Upstream glibc removed the .hash section after a long deprecation period. Unfortunately, the deprecation was not widely known and caused issues for some proprietary software. This has led to the .hash section being added to glibc again (at least temporarily), but many/most of the packages in Fedora have been built with only the .gnu.hash section. Producing an error for all of these packages is counter-productive, as the packagers building them have little control over this area. Ignore the error by default. Resolves: #2132969
361 lines
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361 lines
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# Fedora's configuration for the rpmlint utility.
# When checking that various files that should be compressed are
# indeed compressed, look for this filename extension
CompressExtension = "gz"
# simple error is enough; warnings are fine
BadnessThreshold = -1
# Whether to allow packaging kernel modules in non-kernel packages.
KernelModuleRPMsOK = false
# Maximum allowed line length for Summary and Description tags
MaxLineLength = 80
# Assumed default version of Python if one cannot be determined from files
# FIXME this should be sys.version[:3] but I have no idea how to implement it
# here without changing it every other release
PythonDefaultVersion = ""
# Regexp string with expected suffix in Release tags.
ReleaseExtension = '\.(fc|rhe?l|el)\d+(?=\.|$)'
# Whether to want default start/stop runlevels specified in init scripts
UseDefaultRunlevels = false
ValidSrcPerms = [
# List of directories considered to be system default library search paths.
SystemLibPaths = [
# Enabled checks for the rpmlint to be run (besides the default set)
Checks = [
# Interpreters whose scriptlets are allowed to be empty
ValidEmptyShells = [
# Package scriptlet interpreters
ValidShells = [
Filters = [
# FIXME - the commented lines are from openSUSE config
# Are they relevant for Fedora too?
# PR which enables them or remove them is welcome
## Stuff autobuild takes care about
# '.*invalid-version.*',
# '.*invalid-packager.*',
# '.*invalid-buildhost.*',
# '.*hardcoded-path-in-buildroot-tag.*',
# '.*cross-directory-hard-link.*',
# Do not validate package rpm groups
# Output filters
# '.*spurious-bracket-in-.*',
# '.*one-line-command-in-.*',
# ' dir-or-file-in-opt ', # handled by
# ' dir-or-file-in-usr-local ', # handled by
' non-standard-dir-in-usr ', # handled by
' no-signature',
# ' symlink-crontab-file', #bnc591431
# ' without-chkconfig',
# 'unstripped-binary-or-object.*\.ko',
# ' no-chkconfig',
# ' subsys-not-used',
# ' dangerous-command.*',
# ' setuid-binary.*',
# 'subdir-in-bin /sbin/conf.d/',
# '.* nss_db non-standard-dir-in-var db',
# 'non-standard-dir-in-usr openwin',
# 'ibcs2 non-standard-dir-in-usr i486-sysv4',
# 'shlibs5 non-standard-dir-in-usr i486-linux-libc5',
# 'explicit-lib-dependency libtool',
## Filesystem package needs special exceptions
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-run',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-lock',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-tmp',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-run',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-lock',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-usr-tmp',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-tmp',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-mnt',
# '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-home',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /root/.gnupg',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /root/.gnupg',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /etc/skel/.config',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /etc/skel/.local',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /tmp/.X11-unix',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /tmp/.ICE-unix',
# '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /etc/skel/.fonts',
# '^filesystem\..*: filelist-forbidden-fhs23',
# '^filesystem\..*: filelist-forbidden-opt',
# '^filesystem\..*: non-standard-uid /var/lib/nobody nobody',
# '^filesystem\..*: missing-dependency-to-cron',
## has arch specific dirs in /usr
# '^filesystem\..*: no-binary',
## Suppress any errors about internal packages
# '^qa\S+: [EWI]:',
# '^\S*(?:INTERNAL|internal)\.\S+: [EWI]:',
## Exceptions for devel-files
# 'devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/boot/vmlinuz-.*autoconf.h',
# 'devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/usr/src/linux-',
# 'devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/usr/share/systemtap',
# '-(?:examples|doc)\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'java\S+-demo\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'avr-libc\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'cross-.*devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'cmake.*devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'gcc\d\d.*devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'OpenOffice_org-sdk\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'wnn-sdk\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'ocaml\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'xorg-x11-server-sdk\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'linux-kernel-headers\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# ' devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*-config',
# 'libtool\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
# 'sdb.* dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/doc/sdb/.*/gifs ../gifs',
# 'kernel-modules-not-in-kernel-packages',
## SUSE kmp's don't need manual depmod (bnc#456048)
# 'module-without-depmod-postin',
# 'postin-with-wrong-depmod',
# 'module-without-depmod-postun',
# 'postun-with-wrong-depmod',
# 'configure-without-libdir-spec',
# 'conffile-without-noreplace-flag /etc/init.d',
# 'use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR',
# 'use-tmp-in-',
# 'symlink-contains-up-and-down-segments /var/lib/named',
# 'no-ldconfig-symlink',
# 'aaa_base\.\S+: \w: use-of-home-in-%post',
# 'description-line-too-long',
## Doesn't seem to make sense
# 'invalid-ldconfig-symlink',
# 'invalid-soname',
# 'library-not-linked-against-libc',
# 'only-non-binary-in-usr-lib',
## We want these files
# ' perl-temp-file ',
# ' hidden-file-or-dir .*/\.packlist',
# ' hidden-file-or-dir .*/\.directory',
# 'perl-.*no-binary',
' no-major-in-name ',
## We check for that already
# 'dangling-relative-symlink',
' lib-package-without-%mklibname',
' requires-on-release',
# ' non-executable-script /etc/profile.d/',
# ' non-executable-script /var/adm/fillup-templates/',
# ' init-script-name-with-dot ',
# '.* statically-linked-binary /sbin/ldconfig',
# '.* statically-linked-binary /sbin/init',
# 'valgrind.* statically-linked-binary',
# 'ldconfig-post.*/ddiwrapper/wine/',
# 'glibc\.\S+: \w: statically-linked-binary /usr/sbin/glibc_post_upgrade',
' symlink-should-be-relative ',
# ' binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath .*ORIGIN',
# 'libzypp.*shlib-policy-name-error.*libzypp',
# 'libtool.*shlib-policy.*',
## Stuff that is currently too noisy, but might become relevant in the future
# ' prereq-use',
# ' file-not-utf8',
# ' tag-not-utf8',
# ' setup-not-quiet',
# ' mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs ',
# ' prereq-use ',
## An issue with OBS, works with autobuild
' no-packager-tag',
# ' unversioned-explicit-provides ',
# ' unversioned-explicit-obsoletes ',
# ' service-default-enabled ',
# ' non-standard-dir-perm ',
# ' conffile-without-noreplace-flag ',
# ' non-standard-executable-perm ',
' jar-not-indexed ',
# ' uncompressed-zip ',
# ' %ifarch-applied-patch ',
# ' read-error ',
# ' init-script-without-chkconfig-postin ',
# ' init-script-without-chkconfig-preun ',
# ' postin-without-chkconfig ',
# ' preun-without-chkconfig ',
' no-dependency-on locales',
' no-dependency-on perl-base',
' no-dependency-on python-base',
' python-naming-policy-not-applied',
# FIXME does this really exists?
' perl-naming-policy-not-applied',
# ' shlib-policy-name-error',
# ' binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath',
# ' executable-marked-as-config-file',
# ' log-files-without-logrotate',
# ' hardcoded-prefix-tag',
'-debug(info|source).* no-documentation',
'-debugsource.* no-binary',
# ' multiple-specfiles',
# ' no-default-runlevel ',
# ' setgid-binary ',
# ' non-readable ',
' postin-without-ghost-file-creation ',
## Exceptions for filelist checks
# 'nfs-client\.\S+: \w: filelist-forbidden-backup-file /var/lib/nfs/sm.bak',
# 'perl\.\S+: \w: filelist-forbidden-perl-dir ',
# 'info\.\S+: \w: info-dir-file .*/usr/share/info/dir',
## These packages are used for CD creation and are not supposed to be
## installed. It's still a dirty hack to make an exception. The
## packages should either be built in a separate project with
## different config or file be put somewhere below /opt/suse/*
# '(?:dosutils|skelcd|installation-images|yast2-slide-show|instlux|skelcd-.*|patterns-.*)\.\S+: \w: filelist-forbidden-fhs23 /CD1',
## Too noisy, and usually not something downstream packagers can fix
# ' incorrect-fsf-address ',
# ' no-manual-page-for-binary ',
# ' static-library-without-debuginfo /usr/lib(?:64)?/ghc-[\d\.]+/',
## Many places have shorter paths
# ' non-coherent-filename ',
# Mandriva specific stuff that Fedora do not want either
' invalid-build-requires ',
# Fedora specific stuff that we don't want
' ghost-files-without-postin',
' no-provides ',
'-debuginfo.* /usr/lib/debug/',
'-debugsource.* /usr/src/debug/',
'-devel.* no-binary',
' doc-file-dependency .* /bin/sh$',
'explicit-lib-dependency (liberation-fonts|libertas-.*-firmware|libvirt$|.*-(java|python|utils)$)',
'explicit-lib-dependency (python-.*lib.*|python2-.*lib.*|python3-.*lib.*)$',
'explicit-lib-dependency libreoffice.*$',
'dangling-\S*symlink /usr/share/doc/HTML/\S+/common .+/common$',
'hidden-file-or-dir .*/man5/\.k5login\.5[^/]+$',
'blender.+ (wrong-script-interpreter|non-executable-script) .+/blender/.+\.py.*BPY.*',
# Don't bother with the non-ghost-in-run checks, /var/lock and /var/run are
# symlinks to /run/lock and /run respectively, and /run is a tmpfs
# Someone thought it was a good idea to make .desktop files executable. They were wrong.
# Nevertheless, I do not yet control the universe, so we squelch the error here.
'script-without-shebang .*\.desktop$',
# Some files in /etc/ are not meant to be modified by the sysadmin
'non-conffile-in-etc /etc/rpm/.*$',
# Files that are intentionally not supposed to be readable
# Contains passwords
'non-readable /etc/ovirt-engine/isouploader.conf',
## Ignore webservers which are just broken.
'invalid-url .*\.googlecode\.com/.*HTTP Error 404',
'invalid-url .*\.jboss\.org/.*HTTP Error 403',
'invalid-url .*bitbucket\.org/.*HTTP Error 403',
'invalid-url .*github\.com/.*HTTP Error 403',
# Don't care about long descriptions on debuginfo packages
# They automatically include the package name and are always
# quite long.
'-debuginfo.* description-line-too-long',
# ignore "common" jargon words
'spelling-error.* \b(runtime|Runtime|metadata|cryptographic|multi|linux|filesystem|filesystems|backend|backends|userspace|addon|wayland|Wayland|util|utils|lossless|virtualization|toolkits|libvirtd|crypto|glyphs|GStreamer|http|extensibility|codec|codecs|truetype|scalable|pluggable|pixbuf|Kerberos|customizable|bitstream|tcp|libXss|libs|libc|encodings|GLib|udev|posix|libpng|glapi|gbm|freedesktop|spi|realtime|preprocessor|libaudit|hypervisor|embeddable|distributable|devel|config|cairo|bootloader|adaptors|pragma|passphrase|malloc|libvirt|libmagic|io|datetime|boolean|argparse|py|pinentry|namespace|middleware|lowlevel|libxcb|libudev|libsoup|libgcrypt|libcom|iSCSI|initramfs|GObject|executables|dialogs|checkpolicy|bitmapped|assistive|btrfs|crypttab|defrag|dracut|hostname|luks|mountpoints|netdev|rpmnew|rpmsave|storaged|tss|unlocker)\b',
# Fedora no longer uses explicit ldconfig %post/%postun as of Fedora 28
# Ignore 700 dir perms here
'non-standard-dir-perm /etc/.* 700',
'non-standard-dir-perm /var/lib/.* 700',
# pip 20.2 generates PEP 376 "REQUESTED" marker (empty)
'zero-length .+/site-packages/.+\.dist-info/REQUESTED\b',
# py.typed files are empty
'zero-length .+/site-packages/.+/py\.typed\b',
'coreutils.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /bin/su (root )?04',
'krb5-workstation.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/kerberos/bin/ksu (root )?04',
'passwd.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/bin/passwd (root )?04',
'sudo.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/bin/sudo(edit)? (root )?04',
'upstart.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /sbin/initctl (root )?04',
'usermode.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/sbin/userhelper (root )?04',
# Only works properly with SUSE packages. See
# ignore missing .hash section; we still warn if .gnu.hash is missing
' missing-hash-section ',
## Bash completion files are not scripts, do not require them marked as %config
# 'W: non-conffile-in-etc /etc/bash_completion.d/',
# Info uses file triggers now (boo#1152169)
' info-files-without-install-info-postin',
' info-files-without-install-info-postun ',
' postin-without-install-info ',
path = "/usr/share/doc/licenses/"
name = "licenses"
path = "consolehelper$"
name = "usermode"
path = "consolehelper-gtk$"
name = "usermode-gtk"
non-standard-uid = '''A file in this package is owned by an unregistered user id.
To register the user, please make a pull request to the rpmlint config file
configs/Fedora/fedora.toml in the rpmlint repository.
non-standard-gid = '''A file in this package is owned by an unregistered group id.
To register the group, please make a pull request to the rpmlint config file
configs/Fedora/fedora.toml in the rpmlint repository.
no-changelogname-tag = '''There is no changelog. Please insert a '%changelog' section heading in your
spec file and prepare your changelog entry using e.g. the 'rpmdev-bumpspec' command.'''