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diff --git a/doc/user-guide/12-BLOCKCLONE.adoc b/doc/user-guide/12-BLOCKCLONE.adoc
index 061f0f49..2d4e0ed1 100644
--- a/doc/user-guide/12-BLOCKCLONE.adoc
+++ b/doc/user-guide/12-BLOCKCLONE.adoc
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ First we need to set some global options in _local.conf_,
In our small example backups will be stored in _/mnt/rear_ directory
on BACKUP_URL NFS server.
# cat local.conf
Now we will define variables that will apply only for targeted block device
# cat alien.conf
BACKUP=BLOCKCLONE # Define BLOCKCLONE as backup method
BACKUP_PROG_ARCHIVE="alien" # Name of image file
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ BLOCKCLONE_MBR_FILE="alien_boot_strap.img" # Output filename for b
BLOCKCLONE_PARTITIONS_CONF_FILE="alien_partitions.conf" # Output filename for partition configuration
BLOCKCLONE_ALLOW_MOUNTED="yes" # Device can be mounted during backup (default NO)
==== Running backup
Save partitions configuration, bootstrap code and create actual backup of /dev/sdc1
# rear -C alien mkbackuponly
==== Running restore from ReaR restore/recovery system
# rear -C alien restoreonly
Restore alien.dd.img to device: [/dev/sdc1] # User is always prompted for restore destination
Device /dev/sdc1 was not found. # If destination does not exist ReaR will try to create it (or fail if BLOCKCLONE_SAVE_MBR_DEV was not set during backup)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
==== Summary
In first example we have run backup of /dev/sdc1 partition and stored it on NFS
@@ -127,37 +127,37 @@ In next example we will do backup/restore using BLOCKCLONE and `ntfsclone`
of Linux (installed on /dev/sda) and Windows 10 (installed on /dev/sdb).
TIP: You can locate right disk devices using `df` and `os-prober`
# df -h /boot
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 10G 4.9G 5.2G 49% / # Linux is most probably installed on /dev/sda
# os-prober
/dev/sdb1:Windows 10 (loader):Windows:chain # Windows 10 is most probably installed on /dev/sdb
First we will configure some ReaR backup global options
(similar to link:12-BLOCKCLONE.adoc#1-backuprestore-of-arbitrary-block-device-with-blockclone-and-dd-on-nfs-server[first example]
we will do backup/restore with help of NFS server).
# cat local.conf
REQUIRED_PROGS+=( ntfsclone )
Now we will define backup parameters for Linux.
# cat base_os.conf
this_file_name=$( basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} )
BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE+=( '/media/*' )
Our Windows 10 is by default installed on two separate partitions
(partition 1 for boot data and partition 2 for disk C:),
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Our Windows 10 is by default installed on two separate partitions
Windows boot partition:
# cat windows_boot.conf
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ BLOCKCLONE_PROG_OPTS="--quiet"
Windows data partition (disk C:\):
# cat windows_data.conf
@@ -196,35 +196,35 @@ BLOCKCLONE_PROG_OPTS="--quiet"
==== Running backup
First we will create backup of Linux. `mkbackup` command will create bootable
ISO image with ReaR rescue/recovery system that will be later used for
booting broken system and consecutive recovery.
# rear -C base_os mkbackup
Now we create backup of Windows 10 boot partition. Command `mkbackuponly`
will ensure that only partition data and partition layout will be saved
(ReaR rescue/recovery system will not be created which is exactly what we want).
# rear -C windows_boot mkbackuponly
Similarly, we create backup of Windows 10 data partition (disk C:\)
# rear -C windows_data mkbackuponly
==== Running restore from ReaR restore/recovery system
As a first step after ReaR rescue/recovery system booted,
we will recover Linux. This step will recover all Linux file systems,
OS data and bootloader. Windows disk will remain untouched.
# rear -C base_os recover
In second step will recover Windows 10 boot partition. During this step ReaR
will detect that destination partition is not present and ask us for device
@@ -234,25 +234,25 @@ In second step will recover Windows 10 boot partition. During this step ReaR
partition(s) configuration (currently mounted under _/mnt/local_) will
remain untouched. Before starting Windows 10 recovery we should identify
right disk for recovery, as mentioned earlier disk size could be a good start.
# fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 50 GiB, 53687091200 bytes, 104857600 sectors
_/dev/sdb_ looks to be right destination, so we can proceed with restore.
# rear -C windows_boot restoreonly
Restore windows_boot.img to device: [/dev/sdb1]
Device /dev/sdb1 was not found.
Restore partition layout to (^c to abort): [/dev/sdb]
Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ... OK
Last step is to recover Windows 10 OS data (C:\).
Partitions on _/dev/sdb_ were already created in previous step,
hence ReaR will skip prompt for restoring partition layout.
# rear -C windows_data restoreonly
Restore windows_data.img to device: [/dev/sdb2]
Ntfsclone image version: 10.1
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ Space in use : 9396 MB (27.8%)
Offset to image data : 56 (0x38) bytes
Restoring NTFS from image ...
At this stage Linux together with Windows 10 is successfully restored.
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ In this example we will do backup/restore using BLOCKCLONE and `ntfsclone`
Backups will be stored on NFS server.
First we set global ReaR options
# cat local.conf
@@ -300,23 +300,23 @@ BLOCKCLONE_SAVE_MBR_DEV="/dev/sda"
Linux / Windows that shares one disk. Not using this option might result to
unbootable Windows 10 installation.
Linux configuration
# cat base_os.conf
this_file_name=$( basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} )
BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE+=( '/media/*' )
Windows 10 boot partition configuration
# cat windows_boot.conf
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ BLOCKCLONE_PROG=ntfsclone
Windows 10 data partition configuration
# cat windows_data.conf
@@ -342,42 +342,42 @@ BLOCKCLONE_PROG=ntfsclone
==== Running backup
Backup of Linux
# rear -C base_os mkbackup
Backup of Windows 10 boot partition
# rear -C windows_boot mkbackuponly
Backup of Windows 10 data partition
# rear -C windows_data mkbackuponly
==== Running restore from ReaR restore/recovery system
Restore Linux
# rear -C base_os recover
During this step ReaR will also create both Windows 10 partitions
Restore Windows 10 data partition
# rear -C windows_data restoreonly
Restore Windows 10 boot partition
# rear -C windows_boot restoreonly
=== 4. Backup/restore of Linux / Windows 10 dual boot setup sharing same disk with USB as destination
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ In this example we will do backup/restore using BLOCKCLONE and `ntfsclone`
Backups will be stored on USB disk drive (_/dev/sdb_ in this example).
Global options
# cat local.conf
@@ -407,10 +407,10 @@ BLOCKCLONE_SAVE_MBR_DEV="/dev/sda"
Options used during Linux backup/restore.
# cat local.conf
@@ -428,14 +428,14 @@ BLOCKCLONE_SAVE_MBR_DEV="/dev/sda"
IMPORTANT: USB_SUFFIX option is mandatory as it avoids ReaR to hold every
backup in separate directory, this behavior is essential for BLOCKCLONE
backup method to work correctly.
Windows boot partition options
# cat windows_boot.conf
@@ -447,10 +447,10 @@ BLOCKCLONE_PROG=ntfsclone
Windows data partition options
# cat windows_data.conf
@@ -461,11 +461,11 @@ BLOCKCLONE_PROG=ntfsclone
==== Running backup
First we need to format target USB device, with `rear format` command
# rear -v format /dev/sdb
Relax-and-Recover 2.00 / Git
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-centosd.log
@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@ Creating ReaR data partition up to 100% of '/dev/sdb'
Setting 'boot' flag on /dev/sdb
Creating ext3 filesystem with label 'REAR-000' on '/dev/sdb1'
Adjusting filesystem parameters on '/dev/sdb1'
Backup of Linux
# rear -C base_os mkbackup
Backup of Windows 10 boot partition
# rear -C windows_boot mkbackuponly
NTFS volume version: 3.1
Cluster size : 4096 bytes
@@ -496,10 +496,10 @@ Accounting clusters ...
Space in use : 338 MB (64.4%)
Saving NTFS to image ...
Syncing ...
Backup of Windows 10 data partition
# rear -C windows_data mkbackuponly
NTFS volume version: 3.1
Cluster size : 4096 bytes
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ Accounting clusters ...
Space in use : 9833 MB (54.3%)
Saving NTFS to image ...
Syncing ...
==== Running restore from ReaR restore/recovery system
For sake of this demonstration I've purposely used ReaR's rescue/recovery media
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ For sake of this demonstration I've purposely used ReaR's rescue/recovery media
demonstrate possibility of ReaR to recover backup to arbitrary disk. +
As first step Linux will be restored, this will create all the partitions
needed, even those used by Windows 10.
RESCUE centosd:~ # rear -C base_os recover
Relax-and-Recover 2.00 / Git
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-centosd.log
@@ -541,13 +541,13 @@ Original disk /dev/sda does not exist in the target system. Please choose an app
2) /dev/sdb
3) Do not map disk.
Now ReaR recover command stops as it detected that disk layout is not identical.
As our desired restore target is _/dev/sdb_ we choose right disk and continue
recovery. ReaR will ask to check created restore scripts, but this is not
needed in our scenario.
#? 2
2017-01-25 20:54:01 Disk /dev/sdb chosen as replacement for /dev/sda.
Disk /dev/sdb chosen as replacement for /dev/sda.
@@ -607,11 +607,11 @@ Skip installing GRUB Legacy boot loader because GRUB 2 is installed (grub-probe
Installing GRUB2 boot loader
Finished recovering your system. You can explore it under '/mnt/local'.
Saving /var/log/rear/rear-centosd.log as /var/log/rear/rear-centosd-recover-base_os.log
Now we have Linux part restored, GRUB installed and partitions created, hence
we can continue with Windows 10 boot partition recovery.
RESCUE centosd:~ # rear -C windows_boot restoreonly
Restore to device: [/dev/sda1] /dev/sdb1
Ntfsclone image version: 10.1
@@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ Space in use : 338 MB (64.4%)
Offset to image data : 56 (0x38) bytes
Restoring NTFS from image ...
Syncing ...
Similarly to Linux restore, we were prompted for restore destination, which
is /dev/sdb1 in our case. +
As the last step we will recover Windows 10 data partition
RESCUE centosd:~ # rear -C windows_data restoreonly
Restore to device: [/dev/sda2] /dev/sdb2
Ntfsclone image version: 10.1
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ Space in use : 9867 MB (54.5%)
Offset to image data : 56 (0x38) bytes
Restoring NTFS from image ...
Syncing ...
Again after restoreonly command is launched, ReaR prompts for restore
destination. +
@@ -662,25 +662,25 @@ The _BLOCKCLONE_TRY_UNMOUNT_ is important here: it will attempt to unmount the
run the risk that the data may be inconsistent.
Global options
# cat site.conf
Options used for the base OS backup:
# cat base_system.conf
this_file_name=$( basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} )
BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE+=( '/products/*' )
Options used to take the encrypted filesystem image:
this_file_name=$( basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} )
@@ -694,18 +694,18 @@ BLOCKCLONE_SOURCE_DEV="/dev/vg00/lvol4"
==== Running backup
Base OS backup:
# rear -C base_system mkbackup
Create image of encrypted filesystem:
# rear -C products_backup mkbackuponly
==== Running restore from ReaR restore/recovery system
First recover the base OS. This will create all the partitions needed, including
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ First recover the base OS. This will create all the partitions needed, including
As illustrated below, you will be prompted to chose a new encryption passphrase.
Please provide one, but you need not care about its value as it will get overwritten
during the next phase:
RESCUE pc-pan:~ # rear -C base_system.conf recover
Please enter the password for LUKS device cr_vg00-lvol4 (/dev/mapper/vg00-lvol4):
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ Creating filesystem of type xfs with mount point /products on /dev/mapper/cr_vg0
Mounting filesystem /products
Disk layout created.
Now we can proceed and restore the encrypted filesystem image. The target filesystem
will have been mounted by ReaR during the previous phase, but this will be
@@ -732,12 +732,12 @@ Now we can proceed and restore the encrypted filesystem image. The target filesy
to "yes". +
As illustrated below, you will be prompted for the target block device to use.
Confirm by pressing Enter or type in another value:
RESCUE pc-pan:~ # rear -C products_backup.conf restoreonly
Restore backup-products_backup.dd.img to device: [/dev/vg00/lvol4]
Please note that the target device will not be re-mounted by the script at the end
of the restore phase. If needed, this should be done manually. +
diff --git a/doc/user-guide/16-Rubrik-CDM.adoc b/doc/user-guide/16-Rubrik-CDM.adoc
index 41f37d20..3ac23b7b 100644
--- a/doc/user-guide/16-Rubrik-CDM.adoc
+++ b/doc/user-guide/16-Rubrik-CDM.adoc
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ To make CentOS v8.0 work the following line was needed:
== Test Matrix
.Test Matrix
Operating System,DHCP,Static IP,Virtual,Physical,LVM Root Disk,Plain Root Disk,EXT3,EXT4,XFS,BTRFS,Original Cluster,Replication Cluster
CentOS 7.3,,pass,Pass,,Pass,,,,Pass,,Pass,