%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} Name: pyxdg Version: 0.14 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: PyXDG is a python library to access freedesktop.org standards Group: Development/Libraries License: LGPL URL: http://freedesktop.org/Software/pyxdg Source0: http://www.freedesktop.org/~lanius/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python-devel Requires: python-abi = %(%{__python} -c "import sys ; print sys.version[:3]"), %{python_sitelib} %description PyXDG is a python library to access freedesktop.org standards %prep %setup -q %build %{__python} setup.py build %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__python} setup.py install --skip-build --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README TODO %{python_sitelib}/xdg %changelog * Sun Jul 03 2005 Sindre Pedersen Bjordal - 0.14-2 - Added %{?dist} tag to release - BuildArch: noarch - Removed unneccesary CLFAGS * Sun Jun 05 2005 Sindre Pedersen Bjordal - 0.14-1 - Rebuilt for 0.14 * Wed Jun 01 2005 Sindre Pedersen Bjordal - 0.13-1 - Rebuilt for 0.13 * Tue May 31 2005 Sindre Pedersen Bjordal - 0.12-1 - Rebuilt for 0.12 * Sat May 28 2005 Sindre Pedersen Bjordal - 0.11-1 - Rebuilt for 0.11 * Mon May 23 2005 Sindre Pedersen Bjordal - 0.10-1 - Adapt to Fedora Extras template, based on spec from NewRPMs * Tue Dec 14 2004 Che - initial rpm release