--- - hosts: localhost tags: - atomic tasks: # XXX: move to standard-test-roles, e.g. standard-test-get-source - name: install koji package: name={{item}} state=present # XXX: state=latest with_items: - koji - rpm-build - dnf-plugins-core - name: provision VM qemu_provision: subjects: "{{subjects}}" log: "{{artifacts}}/machine.log" register: qemu - set_fact: vmssh: ssh -F {{qemu.statedir}}/ssh-config vmcheck - block: - name: get source rpm from environment command: "{{vmssh}} rpm -q rpm-ostree --qf '%{SOURCERPM}'" register: srpm - name: create temporary source dir tempfile: state=directory register: tmpd # XXX: this approach is probably going to break apart once we start # running tests per dist-git PR (since they'll probably not be built in # koji anymore) - name: download source rpm command: koji download-build --rpm {{srpm.stdout}} args: chdir: "{{tmpd.path}}" - set_fact: srpmpath: "{{tmpd.path}}/{{srpm.stdout}}" - name: install build dependencies command: dnf builddep -y {{srpmpath}} - name: extract source rpm command: > rpmbuild --define "_srcrpmdir {{tmpd.path}}" --define "_buildrootdir {{tmpd.path}}" --define "_rpmdir {{tmpd.path}}" --define "_specdir {{tmpd.path}}" --define "_sourcedir {{tmpd.path}}" --define "_builddir {{tmpd.path}}" -rp {{srpmpath}} # XXX: this should be made a param to the role and kept in sync with %setup # -n $DIR. here we just assume the default name in case -n is not used - name: construct buildsubdir from rpmdb command: rpm -qp {{srpmpath}} --qf '{{tmpd.path}}/%{NAME}-%{VERSION}' register: buildsubdir - name: import ssh-config command: cp {{qemu.statedir}}/ssh-config {{buildsubdir.stdout}} # XXX: need to upstream this - name: create and rebase onto vmcheck command: "{{vmssh}} rpm-ostree status --json" register: status - set_fact: status_json: "{{ status.stdout | from_json }}" - command: "{{vmssh}} ostree refs {{ status_json['deployments'][0]['origin'] }} --create vmcheck" - command: "{{vmssh}} rpm-ostree rebase :vmcheck" # XXX: use ans_reboot.yml from a-h-t - shell: "{{vmssh}} shutdown -r now" ignore_errors: true - name: run vmcheck command: tests/vmcheck/multitest.py vmcheck # XXX: consider making vmcheck become an installed test environment: VMTESTS: 1 SKIP_VMOVERLAY: 1 TESTS: basic layering-basic topsrcdir: "{{buildsubdir.stdout}}" commondir: "{{buildsubdir.stdout}}/tests/common" args: chdir: "{{buildsubdir.stdout}}" always: - name: teardown VM qemu_teardown: statedir: "{{qemu.statedir}}" - name: fetch vmcheck results synchronize: src: "{{buildsubdir.stdout}}/vmcheck/" dest: "{{artifacts}}/vmcheck" mode: pull delete: yes - name: delete temporary dir file: path="{{tmpd.path}}" state=absent