#!/usr/bin/python3 -sB # (imports pythondistdeps from /usr/lib/rpm, hence -B) # # This program is free software. # # It is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, # whichever is more permissive. # # Alternatively, it may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of # the LGPL version 2.1 (or later) or GPL version 2 (or later). # # Use this script to generate bundled provides, e.g.: # ./pythonbundles.py setuptools-47.1.1/pkg_resources/_vendor/vendored.txt import pathlib import sys import pythondistdeps def generate_bundled_provides(path, namespace): provides = set() for line in path.read_text().splitlines(): line, _, comment = line.partition('#') if comment.startswith('egg='): # not a real comment # e.g. git+https://github.com/monty/spam.git@master#egg=spam&... egg, *_ = comment.strip().partition(' ') egg, *_ = egg.strip().partition('&') name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(egg[4:]) provides.add(f'Provides: bundled({namespace}({name}))') continue line = line.strip() if line: name, _, version = line.partition('==') name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(name) bundled_name = f"bundled({namespace}({name}))" python_provide = pythondistdeps.convert(bundled_name, '==', version) provides.add(f'Provides: {python_provide}') return provides def compare(expected, given): stripped = (l.strip() for l in given) no_comments = set(l for l in stripped if not l.startswith('#')) no_comments.discard('') if expected == no_comments: return True extra_expected = expected - no_comments extra_given = no_comments - expected if extra_expected: print('Missing expected provides:', file=sys.stderr) for provide in sorted(extra_expected): print(f' - {provide}', file=sys.stderr) if extra_given: print('Redundant unexpected provides:', file=sys.stderr) for provide in sorted(extra_given): print(f' + {provide}', file=sys.stderr) return False if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('vendored', metavar='VENDORED.TXT', help='Upstream information about vendored libraries') parser.add_argument('-c', '--compare-with', action='store', help='A string value to compare with and verify') parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace', action='store', help='What namespace of provides will used', default='python3dist') args = parser.parse_args() provides = generate_bundled_provides(pathlib.Path(args.vendored), args.namespace) if args.compare_with: given = args.compare_with.splitlines() same = compare(provides, given) if not same: sys.exit(1) else: for provide in sorted(provides): print(provide)