#! /bin/bash -ex # Download a release of Python (if missing) and remove .exe files from it version=$1 if [ -z "${version}" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 VERSION" >& 2 echo "" >& 2 echo "example: $0 2.7.15" >& 2 exit 1 fi versionedname=Python-${version} orig_archive=${versionedname}.tar.xz new_archive=${versionedname}-noexe.tar.xz if [ ! -e ${orig_archive} ]; then wget -N https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${version}/${orig_archive} fi deleted_names=$(tar --list -Jf ${orig_archive} | grep '\.exe$') # tar --delete does not operate on compressed archives, so do # xz compression/decompression explicitly xz --decompress --stdout ${orig_archive} | \ tar --delete -v ${deleted_names} | \ xz --compress --stdout -3 -T0 > ${new_archive}