129 lines
5.2 KiB
129 lines
5.2 KiB
commit 83db825f7f30445408efa6061631d8dd0590e891
Author: Than Ngo <than@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Jan 25 16:17:21 2024 +0100
add missing tools folders
Signed-off-by: Than Ngo <than@redhat.com>
diff --git a/roles/sap_general_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh b/roles/sap_general_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f48087c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/sap_general_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# default font color: Light Cyan, which should be readable on both bright and dark background
+if [[ ${1}. == "font_light_gray". ]]; then
+ __FONT_COLOR=37m
+elif [[ ${1}. == "font_no_color". ]]; then
+ __FONT_COLOR=30m
+if [[ ${2}. == "reset." ]]; then
+ awk 'BEGIN{printf ("\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'Resetting font color\n")}'
+ exit
+awk '{sub (" \"msg\": ", "")}
+ /TASK/{task_line=$0}
+ /fatal:/{fatal_line=$0; nfatal[host]++}
+ /...ignoring/{nfatal[host]--; if (nfatal[host]<0) nfatal[host]=0}
+ /^[a-z]/&&/: \[/{gsub ("\\[", ""); gsub ("]", ""); gsub (":", ""); host=$2}
+ /SAP note/{print "\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'[" host"] "$0}
+ /FAIL:/{nfail[host]++; print "\033[31m[" host"] "$0}
+ /WARN:/{nwarn[host]++; print "\033[33m[" host"] "$0}
+ /PASS:/{npass[host]++; print "\033[32m[" host"] "$0}
+ /INFO:/{print "\033[34m[" host"] "$0}
+ /changed/&&/unreachable/{print "\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'[" host"] "$0}
+ END{print ("---"); for (var in npass) {printf ("[%s] ", var); if (nfatal[var]>0) {
+ printf ("\033[31mFATAL ERROR!!! Playbook might have been aborted!!!\033['${__FONT_COLOR}' Last TASK and fatal output:\n"); print task_line, fatal_line
+ exit 199
+ }
+ else printf ("\033[31mFAIL: %d \033[33mWARN: %d \033[32mPASS: %d\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'\n", nfail[var], nwarn[var], npass[var])}
+ if (nfail[var] != 0) exit (nfail[var])
+ }'
diff --git a/roles/sap_hana_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh b/roles/sap_hana_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f48087c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/sap_hana_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# default font color: Light Cyan, which should be readable on both bright and dark background
+if [[ ${1}. == "font_light_gray". ]]; then
+ __FONT_COLOR=37m
+elif [[ ${1}. == "font_no_color". ]]; then
+ __FONT_COLOR=30m
+if [[ ${2}. == "reset." ]]; then
+ awk 'BEGIN{printf ("\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'Resetting font color\n")}'
+ exit
+awk '{sub (" \"msg\": ", "")}
+ /TASK/{task_line=$0}
+ /fatal:/{fatal_line=$0; nfatal[host]++}
+ /...ignoring/{nfatal[host]--; if (nfatal[host]<0) nfatal[host]=0}
+ /^[a-z]/&&/: \[/{gsub ("\\[", ""); gsub ("]", ""); gsub (":", ""); host=$2}
+ /SAP note/{print "\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'[" host"] "$0}
+ /FAIL:/{nfail[host]++; print "\033[31m[" host"] "$0}
+ /WARN:/{nwarn[host]++; print "\033[33m[" host"] "$0}
+ /PASS:/{npass[host]++; print "\033[32m[" host"] "$0}
+ /INFO:/{print "\033[34m[" host"] "$0}
+ /changed/&&/unreachable/{print "\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'[" host"] "$0}
+ END{print ("---"); for (var in npass) {printf ("[%s] ", var); if (nfatal[var]>0) {
+ printf ("\033[31mFATAL ERROR!!! Playbook might have been aborted!!!\033['${__FONT_COLOR}' Last TASK and fatal output:\n"); print task_line, fatal_line
+ exit 199
+ }
+ else printf ("\033[31mFAIL: %d \033[33mWARN: %d \033[32mPASS: %d\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'\n", nfail[var], nwarn[var], npass[var])}
+ if (nfail[var] != 0) exit (nfail[var])
+ }'
diff --git a/roles/sap_netweaver_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh b/roles/sap_netweaver_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f48087c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/sap_netweaver_preconfigure/tools/beautify-assert-output.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# default font color: Light Cyan, which should be readable on both bright and dark background
+if [[ ${1}. == "font_light_gray". ]]; then
+ __FONT_COLOR=37m
+elif [[ ${1}. == "font_no_color". ]]; then
+ __FONT_COLOR=30m
+if [[ ${2}. == "reset." ]]; then
+ awk 'BEGIN{printf ("\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'Resetting font color\n")}'
+ exit
+awk '{sub (" \"msg\": ", "")}
+ /TASK/{task_line=$0}
+ /fatal:/{fatal_line=$0; nfatal[host]++}
+ /...ignoring/{nfatal[host]--; if (nfatal[host]<0) nfatal[host]=0}
+ /^[a-z]/&&/: \[/{gsub ("\\[", ""); gsub ("]", ""); gsub (":", ""); host=$2}
+ /SAP note/{print "\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'[" host"] "$0}
+ /FAIL:/{nfail[host]++; print "\033[31m[" host"] "$0}
+ /WARN:/{nwarn[host]++; print "\033[33m[" host"] "$0}
+ /PASS:/{npass[host]++; print "\033[32m[" host"] "$0}
+ /INFO:/{print "\033[34m[" host"] "$0}
+ /changed/&&/unreachable/{print "\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'[" host"] "$0}
+ END{print ("---"); for (var in npass) {printf ("[%s] ", var); if (nfatal[var]>0) {
+ printf ("\033[31mFATAL ERROR!!! Playbook might have been aborted!!!\033['${__FONT_COLOR}' Last TASK and fatal output:\n"); print task_line, fatal_line
+ exit 199
+ }
+ else printf ("\033[31mFAIL: %d \033[33mWARN: %d \033[32mPASS: %d\033['${__FONT_COLOR}'\n", nfail[var], nwarn[var], npass[var])}
+ if (nfail[var] != 0) exit (nfail[var])
+ }'