# Map forge information to rpm metadata. This macro will compute default spec # variable values. # # The following spec variables SHOULD be set before calling the macro: # # forgeurl the project url on the forge, strongly recommended; # alternatively, use -u # Version if applicable, set it with Version: # tag if applicable # commit if applicable # # The macro will attempt to compute and set the following variables if they are # not already set by the packager: # # forgesource an URL that can be used as SourceX: value # forgesetupargs the correct arguments to pass to %setup for this source # used by %forgesetup and %forgeautosetup # archivename the source archive filename, without extentions # archiveext the source archive filename extensions, without leading dot # archiveurl the url that can be used to download the source archive, # without renaming # scm the scm type, when packaging code snapshots: commits or tags # # If the macro is unable to parse your forgeurl value set at least archivename # and archiveurl before calling it. # # Most of the computed variables are both overridable and optional. However, # the macro WILL REDEFINE %{dist} when packaging a snapshot (commit or tag). # The previous %{dist} value will be lost. Don’t call the macro if you don’t # wish %{dist} to be changed. # # Optional parameters: # -u Ignore forgeurl even if it exists and use instead. Note # that the macro will still end up setting as the forgeurl # spec variable if it manages to parse it. # -s Silently ignore problems in forgeurl, use it if it can be parsed, # ignore it otherwise. # -v Be verbose and print every spec variable the macro sets. # -i Print some info about the state of spec variables the macro may use or # set at the end of the processing. %forgemeta(u:svi) %{lua: local forgeurl = rpm.expand("%{?-u*}") if (forgeurl == "") then forgeurl = rpm.expand("%{?forgeurl}") end local silent = false local verbose = false local informative = false if (rpm.expand("%{?-s}") ~= "") then silent = true end if (rpm.expand("%{?-v}") ~= "") then verbose = true end if (rpm.expand("%{?-i}") ~= "") then informative = true end local tag = rpm.expand("%{?tag}") local commit = rpm.expand("%{?commit}") -- Be explicit about the spec variables we’re setting local function explicitset(rpmvariable,value) rpm.define(rpmvariable .. " " .. value) if verbose then rpm.expand("%{echo:Setting %%{" .. rpmvariable .. "} = " .. value .. "\\n}") end end -- Never ever stomp on a spec variable the packager already set local function safeset(rpmvariable,value) if (rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvariable .. "}") == "") then explicitset(rpmvariable,value) end end -- Set spec variable values for each known software publishing service if (forgeurl ~= "") then local forge = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://([^/]+)/") if (string.match(forge, "^gitlab[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]gitlab[%.]")) then forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+") if (forgeurl == "") then if not silent then rpm.expand("%{error:Gitlab URLs must match https://(…[-.])gitlab[-.]…/owner/repo !\\n}") end else explicitset("forgeurl", forgeurl) if (commit == "") then rpm.expand("%{error:All Gitlab URLs require commit value knowledge: you need to define %{commit}!\\nPlease vote on https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/38830\\n}") end safeset("archiveext", "tar.bz2") safeset("forgesetupargs", "-n %{archivename}") if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then safeset("scm", "git") end local owner = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/]+)") local repo = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/]+)") local version = rpm.expand("%{?version}") if (version ~= "") and (version ~= "0") and (tag == "") then -- GitLab does not have strong versionning semantics -- Some projects use "version" as release tag, others "v" + "version" -- Tag value needs to be explicitly declared before calling the macro -- in the second case tag = version safeset("tag", tag) end if (tag ~= "") then safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{tag}-%{commit}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/repository/%{tag}/archive.%{archiveext}") else safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{commit}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/repository/%{commit}/archive.%{archiveext}") end end end if (string.match(forge, "^github[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]github[%.]")) then forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+") if (forgeurl == "") then if not silent then rpm.expand("%{error:GitHub URLs must match https://(…[-.])github[-.]…/owner/repo !\\n}") end else explicitset("forgeurl", forgeurl) safeset("archiveext", "tar.gz") safeset("forgesetupargs", "-n %{archivename}") if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then safeset("scm", "git") end local owner = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/]+)") local repo = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/]+)") if (tag ~= "") then safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{tag}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/archive/%{tag}.%{archiveext}") else if (commit ~= "") then safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{commit}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/archive/%{commit}/" .. repo .. "-%{commit}.%{archiveext}") else safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{version}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/archive/v%{version}.%{archiveext}") end end end end if (forge == "code.googlesource.com") then forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://code.googlesource.com/[^#?]*[^/#?]+") if (forgeurl == "") then if not silent then rpm.expand("%{error:Googlesource URLs must match https://code.googlesource.com/…/repo !\\n}") end else explicitset("forgeurl", forgeurl) safeset("archiveext", "tar.gz") safeset("forgesetupargs", "-c") if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then safeset("scm", "git") end local repo = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://.+/([^/?#]+)") if (tag ~= "") then safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{tag}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/+archive/%{tag}.%{archiveext}") else if (commit ~= "") then safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{commit}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/+archive/%{commit}.%{archiveext}") else safeset("archivename", repo .. "-v%{version}") safeset("archiveurl", "%{forgeurl}/+archive/v%{version}.%{archiveext}") end end end end -- Final tests to check forgeurl was successfuly parsed if not silent then if (forge == "pagure.io") then rpm.expand("%{warn:https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/861 needs to be resolved before the “pagure.io”\\nsoftware publishing service can be supported.\\n}") end if (rpm.expand("%{?archivename}") == "") or (rpm.expand("%{?archiveurl}") == "") then rpm.expand("%{error:Automation for the “" .. forge .. "”\\nsoftware publishing service is not implemented yet.\\nPlease extend the %%forgemeta macro!\\n}") end end end -- Set defaults if forgeurl is missing or does not parse local archivename = rpm.expand("%{?archivename}") safeset("archiveext", "tar.gz") if (archivename ~= "") then safeset("forgesetupargs", "-n %{archivename}") end if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then safeset("scm", "git") end -- Source URL processing (computing the forgesource spec variable) local archiveurl = rpm.expand("%{?archiveurl}") local archiveext = rpm.expand("%{?archiveext}") if (archivename ~= "") and (archiveurl ~= "") then if (string.match(archiveurl, "/([^/]+)$") == archivename .. "." .. archiveext) then safeset("forgesource", "%{archiveurl}") else safeset("forgesource", "%{?archiveurl}#/%{?archivename}.%{archiveext}") end end -- dist processing (computing the correct pefix for snapshots) local distprefix = rpm.expand("%{?tag}") local version = rpm.expand("%{?version}") if (distprefix == version) or (distprefix == "v" .. version) then distprefix = "" end if (distprefix == "") then distprefix = string.sub(rpm.expand("%{?commit}"), 1, 7) end if (distprefix ~= "") then local dist = ".%([ -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext} ] && date +%Y%m%d -u -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext})%{scm}" .. string.gsub(distprefix, "-",".") .. rpm.expand("%{?dist}") explicitset("dist", dist) end -- Final spec variable summary if the macro was called with -i if informative then rpm.expand("%{echo:Forge-specific packaging variables\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: forgeurl: %{?forgeurl}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: forgesource: %{?forgesource}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: forgesetupargs: %{?forgesetupargs}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo:Generic variables\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: archivename: %{?archivename}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: archiveext: %{?archiveext}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: archiveurl: %{?archiveurl}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: scm: %{?scm}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: tag: %{?tag}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: commit: %{?commit}\\n}") rpm.expand("%{echo: dist: %{?dist} (snapshot date is computed once %%{_sourcedir}/%%{archivename}.%%{archiveext} is available)\\n}") end } # Convenience macro to relay computed arguments to %setup %forgesetup(a:b:cDn:Tq) %setup %{?forgesetupargs} %{-a} %{-b} %{-c} %{-D} %{-n} %{-T} %{-q} # Convenience macro to relay computed arguments to %autosetup %forgeautosetup(a:b:cDn:TvNS:p) %autosetup %{?forgesetupargs} %{-a} %{-b} %{-c} %{-D} %{-n} %{-T} %{-v} %{-N} %{-S} %{-p}