Resolves: RHEL-70110
Fix $ActionQueueDiscardMark default value to 80% queue size
Resolves: RHEL-41153
Fix segfault when $ControlCharacterEscapePrefix is set
Resolves: RHEL-35823
Fix segfault due to processing malform queue message
Resolves: RHEL-33451
Fix crash on startup when an invalid function is specified
Resolves: RHEL-59893
Startup rsyslog service after
Resolves: RHEL-39284
Harden service file
Resolves: RHEL-39237
imjournal: PID nummber is retrieved from the journal by default
Resolves: RHEL-39413
- changed name of created file in logrotate.d to non-generic one
resolves: rhbz1269244
- added symlink to syslog.service
resolves: rhbz1343132
- added documentation for recover_qi
resolves: rhbz1286707
- changed default .conf added imuxsock, seqfault is not present anymore
- dropped rsyslog-8.12.0-gnutls-detection.patch
- dropped rsyslog-8.8.0-immutable-json-props.patch
- remove from specs but nor from git
- could be useful in future
- removed unused files from git
Most importantly, this release fixes a potential vulnerability,
The impact should be low as only those using the omelasticsearch
plugin with a specific configuration are exposed.
- regenerate patch 0
- drop patches merged upstream: 4..8
- add a dependency on the version of systemd which resolves rhbz#974132
- update option name in rsyslog.conf
- src: rsyslog-7.3.15-20130604git6e72fa6.tar.gz
- drop patches 3, 4 - merged upstream
- add a patch to silence warnings emitted by the imuxsock module
- drop the imkmsg plugin
- enable compilation of additional modules
imjournal, mmanon, omjournal, omrabbitmq
- new subpackages: crypto, rabbitmq
- add python-docutils and autoconf to global BuildRequires
- drop the option for backwards compatibility from the
sysconfig file - it is no longer supported
- call autoreconf to prepare the snapshot for building
add a patch to resolve#950088 - ratelimiter segfault, merged upstream
add a patch to correct a default value, merged upstream
drop patch 5 - fixed upstream