2024-04-19 14:27:32 +00:00
# maps the source file to the roles that use that file
# value can be string or space delimited list of strings
# role name `__collection` means - do not vendor into
# role, just vendor directly into the collection
declare - A plugin_map = (
[ ansible / posix / plugins / modules / selinux . py ] = selinux
[ ansible / posix / plugins / modules / seboolean . py ] = selinux
[ ansible / posix / plugins / modules / mount . py ] = storage
[ ansible / posix / plugins / modules / rhel_facts . py ] = __collection
[ ansible / posix / plugins / modules / rhel_rpm_ostree . py ] = __collection
[ ansible / posix / plugins / module_utils / mount . py ] = storage
2024-11-14 00:09:51 +00:00
[ ansible / posix / plugins / module_utils / _respawn . py ] = selinux
2024-04-19 14:27:32 +00:00
[ community / general / plugins / modules / ini_file . py ] = " tlog ad_integration "
[ community / general / plugins / modules / modprobe . py ] = ha_cluster
[ community / general / plugins / modules / redhat_subscription . py ] = rhc
[ community / general / plugins / modules / rhsm_release . py ] = rhc
[ community / general / plugins / modules / rhsm_repository . py ] = rhc
[ community / general / plugins / modules / seport . py ] = selinux
[ community / general / plugins / modules / sefcontext . py ] = selinux
[ community / general / plugins / modules / selogin . py ] = selinux
[ containers / podman / plugins / modules / podman_container_info . py ] = podman
[ containers / podman / plugins / modules / podman_image . py ] = podman
[ containers / podman / plugins / modules / podman_play . py ] = podman
[ containers / podman / plugins / modules / podman_secret . py ] = podman
[ containers / podman / plugins / module_utils / podman / common . py ] = podman
2024-04-25 23:12:13 +00:00
[ containers / podman / plugins / module_utils / podman / quadlet . py ] = podman
2024-04-19 14:27:32 +00:00
# fix the following issue
# ERROR: Found 1 pylint issue(s) which need to be resolved:
# ERROR: plugins/modules/rhsm_repository.py:263:8: wrong-collection-deprecated: Wrong collection name ('community.general') found in call to Display.deprecated or AnsibleModule.deprecate
sed " s/collection_name='community.general'/collection_name='% { collection_namespace}.% { collection_name}'/ " \
- i . external / community / general / plugins / modules / rhsm_repository . py
fix_module_documentation () {
local module_src doc_fragment_name df_dest_dir
local - a paths
module_src = " .external/ $ 1 "
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/description:\n\( *\)/description:\n\1- "WARNING: Do not use this plugin directly! It is only for role internal use."\n\1/' \
- i " $module_src "
# grab documentation fragments
for doc_fragment_name in $ ( awk - F '[ -]+' '/^extends_documentation_fragment:/ {reading = 1; next}; /^[ -]/ {if (reading) {print $2}; next}; /^[^ -]/ {if (reading) {exit}}' " $module_src " ); do
if [ " $doc_fragment_name " = files ]; then continue ; fi # this one is built-in
df_dest_dir = " % { collection_build_path}/plugins/doc_fragments "
if [ ! - d " $df_dest_dir " ]; then
mkdir - p " $df_dest_dir "
paths = ( $ { doc_fragment_name //./ })
# if we ever have two different collections that have the same doc_fragment name
# with different contents, we will be in trouble . . .
# will have to make the doc fragment files unique, then edit $dest to use
# the unique name
cp " .external/ ${ paths[0]}/${paths[1]}/plugins/doc_fragments/${paths[2] } .py " " $df_dest_dir "
declare - a modules mod_utils collection_plugins
declare - A dests
# vendor in plugin files - fix documentation, fragments
for src in " ${ !plugin_map[@] } " ; do
roles = " ${ plugin_map["$src"] } "
if [ " $roles " = __collection ]; then
collection_plugins += ( " $src " )
case " $src " in
*/ plugins / modules /* ) fix_module_documentation " $src " ;;
case " $src " in
*/ plugins / modules /* ) srcdir = plugins / modules ; subdir = library ; modules += ( " $src " ); fix_module_documentation " $src " ;;
*/ plugins / module_utils /* ) srcdir = plugins / module_utils ; mod_utils += ( " $src " ) ;;
*/ plugins / action /* ) srcdir = plugins / action ;;
for role in $roles ; do
if [ " $role " = __collection ]; then
dest = " % { collection_build_path}/plugins ${ src/#*plugins/ } "
dests [ " $dest " ] = __collection
case " $src " in
*/ plugins / module_utils /* ) subdir = " module_utils/ ${ role } _lsr " ;;
dest = " $role / ${ src/#*${srcdir}/${subdir} } "
dests [ " $dest " ] = " $role "
destdir = " $ (dirname " $dest " ) "
if [ ! - d " $destdir " ]; then
mkdir - p " $destdir "
cp - pL " .external/ $src " " $dest "
# remove the temporary .external directory after vendoring
rm - rf . external
# fix python imports to point from the old name to the new name
for dest in " ${ !dests[@] } " ; do
role = " ${ dests["$dest"] } "
for module in " ${ modules[@] } " ; do
python_name = " $ (dirname " $module " ) "
python_name = " ${ python_name////[.] } "
sed - e " s/ansible_collections[.] ${ python_name } [.]/ansible.modules./ " - i " $dest "
for mod_util in " ${ mod_utils[@] } " ; do
# some mod_utils have subdirs, some do not
split = ( $ { mod_util //// })
python_name = " ansible_collections[.] ${ split[0]}[.]${split[1] } [.]plugins[.]module_utils[.] "
sed - e " s/ ${ python_name}/ansible.module_utils.${role } _lsr./ " - i " $dest "
for plugin in " ${ collection_plugins[@] } " ; do
python_name = " $ (dirname " $plugin " ) "
dest_python_name = " % { collection_namespace}/% { collection_name}/plugins ${ python_name/#*plugins/ } "
src_python_name = " ansible_collections. ${ python_name////[.] } "
dest_python_name = " ansible_collections. ${ dest_python_name////. } "
sed - e " s/ ${ src_python_name}/${dest_python_name } / " - i " $dest "
# Replacing "linux-system-roles.rolename" with "rhel-system-roles.rolename" in each role
# Replacing "fedora.linux_system_roles." with "redhat.rhel_system_roles" in each role
# This is for the "roles calling other roles" case
# for podman, change the FQCN - using a non-FQCN module name doesn't seem to work,
# even for the legacy role format
for rolename in % { rolenames }; do
2024-04-25 23:12:13 +00:00
find " $rolename " - type f - exec \
sed - e " s/linux-system-roles[.] ${ rolename}\\>/%{roleinstprefix}${rolename } /g " \
- e " s/fedora[.]linux_system_roles[.]/% { collection_namespace}.% { collection_name}./g " \
- e " s/containers[.]podman[.]/% { collection_namespace}.% { collection_name}./g " \
- e " s/community[.]general[.]/% { collection_namespace}.% { collection_name}./g " \
- e " s/ansible[.]posix[.]/% { collection_namespace}.% { collection_name}./g " \
- i {} \ ;
# add ansible-test ignores needed due to vendoring
2025-01-09 22:52:06 +00:00
# vendoring makes rhsm_repository.py lines too long :-(
2024-04-25 23:12:13 +00:00
for ansible_ver in 2.14 2.15 2.16 ; do
ignore_file = " podman/.sanity-ansible-ignore- ${ ansible_ver } .txt "
cat >> " $ignore_file " << EOF
plugins / module_utils / podman_lsr / podman / quadlet . py compile - 2.7 ! skip
plugins / module_utils / podman_lsr / podman / quadlet . py import - 2.7 ! skip
2024-11-14 00:09:51 +00:00
plugins / modules / podman_image . py compile - 2.7 ! skip
2024-04-25 23:12:13 +00:00
plugins / modules / podman_image . py import - 2.7 ! skip
plugins / modules / podman_play . py import - 2.7 ! skip
2025-01-09 22:52:06 +00:00
plugins / modules / rhsm_repository . py pep8 ! skip
2024-04-25 23:12:13 +00:00
# these platforms still use python 3.5
for ansible_ver in 2.14 2.15 ; do
ignore_file = " podman/.sanity-ansible-ignore- ${ ansible_ver } .txt "
cat >> " $ignore_file " << EOF
plugins / module_utils / podman_lsr / podman / quadlet . py compile - 3.5 ! skip
plugins / module_utils / podman_lsr / podman / quadlet . py import - 3.5 ! skip
2024-11-14 00:09:51 +00:00
plugins / modules / podman_image . py compile - 3.5 ! skip
2024-04-25 23:12:13 +00:00
plugins / modules / podman_image . py import - 3.5 ! skip
plugins / modules / podman_play . py import - 3.5 ! skip
2024-04-19 14:27:32 +00:00
2024-11-19 22:16:45 +00:00
2025-02-01 22:20:09 +00:00
# special handling for ansible.posix seboolean, selinux
2024-11-19 22:16:45 +00:00
# see https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.posix/pull/460#issuecomment-2479725049
2025-02-01 22:20:09 +00:00
for file in selinux / library / seboolean . py selinux / library / selinux . py ; do
sed - e ' /^ from ansible . module_utils . selinux_lsr . _respawn import respawn_module , HAS_RESPAWN_UTIL / a\
2024-11-19 22:16:45 +00:00
def respawn_module ( module_name ) : \
pass ' \
- e '/^from ansible.module_utils.selinux_lsr._respawn import respawn_module, HAS_RESPAWN_UTIL/d' \
2025-02-01 22:20:09 +00:00
- i " $file "