; use -v instead)
+#   -v  - use vendored sources from 
+#   -N             - Don't set up any registry. Only set up the build configuration.
+%{-v:%{-V:%{error:-v and -V are mutually exclusive!}}}\
+%{-v:%{-N:%{error:-v and -N are mutually exclusive!}}}\
+set -euo pipefail\
+%{__mkdir} -p target/rpm\
+/usr/bin/ln -s rpm target/release\
+%{__rm} -rf .cargo/\
+%{__mkdir} -p .cargo\
+cat > .cargo/config << EOF\
 rustc = "%{__rustc}"\
 rustdoc = "%{__rustdoc}"\
+inherits = "release"\
+opt-level = %{rustflags_opt_level}\
+codegen-units = %{rustflags_codegen_units}\
+debug = %{rustflags_debuginfo}\
+strip = "none"\
 CFLAGS = "%{build_cflags}"\
 CXXFLAGS = "%{build_cxxflags}"\
@@ -73,37 +102,38 @@ root = "%{buildroot}%{_prefix}"\
 verbose = true\
-%if 0%{-V:1}\
-%{__tar} -xoaf %{S:%{-V*}}\
-cat >> .cargo/config << EOF \
+%{-V:%{__tar} -xoaf %{S:%{-V*}}}\
+cat >> .cargo/config << EOF\
+directory = "%{-v*}%{-V:./vendor}"\
+registry = "https://crates.io"\
 replace-with = "vendored-sources"\
-directory = "./vendor"\
+%{__rm} -f Cargo.toml.orig\
 # __cargo_parse_opts: function-like macro which parses common flags into the
 #       equivalent command-line flags for cargo
 %__cargo_parse_opts(naf:) %{shrink:\
-%{-f:%{-a:%{error:Can't specify both -f(%{-f*}) and -a}}} \
-  %{-n:--no-default-features}                             \
-  %{-a:--all-features}                                    \
-  %{-f:--features %{-f*}}                                 \
-  %{nil}
+    %{-n:%{-a:%{error:Can't specify both -n and -a}}}           \
+    %{-f:%{-a:%{error:Can't specify both -f(%{-f*}) and -a}}}   \
+    %{-n:--no-default-features}                                 \
+    %{-a:--all-features}                                        \
+    %{-f:--features %{-f*}}                                     \
+    %{nil}                                                      \
 # cargo_build: builds the crate with cargo with the specified feature flags
-%cargo_build(naf:) \
-  %{__cargo} build                                   \
-    %{__cargo_common_opts}                           \
-    --release                                        \
-    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}} \
-    %*                                               \
+%{shrink:                                               \
+    %{__cargo} build                                    \
+    %{__cargo_common_opts}                              \
+    --profile rpm                                       \
+    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}    \
+    %*                                                  \
 # cargo_test: runs the test suite with cargo with the specified feature flags
@@ -113,14 +143,14 @@ EOF\
 # macro argument parsing and "cargo test" argument parsing need to be bypassed,
 # i.e. "%%cargo_test -- -- --skip foo" for skipping all tests with names that
 # match "foo".
-%cargo_test(naf:) \
-  %{__cargo} test                                    \
-    %{__cargo_common_opts}                           \
-    --release                                        \
-    --no-fail-fast                                   \
-    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}} \
-    %*                                               \
+%{shrink:                                               \
+    %{__cargo} test                                     \
+    %{__cargo_common_opts}                              \
+    --profile rpm                                       \
+    --no-fail-fast                                      \
+    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}    \
+    %*                                                  \
 # cargo_install: install files into the buildroot
@@ -130,16 +160,18 @@ EOF\
 # "$CARGO_HOME/.crates.toml" file, which is used to keep track of which version
 # of a specific binary has been installed, but which conflicts between builds
 # of different Rust applications and is not needed when building RPM packages.
-%cargo_install(t:naf:) (                                          \
-set -eu                                                           \
-%{shrink:                                                         \
-  %{__cargo} install                                              \
-    %{__cargo_common_opts}                                        \
-    --no-track                                                    \
-    --path .                                                      \
-    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}              \
-    %*                                                            \
-}                                                                 \
+set -euo pipefail                                                   \
+  %{shrink:                                                         \
+    %{__cargo} install                                              \
+      %{__cargo_common_opts}                                        \
+      --profile rpm                                                 \
+      --no-track                                                    \
+      --path .                                                      \
+      %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}              \
+      %*                                                            \
+  }                                                                 \
 # cargo_license: print license information for all crate dependencies
@@ -156,19 +188,21 @@ set -eu                                                           \
 # The "cargo tree" command called by this macro will fail if there are missing
 # (optional) dependencies.
+set -euo pipefail\
+%{shrink:                                                           \
     %{__cargo} tree                                                 \
     --workspace                                                     \
     --offline                                                       \
     --edges no-build,no-dev,no-proc-macro                           \
     --no-dedupe                                                     \
-    --target all                                                    \
     %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}                \
     --prefix none                                                   \
     --format "{l}: {p}"                                             \
     | sed -e "s: ($(pwd)[^)]*)::g" -e "s: / :/:g" -e "s:/: OR :g"   \
-    | sort -u
+    | sort -u                                                       \
 # cargo_license_summary: print license summary for all crate dependencies
@@ -177,16 +211,46 @@ set -eu                                                           \
 # in the dependency tree. This is useful for determining the correct License
 # tag for packages that contain compiled Rust binaries.
+set -euo pipefail\
+%{shrink:                                                           \
     %{__cargo} tree                                                 \
     --workspace                                                     \
     --offline                                                       \
     --edges no-build,no-dev,no-proc-macro                           \
     --no-dedupe                                                     \
-    --target all                                                    \
     %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}                \
     --prefix none                                                   \
     --format "# {l}"                                                \
     | sed -e "s: / :/:g" -e "s:/: OR :g"                            \
     | sort -u                                                       \
+# cargo_vendor_manifest: write list of vendored crates and their versions
+# The arguments for the internal "cargo tree" call emulate the logic
+# that determines which crates are included when running "cargo vendor".
+# The results are written to "cargo-vendor.txt".
+# TODO: --all-features may be overly broad; this should be modified to
+# use %%__cargo_parse_opts to handle feature flags.
+set -euo pipefail\
+%{shrink:                                                           \
+    %{__cargo} tree                                                 \
+    --workspace                                                     \
+    --offline                                                       \
+    --edges normal,build                                            \
+    --no-dedupe                                                     \
+    --all-features                                                  \
+    --prefix none                                                   \
+    --format "{p}"                                                  \
+    | grep -v "$(pwd)"                                              \
+    | sed -e "s: (proc-macro)::"                                    \
+    | sort -u                                                       \
+    > cargo-vendor.txt                                              \
diff --git a/rust.spec b/rust.spec
index 377e94d..d5ddc9b 100644
--- a/rust.spec
+++ b/rust.spec
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ Patch6:         0001-bootstrap-only-show-PGO-warnings-when-verbose.patch
 # Simple rpm macros for rust-toolset (as opposed to full rust-packaging)
 Source100:      macros.rust-toolset
 Source101:      macros.rust-srpm
+Source102:      cargo_vendor.attr
+Source103:      cargo_vendor.prov
 # Disable cargo->libgit2->libssh2 on RHEL, as it's not approved for FIPS (rhbz1732949)
 Patch100:       rustc-1.75.0-disable-libssh2.patch
@@ -858,6 +860,8 @@ rm -f %{buildroot}%{rustlibdir}/%{rust_triple}/bin/rust-ll*
 # This allows users to build packages using Rust Toolset.
 %{__install} -D -m 644 %{S:100} %{buildroot}%{rpmmacrodir}/macros.rust-toolset
 %{__install} -D -m 644 %{S:101} %{buildroot}%{rpmmacrodir}/macros.rust-srpm
+%{__install} -D -m 644 %{S:102} %{buildroot}%{_fileattrsdir}/cargo_vendor.attr
+%{__install} -D -m 755 %{S:103} %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/cargo_vendor.prov
@@ -1042,6 +1046,8 @@ rm -rf "./build/%{rust_triple}/stage2-tools/%{rust_triple}/cit/"
 %files toolset