
567 lines
22 KiB

From de8e25ff3a30dbdbba6fb1b68ea0921dff55cd91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 14:32:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] rteval: Remove upstream spec file
Specfiles should be maintained by distributions and not in the upstream
code. In practice they are not maintained upstream except for version
numbers, so just remove the specfile.
This also moves a lot of functionality around rpms in the Makefile, but
this functionality exists in tools such as rpmbuild and friends anyway.
Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
Makefile | 37 ----
rteval.spec | 484 ----------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 521 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 rteval.spec
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 14f74e087eff..ee4cca555b95 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -79,49 +79,12 @@ rpm_prep:
rpms rpm: rpm_prep rtevalrpm loadrpm
-rtevalrpm: rteval-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
- cp $^ rpm/SOURCES
- cp rteval.spec rpm/SPECS
- rpmbuild -ba --define "_topdir $(HERE)/rpm" rpm/SPECS/rteval.spec
-rtevalsrpm: rteval-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
- cp $^ rpm/SOURCES
- cp rteval.spec rpm/SPECS
- rpmbuild -bs --define "_topdir $(HERE)/rpm" rpm/SPECS/rteval.spec
-xmlrpcrpm: rteval-xmlrpc-$(XMLRPCVER).tar.gz
- cp rteval-xmlrpc-$(XMLRPCVER).tar.gz rpm/SOURCES/
- cp server/rteval-parser.spec rpm/SPECS/
- rpmbuild -ba --define "_topdir $(HERE)/rpm" rpm/SPECS/rteval-parser.spec
-xmlsrpm: rteval-xmlrpc-$(XMLRPCVER).tar.gz
- cp rteval-xmlrpc-$(XMLRPCVER).tar.gz rpm/SOURCES/
- cp server/rteval-parser.spec rpm/SPECS/
- rpmbuild -bs --define "_topdir $(HERE)/rpm" rpm/SPECS/rteval-parser.spec
- rm -rf rpm-loads
- mkdir -p rpm-loads/{BUILD,RPMS,SRPMS,SOURCES,SPECS}
- cp rteval-loads.spec rpm-loads/SPECS
- cp $(LOADS) rpm-loads/SOURCES
- rpmbuild -ba --define "_topdir $(HERE)/rpm-loads" rpm-loads/SPECS/rteval-loads.spec
-rpmlint: rpms
- @echo "==============="
- @echo "running rpmlint"
- rpmlint -v $(shell find ./rpm -type f -name "*.rpm") \
- $(shell find ./rpm-loads -type f -name "*.rpm") \
- $(shell find ./rpm/SPECS -type f -name "rteval*.spec") \
- $(shell find ./rpm-loads/SPECS -type f -name "rteval*.spec" )
@echo ""
@echo "rteval Makefile targets:"
@echo ""
@echo " runit: do a short testrun locally [default]"
- @echo " rpm: run rpmbuild for all rpms"
- @echo " rpmlint: run rpmlint against all rpms/srpms/specfiles"
@echo " tarfile: create the source tarball"
@echo " install: install rteval locally"
@echo " clean: cleanup generated files"
diff --git a/rteval.spec b/rteval.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index b5842f0d8206..000000000000
--- a/rteval.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
-%{!?python_ver: %define python_ver %(%{__python} -c "import sys ; print sys.version[:3]")}
-Name: rteval
-Version: 3.7
-Release: 1%{?dist}
-Summary: Utility to evaluate system suitability for RT Linux
-Group: Development/Tools
-License: GPLv2
-URL: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/clrkwllms/rteval.git
-Source0: rteval-%{version}.tar.bz2
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
-BuildRequires: python3-devel
-Requires: platform-python
-Requires: python3-ethtool python3-lxml
-Requires: python3-dmidecode >= 3.10
-Requires: rt-tests >= 0.97
-Requires: rteval-loads >= 1.4
-Requires: rteval-common => %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: sysstat
-Requires: bzip2
-Requires: kernel-headers
-Requires: sos
-BuildArch: noarch
-Obsoletes: rteval <= 1.7
-Requires: numactl
-The rteval script is a utility for measuring various aspects of
-realtime behavior on a system under load. The script unpacks the
-kernel source, and then goes into a loop, running hackbench and
-compiling a kernel tree. During that loop the cyclictest program
-is run to measure event response time. After the run time completes,
-a statistical analysis of the event response times is done and printed
-to the screen.
-%package common
-Summary: Common rteval files
-BuildArch: noarch
-%description common
-Common files used by rteval, rteval-xmlrpc and rteval-parser
-%setup -q
-# version sanity check (make sure specfile and rteval.py match)
-cp rteval/version.py rtevalversion.py
-srcver=$(%{__python} -c "from rtevalversion import RTEVAL_VERSION; print RTEVAL_VERSION")
-rm -rf rtevalversion.py
-if [ $srcver != %{version} ]; then
- printf "\n***\n*** rteval spec file version do not match the rteval/rteval.py version\n***\n\n"
- exit -1
-%{__python} setup.py build
-%{__python} setup.py install --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%files common
-%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
-%if "%{python_ver}" >= "2.5"
-%doc COPYING README doc/rteval.txt
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rteval.conf
-* Thu Mar 16 2017 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.14-1
-- removed leftover import of systopology from sysinfo
-* Wed Mar 15 2017 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.13-2
-- Updated specfile to correct version and bz [1382155]
-* Tue Sep 20 2016 Clark Williams <williams@rehdat.com> - 2.12-1
-- handle empty environment variables SUDO_USER and USER [1312057]
-* Tue Aug 30 2016 Clark Williams <williams@rehdat.com> - 2.11-1
-- make sure we return non-zero for early exit from tests
-* Wed Aug 3 2016 Clark Williams <williams@rehdat.com> - 2.10-1
-- bumped version for RHEL 7.3 release
-* Mon May 9 2016 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.9.1
-- default cpulist for modules if only one specified [1333831]
-* Tue Apr 26 2016 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.8.1
-- add the --version option to print the rteval version
-- made the --cyclictest-breaktrace option work properly [1209986]
-* Fri Apr 1 2016 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.7.1
-- treat SIGINT and SIGTERM as valid end-of-run events [1278757]
-- added cpulist options to man page
-* Thu Feb 11 2016 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.6.1
-- update to make --loads-cpulist and --measurement-cpulist work [1306437]
-* Thu Dec 10 2015 Clark Williams <williams@refhat.com> - 2.5-1
-- stop using old numactl --cpubind argument
-* Wed Dec 9 2015 Clark Williams <williams@refhat.com> - 2.4.2
-- added Require of package numactl
-* Tue Nov 17 2015 Clark Williams <williams@refhat.com> - 2.4.1
-- rework hackbench load to not generate cross-node traffic [1282826]
-* Wed Aug 12 2015 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.3-1
-- comment out HWLatDetect module from default config [1245699]
-* Wed Jun 10 2015 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.2-1
-- add --loads-cpulist and --measurement-cpulist to allow cpu placement [1230401]
-* Thu Apr 23 2015 Luis Claudio R. Goncalves <lgoncalv@redhat.com> - 2.1-8
-- load default configs when no config file is specified (Jiri kastner) [1212452]
-* Wed Jan 14 2015 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.1-7
-- added requires of bzip2 to specfile [1151567]
-* Thu Jan 8 2015 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.1-6
-- cleaned up product documentation [1173315]
-* Mon Nov 10 2014 Luis Claudio R. Goncalves <lgoncalv@redhat.com> - 2.1-5
-- rebuild for RHEL-7.1 (1151567)
-* Thu Mar 27 2014 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.1-4
-- cherry-picked old commit to deal with installdir problem
-* Wed Mar 26 2014 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 2.1-3
-- added sysstat requires to specfile
-* Tue Mar 12 2013 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 2.1-2
-- Migrated from libxslt-python to python-lxml
-* Fri Jan 18 2013 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 2.1-1
-- Made some log lines clearer
-- cyclictest: Added --cyclictest-breaktrace feature
-- cyclictest: Removed --cyclictest-distance option
-- cyclictest: Use a tempfile buffer for cyclictest's stdout data
-- cyclictest: Report if breaktrace was triggered
-- cyclictest: Make the unit test work again
-- cyclictest: Only log and show statistic data when samples are collected
-- Copyright updates
-* Thu Jan 17 2013 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 2.0.1-1
-- Fix up type casting in the core module code
-- hwlatdetect: Add some more useful debug info
-- Reworked the run logic for modules - allow them to flag they won't run
-- Fixed a few log messages in load modules
-- Add a 30 seconds sleep before unleashing the measurement threads
-* Thu Jan 10 2013 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 2.0-3
-- Separate out RTEVAL_VERSION into rteval.version, to avoid
- massive BuildRequirements
-* Fri Dec 21 2012 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 2.0-2
-- Split out common files into rteval-common
-* Fri Dec 21 2012 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 2.0-1
-- Updated to rteval v2.0 and reworked spec file to use setup.py directly
-* Tue Oct 23 2012 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.36-1
-- deal with system not having dmidecode python module
-- make sure to cast priority parameter to int
-- from Raphaël Beamonte <raphael.beamonte@gmail.com>:
- - Rewrite of the get_kthreads method to make it cross-distribution
- - Adds getcmdpath method to use which to locate the used commands
- - Rewrite of the get_services method to make it cross-distribution
-* Mon Apr 2 2012 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.35-1
-- fix thinko where SIGINT and SIGTERM handlers were commented out
-* Thu Jan 12 2012 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.34-1
-- fix missing config merge in rteval.py to pass parameters
- down to cyclictest
-- modify hackbench to use helper function to start process
-* Sat May 14 2011 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.33-1
-- modify hackbench cutoff to be 0.75GB/core
-* Mon Aug 23 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.32-1
-- update docs
-- refactor some RTEval methods to utility functions
-- modify hackbench.py not to run under low memory conditions
-- clean up XML generation to deal with new hackbench code
-- clean up XSL code to deal with new XML 'run' attribute
-- from David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com>:
- - improve CPU socket counting logic
- - delay log directory creation until actually needed
-- from Gowrishankar <gowrishankar.m@in.ibm.com>:
- - check if the core id really exists (multithreading fix)
-* Mon Jul 26 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.31-1
-- from David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com>:
- - Updated hackbench implementation to avoid overusing resources
- - Don't show NUMA node information if it's missing in the summary.xml
- - Show CPU cores properly
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.30-1
-- added code to hackbench to try to detect and ease memory pressure
-* Fri Jul 16 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.29-1
-- fixed incorrect type value in kcompile.py
-* Fri Jul 16 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.28-1
-- added logic to loads to adjust number of jobs based on ratio
- of memory per core
-* Wed Jul 14 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.27-1
-- modified hackbench to go back to using threads rather than
- processes for units of work
-- added memory size, number of numa nodes and run duration to the
- parameter dictionary passed to all loads and cyclictest
-* Tue Jul 13 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.26-1
-- modified hackbench parameters to reduce memory consumption
-* Mon Jul 12 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.25-1
-- fixed cyclictest bug that caused everything to be uniprocessor
-- updated source copyrights to 2010
-* Fri Jul 9 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.24-1
-- modified hackbench arguments and added new parameters for
- hackbench in rteval.conf
-* Thu Jul 8 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.23-1
-- version bump to deal with out-of-sync cvs issue
-* Thu Jul 8 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.22-1
-- merged David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> changes to use
- hackbench from rt-tests packages rather than carry local copy
-- converted all loads and cyclictest to pass __init__ parameters
- in a dictionary rather than as discrete parameters
-- added logging for load output
-* Tue Apr 13 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.21-1
-- from Luis Claudio Goncalves <lgoncalv@redhat.com>:
- - remove unecessary wait() call in cyclictest.py
- - close /dev/null after using it
- - call subprocess.wait() when needed
- - remove delayloop code in hackbench.py
-- from David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com>:
- - add SIGINT handler
- - handle non-root user case
- - process DMI warnings before command line arguments
- - added --annotate feature to rteval
- - updates to xmlrpc code
-* Tue Apr 6 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.20-1
-- code fixes from Luis Claudio Goncalves <lgoncalv@redhat.com>
-- from David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com>:
- - xmlrpc server updates
- - cputopology.py for recording topology in xml
- - added NUMA node recording for run data
- - rpmlint fixes
-- added start of rteval whitepaper in docs dir
-* Tue Mar 16 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.19-1
-- add ability for --summarize to read tarfiles
-- from David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com>
- - gather info about loaded kernel modules for XML file
- - added child tracking to hackbench to prevent zombies
-* Tue Feb 16 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.18-1
-- fix usage of python 2.6 features on RHEL5 (python 2.4)
-* Tue Feb 16 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.17-1
-- added logic to filter non-printables from service status output
- so that we have legal XML output
-- added logic to hackbench.py to cleanup properly at the end
- of the test
-* Thu Feb 11 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.16-1
-- fix errors in show_remaining_time() introduced because
- time values are floats rather than ints
-* Thu Feb 11 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.15-1
-- added logic to use --numa and --smp options of new cyclictest
-- added countdown report for time remaining in a run
-* Tue Feb 9 2010 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.14-1
-- David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com>:
- merged XMLReport() changes for hwcert suite
-* Tue Dec 22 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.13-1
-- added cyclictest default initializers
-- added sanity checks to statistics reduction code
-- updated release checklist to include origin push
-- updated Makefile clean and help targets
-- davids updates (mainly for v7 integration):
- - Add explicit sys.path directory to the python sitelib+
- '/rteval'
- - Send program arguments via RtEval() constructor
- - Added more DMI data into the summary.xml report
- - Fixed issue with not including all devices in the
- OnBoardDeviceInfo tag
-* Thu Dec 3 2009 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 1.12-2
-- fixed Makefile and specfile to include and install the
- rteval/rteval_histogram_raw.py source file for gaining
- raw access to histogram data
-- Removed xmlrpc package during merge against master_ipv4 branch
-* Wed Nov 25 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.12-1
-- fix incorrect reporting of measurement thread priorities
-* Mon Nov 16 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.11-5
-- ensure that no double-slashes ("//") appear in the symlink
- path for /usr/bin/rteval (problem with rpmdiff)
-* Tue Nov 10 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.11-4
-- changed symlink back to install and tracked by %%files
-* Mon Nov 9 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.11-3
-- changed symlink generation from %%post to %%posttrans
-* Mon Nov 9 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.11-2
-- fixed incorrect dependency for libxslt
-* Fri Nov 6 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.11-1
-- added base OS info to XML file and XSL report
-- created new package rteval-loads for the load source code
-* Wed Nov 4 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.10-1
-- added config file section for cyclictest and two settable
- parameters, buckets and interval
-* Thu Oct 29 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.9-1
-- merged davids updates:
- -H option (raw histogram data)
- cleaned up xsl files
- fixed cpu sorting
-* Mon Oct 26 2009 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 1.8-3
-- Fixed rpmlint complaints
-* Mon Oct 26 2009 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 1.8-2
-- Added xmlrpc package, containing the XML-RPC mod_python modules
-* Tue Oct 20 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.8-1
-- split kcompile and hackbench into sub-packages
-- reworked Makefile (and specfile) install/uninstall logic
-- fixed sysreport incorrect plugin option
-- catch failure when running on root-squashed NFS
-* Tue Oct 13 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.7-1
-- added kthread status to xml file
-- merged davids changes for option processing and additions
- to xml summary
-* Tue Oct 13 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.6-1
-- changed stat calculation to loop less
-- added methods to grab service and kthread status
-* Mon Oct 12 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.5-1
-- changed cyclictest to use less memory when doing statisics
- calculations
-- updated debug output to use module name prefixes
-- changed option processing to only process config file once
-* Fri Oct 9 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.4-1
-- changed cyclictest to use histogram rather than sample array
-- calcuated statistics directly from histogram
-- changed sample interval to 100us
-- added -a (affinity) argument to force cpu affinity for
- measurement threads
-* Thu Sep 24 2009 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 1.3-3
-- Cleaned up the spec file and made rpmlint happy
-* Wed Sep 23 2009 David Sommerseth <davids@redhat.com> - 1.3-2
-- Removed version number from /usr/share/rteval path
-* Tue Sep 22 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.3-1
-- changes from davids:
- * changed report code to sort by processor id
- * added report submission retry logic
- * added emailer class
-* Fri Sep 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.2-1
-- added config file handling for modifying load behavior and
- setting defaults
-- added units in report per IBM request
-* Wed Aug 26 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.1-2
-- missed a version change in rteval/rteval.py
-* Wed Aug 26 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.1-1
-- modified cyclictest.py to start cyclictest threads with a
- 'distance' of zero, meaning they all have the same measurement
- interval
-* Tue Aug 25 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 1.0-1
-- merged davids XMLRPC fixes
-- fixed --workdir option
-- verion bump to 1.0
-* Thu Aug 13 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 0.9-2
-- fixed problem with incorrect version in rteval.py
-* Tue Aug 4 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 0.9-1
-- merged dsommers XMLRPC and database changes
-- Specify minimum python-dmidecode version, which got native XML support
-- Added rteval_dmi.xsl
-- Fixed permission issues in /usr/share/rteval-x.xx
-* Wed Jul 22 2009 Clark Williams <williams@redhat.com> - 0.8-1
-- added code to capture clocksource info
-- added code to copy dmesg info to report directory
-- added code to display clocksource info in report
-- added --summarize option to display summary of existing report
-- added helpfile target to Makefile
-* Thu Mar 26 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.7-1
-- added require for python-schedutils to specfile
-- added default for cyclictest output file
-- added help parameter to option parser data
-- renamed xml output file to summary.xml
-- added routine to create tarfile of result files
-* Wed Mar 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.6-6
-- added code to handle binary data coming from DMI tables
-* Wed Mar 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.6-5
-- fixed logic for locating XSL template (williams)
-- fixed another stupid typo in specfile (williams)
-* Wed Mar 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.6-4
-- fixed specfile to install rteval_text.xsl in /usr/share directory
-* Wed Mar 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.6-3
-- added Requires for libxslt-python (williams)
-- fixed race condition in xmlout constructor/destructor (williams)
-* Wed Mar 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.6-2
-- added Requires for libxslt (williams)
-- fixed stupid typo in rteval/rteval.py (williams)
-* Wed Mar 18 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.6-1
-- added xml output logic (williams, dsommers)
-- added xlst template for report generator (dsommers)
-- added dmi/smbios output to report (williams)
-- added __del__ method to hackbench to cleanup after run (williams)
-- modified to always keep run data (williams)
-* Fri Feb 20 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.5-1
-- fixed tab/space mix problem
-- added report path line to report
-* Fri Feb 20 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.4-1
-- reworked report output
-- handle keyboard interrupt better
-- removed duration mismatch between rteval and cyclictest
-* Mon Feb 2 2009 Clark Williams <williams@torg> - 0.3-1
-- initial checkin