#!/usr/bin/bash # # script to update /etc/sysconfig/kdump to use the latest # kernel package as the dump kernel # # optional argument --grub causes kdump kernel cmdline to # be added to rt kernel grub entries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # me=$(basename $0) rpmcmd='rpm -q --last' function fatal () { echo "$me: " $1 exit -1 } function usage () { echo "usage: $me [-g|--grub] [-r|--rhel] [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help]" echo " --grub - add crashkernel arg to rt grub entries" echo " --rhel - use the RHEL-8 kernel as the kdump kernel" echo " (the default is to use the RHEL-RT kernel)" echo " --verbose - print out actions" echo " --help - print this message" exit -1 } function report() { [ $verbose -eq 1 ] && echo $1 } # return the latest package version of specified package name function latest_package_ver() { local pkg=$1 local ver=$($rpmcmd $pkg | head -1 | awk '{print $1}') if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fatal " error fetching version for $pkg" fi echo ${ver#$pkg-} return 0 } # get the kernel version of hhe latest installed kernel function vmlinux_ver() { local ver=$1 local vmver='' for i in $(cd /boot; echo vmlinuz-*); do if [ "${i#vmlinuz-$ver}" != "$i" ]; then vmver=${i#vmlinuz-} echo $vmver return 0 fi done return 1 } # find all the grub indexs for installed rhel-rt kernels # returns a comma-separated list of indices for use # by the grubby command function find_rt_kernel_indexes_rhel_rt() { local awkscript='BEGIN{FS="="; ORS=","} $1 ~ /^index/{idx=$2;} $2 ~ /.rt.*.el8.x86_64/ && $1 ~ /^kernel/ {print idx}' local rt_idx_list=$(/sbin/grubby --info=ALL | /usr/bin/awk "$awkscript") echo $rt_idx_list | sed -e 's/,$//' return 0 } ############################################################################# # make sure we're root if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo " must be root to run $me!" usage fi # process options dogrub=0 userhel=0 verbose=0 TEMP=$(getopt --options "grvh" --longoptions="grub,rhel,verbose,help" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage fi eval set -- "$TEMP" while true; do case "$1" in -g|--grub) dogrub=1 shift ;; -r|--rhel) userhel=1 shift ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=1 shift ;; -h|--help) usage ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "internal error!" usage ;; esac done # warn if /etc/sysconfig/kdump does not exist if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/kdump ]; then echo " File /etc/sysconfig/kdump not found." echo " Please, check your kexec-tools installation." exit 1 fi if [ $dogrub = 0 ]; then echo "Not performing changes to /etc/grub.conf" echo # check if there is memory reserved for the kexec kernel if ! cat /proc/cmdline | grep -e crashkernel > /dev/null; then echo " Kernel DOES NOT have memory reserved for kdump kernel..." echo " Use --grub option to enable crashkernel option on kernel command line" echo fi fi # select the right kdump kernel if [ $userhel -eq 1 ]; then KDUMP_KERNEL="kernel" else KDUMP_KERNEL="kernel-rt" fi # get the version of the latest installed kernel kver=$(latest_package_ver $KDUMP_KERNEL) if [ -z "$kver" ]; then fatal " Can't find $KDUMP_KERNEL package information!" fi report " making kernel-$kver the kdump kernel" # find the vmlinux version info for the latest kernel package vmlinux_version=$(vmlinux_ver $kver) if [ -z "$vmlinux_version" ]; then fatal " Can't get vmlinux version!" fi # now edit the /etc/sysconfig/kdump file sed -e "s/^KDUMP_KERNELVER.*$/KDUMP_KERNELVER=\"$vmlinux_version\"/" \ /etc/sysconfig/kdump >/tmp/kdump.$$ mv /etc/sysconfig/kdump /etc/sysconfig/kdump.save && \ mv /tmp/kdump.$$ /etc/sysconfig/kdump # if requested, update the grub entries for the rt kernels if [ $dogrub = 1 ]; then rtver=$(latest_package_ver kernel-rt) if [ -z "$rtver" ]; then fatal " Can't find kernel-rt package information!" fi # RHEL-RT kernel kernels=$(find_rt_kernel_indexes_rhel_rt) if [ ! -z $kernels ]; then report " adding 'crashkernel=auto' arg to grub entries: $kernels" /sbin/grubby --update-kernel=$kernels --args="crashkernel=auto" fi fi exit $?