Compare commits
No commits in common. "c8" and "c9-beta" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,4 +1,27 @@
%__python_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --provides --majorver-provides-versions @MAJORVER-PROVIDES-VERSIONS@
%__python_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --requires
%__python_path ^((/usr/lib(64)?/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+/site-packages/[^/]+\\.(dist-info|egg-info|egg-link))|(/usr/lib(64)?/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+/.*\\.(py[oc]?|so))|(%{_bindir}/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+))$
%__python_magic [Pp]ython.*(executable|byte-compiled)
%__python_provides() %{lua:
-- Match buildroot/payload paths of the form
-- generating a line of the form
-- python(abi) = MAJOR.MINOR
-- (Don't match against -config tools e.g. /usr/bin/python2.6-config)
local path = rpm.expand('%1')
if path:match('/usr/bin/python%d+%.%d+$') then
local provides = path:gsub('.*/usr/bin/python(%d+%.%d+)', 'python(abi) = %1')
%__python_requires() %{lua:
-- Match buildroot paths of the form
-- /PATH/OF/BUILDROOT/usr/lib/pythonMAJOR.MINOR/ and
-- /PATH/OF/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/pythonMAJOR.MINOR/
-- generating a line of the form:
-- python(abi) = MAJOR.MINOR
local path = rpm.expand('%1')
if path:match('/usr/lib%d*/python%d+%.%d+/.*') then
local requires = path:gsub('.*/usr/lib%d*/python(%d+%.%d+)/.*', 'python(abi) = %1')
%__python_path ^((%{_prefix}/lib(64)?/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+/.*\\.(py[oc]?|so))|(%{_bindir}/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+))$
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#!/usr/bin/python3 -sB
# (imports pythondistdeps from /usr/lib/rpm, hence -B)
# This program is free software.
# It is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license,
# whichever is more permissive.
# Alternatively, it may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of
# the LGPL version 2.1 (or later) or GPL version 2 (or later).
# Use this script to generate bundled provides, e.g.:
# ./ setuptools-47.1.1/pkg_resources/_vendor/vendored.txt
import pathlib
import sys
import pythondistdeps
def generate_bundled_provides(path, namespace):
provides = set()
for line in path.read_text().splitlines():
line, _, comment = line.partition('#')
if comment.startswith('egg='):
# not a real comment
# e.g. git+
egg, *_ = comment.strip().partition(' ')
egg, *_ = egg.strip().partition('&')
name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(egg[4:])
provides.add(f'Provides: bundled({namespace}({name}))')
line = line.strip()
if line:
name, _, version = line.partition('==')
name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(name)
bundled_name = f"bundled({namespace}({name}))"
python_provide = pythondistdeps.convert(bundled_name, '==', version)
provides.add(f'Provides: {python_provide}')
return provides
def compare(expected, given):
stripped = (l.strip() for l in given)
no_comments = set(l for l in stripped if not l.startswith('#'))
if expected == no_comments:
return True
extra_expected = expected - no_comments
extra_given = no_comments - expected
if extra_expected:
print('Missing expected provides:', file=sys.stderr)
for provide in sorted(extra_expected):
print(f' - {provide}', file=sys.stderr)
if extra_given:
print('Redundant unexpected provides:', file=sys.stderr)
for provide in sorted(extra_given):
print(f' + {provide}', file=sys.stderr)
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0],
parser.add_argument('vendored', metavar='VENDORED.TXT',
help='Upstream information about vendored libraries')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--compare-with', action='store',
help='A string value to compare with and verify')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace', action='store',
help='What namespace of provides will used', default='python3dist')
args = parser.parse_args()
provides = generate_bundled_provides(pathlib.Path(args.vendored), args.namespace)
if args.compare_with:
given = args.compare_with.splitlines()
same = compare(provides, given)
if not same:
for provide in sorted(provides):
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
[ $# -ge 1 ] || {
cat > /dev/null
exit 0
case $1 in
# Match buildroot/payload paths of the form
# generating a line of the form
# python(abi) = MAJOR.MINOR
# (Don't match against -config tools e.g. /usr/bin/python2.6-config)
grep "/usr/bin/python.\..$" \
| sed -e "s|.*/usr/bin/python\(.\..\)|python(abi) = \1|"
# Match buildroot paths of the form
# /PATH/OF/BUILDROOT/usr/lib/pythonMAJOR.MINOR/ and
# generating (uniqely) lines of the form:
# python(abi) = MAJOR.MINOR
grep -E "/usr/lib[^/]*/python[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+/.*" \
| sed -Ee "s|.*/usr/lib[^/]*/python([[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+)/.*|python(abi) = \1|g" \
| sort | uniq
exit 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
%__pythondist_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --provides --normalized-names-format pep503 --package-name %{name} --normalized-names-provide-both --majorver-provides-versions %{__default_python3_version}
%__pythondist_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --requires --normalized-names-format pep503 --package-name %{name} %{?!_python_no_extras_requires:--require-extras-subpackages} --console-scripts-nodep-setuptools-since 3.10
%__pythondist_path ^/usr/lib(64)?/python[3-9]\\.[[:digit:]]+/site-packages/[^/]+\\.(dist-info|egg-info|egg-link)$
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/python3 -s
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2010 Per Øyvind Karlsen <>
# Copyright 2015 Neal Gompa <>
# Copyright 2020 SUSE LLC
# This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under
# the terms of the LGPL version 2.1 (or later).
@ -11,79 +12,328 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from getopt import getopt
from os.path import basename, dirname, isdir, sep
from sys import argv, stdin, version
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
import argparse
from os.path import dirname, sep
import re
from sys import argv, stdin, stderr, version_info
from sysconfig import get_path
from warnings import warn
from packaging.requirements import Requirement as Requirement_
from packaging.version import parse
import packaging.markers
opts, args = getopt(
argv[1:], 'hPRrCEMmLl:',
['help', 'provides', 'requires', 'recommends', 'conflicts', 'extras', 'majorver-provides', 'majorver-provides-versions=', 'majorver-only', 'legacy-provides' , 'legacy'])
Provides = False
Requires = False
Recommends = False
Conflicts = False
Extras = False
Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant = False
Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions = None
PyMajorVer_Deps = False
legacy_Provides = False
legacy = False
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-h', '--help'):
print('-h, --help\tPrint help')
print('-P, --provides\tPrint Provides')
print('-R, --requires\tPrint Requires')
print('-r, --recommends\tPrint Recommends')
print('-C, --conflicts\tPrint Conflicts')
print('-E, --extras\tPrint Extras ')
print('-M, --majorver-provides\tPrint extra Provides with Python major version only for all Python versions')
print(' --majorver-provides-versions VERSIONS\n'
' \tPrint extra Provides with Python major version only for listed Python VERSIONS (comma separated, no spaces, e.g. 2.7,3.6)')
print('-m, --majorver-only\tPrint Provides/Requires with Python major version only')
print('-L, --legacy-provides\tPrint extra legacy pythonegg Provides')
print('-l, --legacy\tPrint legacy pythonegg Provides/Requires instead')
elif o in ('-P', '--provides'):
Provides = True
elif o in ('-R', '--requires'):
Requires = True
elif o in ('-r', '--recommends'):
Recommends = True
elif o in ('-C', '--conflicts'):
Conflicts = True
elif o in ('-E', '--extras'):
Extras = True
elif o in ('-M', '--majorver-provides'):
Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant = True
elif o in ('--majorver-provides-versions'):
Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions = a.split(",")
elif o in ('-m', '--majorver-only'):
PyMajorVer_Deps = True
elif o in ('-L', '--legacy-provides'):
legacy_Provides = True
elif o in ('-l', '--legacy'):
legacy = True
if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant and Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions:
print("Error, options --majorver-provides and --majorver-provides-versions are mutually incompatible.")
if Requires:
py_abi = True
# Monkey patching packaging.markers to handle extras names in a
# case-insensitive manner:
# pip considers dnspython[DNSSEC] and dnspython[dnssec] to be equal, but
# packaging markers treat extras in a case-sensitive manner. To solve this
# issue, we introduce a comparison operator that compares case-insensitively
# if both sides of the comparison are strings. And then we inject this
# operator into packaging.markers to be used when comparing names of extras.
# Fedora BZ:
# Upstream issue:
# - After it's established upstream what is the canonical form of an extras
# name, we plan to open an issue with packaging to hopefully solve this
# there without having to resort to monkeypatching.
def str_lower_eq(a, b):
if isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(b, str):
return a.lower() == b.lower()
py_abi = False
return a == b
packaging.markers._operators["=="] = str_lower_eq
from importlib.metadata import PathDistribution
except ImportError:
from importlib_metadata import PathDistribution
from pathlib import Path
except ImportError:
from pathlib2 import Path
def normalize_name(name):
return re.sub(r'[-_.]+', '-', name).lower()
def legacy_normalize_name(name):
"""Like pkg_resources Distribution.key property"""
return re.sub(r'[-_]+', '-', name).lower()
class Requirement(Requirement_):
def __init__(self, requirement_string):
super(Requirement, self).__init__(requirement_string)
self.normalized_name = normalize_name(
self.legacy_normalized_name = legacy_normalize_name(
class Distribution(PathDistribution):
def __init__(self, path):
super(Distribution, self).__init__(Path(path))
self.normalized_name = normalize_name(
self.legacy_normalized_name = legacy_normalize_name(
self.requirements = [Requirement(r) for r in self.requires or []]
self.extras = [
v.lower() for k, v in self.metadata.items() if k == 'Provides-Extra']
self.py_version = self._parse_py_version(path)
# `name` is defined as a property exactly like this in Python 3.10 in the
# PathDistribution class. Due to that we can't redefine `name` as a normal
# attribute. So we copied the Python 3.10 definition here into the code so
# that it works also on previous Python/importlib_metadata versions.
def name(self):
"""Return the 'Name' metadata for the distribution package."""
return self.metadata['Name']
def _parse_py_version(self, path):
# Try to parse the Python version from the path the metadata
# resides at (e.g. /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/...)
res ="/python(?P<pyver>\d+\.\d+)/", path)
if res:
# If that hasn't worked, attempt to parse it from the metadata
# directory name
res ="-py(?P<pyver>\d+.\d+)[.-]egg-info$", path)
if res:
return None
def requirements_for_extra(self, extra):
extra_deps = []
for req in self.requirements:
if not req.marker:
if req.marker.evaluate(get_marker_env(self, extra)):
return extra_deps
def __repr__(self):
return '{} from {}'.format(, self._path)
class RpmVersion():
def __init__(self, version_id):
version = parse(version_id)
if isinstance(version._version, str):
self.version = version._version
self.epoch = version._version.epoch
self.version = list(version._version.release)
self.pre = version._version.pre
|||| =
|||| =
def increment(self):
self.version[-1] += 1
self.pre = None
|||| = None
|||| = None
return self
def __str__(self):
if isinstance(self.version, str):
return self.version
if self.epoch:
rpm_epoch = str(self.epoch) + ':'
rpm_epoch = ''
while len(self.version) > 1 and self.version[-1] == 0:
rpm_version = '.'.join(str(x) for x in self.version)
if self.pre:
rpm_suffix = '~{}'.format(''.join(str(x) for x in self.pre))
rpm_suffix = '~~{}'.format(''.join(str(x) for x in
rpm_suffix = '^post{}'.format([1])
rpm_suffix = ''
return '{}{}{}'.format(rpm_epoch, rpm_version, rpm_suffix)
def convert_compatible(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
if len(version.version) == 1:
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
upper_version = RpmVersion(version_id)
return '({} >= {} with {} < {})'.format(
name, version, name, upper_version)
def convert_equal(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
version_id = version_id[:-2] + '.0'
return convert_compatible(name, '~=', version_id)
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
return '{} = {}'.format(name, version)
def convert_arbitrary_equal(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
return '{} = {}'.format(name, version)
def convert_not_equal(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
version_id = version_id[:-2]
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
lower_version = RpmVersion(version_id).increment()
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
lower_version = version
return '({} < {} or {} > {})'.format(
name, version, name, lower_version)
def convert_ordered(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
# PEP 440 does not define semantics for prefix matching
# with ordered comparisons
version_id = version_id[:-2]
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
if operator == '>':
# distutils will allow a prefix match with '>'
operator = '>='
if operator == '<=':
# distutils will not allow a prefix match with '<='
operator = '<'
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
return '{} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version)
OPERATORS = {'~=': convert_compatible,
'==': convert_equal,
'===': convert_arbitrary_equal,
'!=': convert_not_equal,
'<=': convert_ordered,
'<': convert_ordered,
'>=': convert_ordered,
'>': convert_ordered}
def convert(name, operator, version_id):
return OPERATORS[operator](name, operator, version_id)
except Exception as exc:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot process Python package version `{}` for name `{}`".
format(version_id, name)) from exc
def get_marker_env(dist, extra):
# packaging uses a default environment using
# platform.python_version to evaluate if a dependency is relevant
# based on environment markers [1],
# e.g. requirement `argparse;python_version<"2.7"`
# Since we're running this script on one Python version while
# possibly evaluating packages for different versions, we
# set up an environment with the version we want to evaluate.
# [1]
return {"python_full_version": dist.py_version,
"python_version": dist.py_version,
"extra": extra}
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""To allow this script to be importable (and its classes/functions
reused), actions are performed only when run as a main script."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0])
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-P', '--provides', action='store_true', help='Print Provides')
group.add_argument('-R', '--requires', action='store_true', help='Print Requires')
group.add_argument('-r', '--recommends', action='store_true', help='Print Recommends')
group.add_argument('-C', '--conflicts', action='store_true', help='Print Conflicts')
group.add_argument('-E', '--extras', action='store_true', help='[Unused] Generate spec file snippets for extras subpackages')
group_majorver = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group_majorver.add_argument('-M', '--majorver-provides', action='store_true', help='Print extra Provides with Python major version only')
group_majorver.add_argument('--majorver-provides-versions', action='append',
help='Print extra Provides with Python major version only for listed '
'Python VERSIONS (appended or comma separated without spaces, e.g. 2.7,3.9)')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--majorver-only', action='store_true', help='Print Provides/Requires with Python major version only')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--normalized-names-format', action='store',
default="legacy-dots", choices=["pep503", "legacy-dots"],
help='Format of normalized names according to pep503 or legacy format that allows dots [default]')
parser.add_argument('--normalized-names-provide-both', action='store_true',
help='Provide both `pep503` and `legacy-dots` format of normalized names (useful for a transition period)')
parser.add_argument('-L', '--legacy-provides', action='store_true', help='Print extra legacy pythonegg Provides')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--legacy', action='store_true', help='Print legacy pythonegg Provides/Requires instead')
parser.add_argument('--console-scripts-nodep-setuptools-since', action='store',
help='An optional Python version (X.Y), at least 3.8. '
'For that version and any newer version, '
'a dependency on "setuptools" WILL NOT be generated for packages with console_scripts/gui_scripts entry points. '
'By setting this flag, you guarantee that setuptools >= 47.2.0 is used '
'during the build of packages for this and any newer Python version.')
parser.add_argument('--require-extras-subpackages', action='store_true',
help="If there is a dependency on a package with extras functionality, require the extras subpackage")
parser.add_argument('--package-name', action='store', help="Name of the RPM package that's being inspected. Required for extras requires/provides to work.")
parser.add_argument('files', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Files from the RPM package that are to be inspected, can also be supplied on stdin")
args = parser.parse_args()
py_abi = args.requires
py_deps = {}
if args:
files = args
files = stdin.readlines()
for f in files:
if args.majorver_provides_versions:
# Go through the arguments (can be specified multiple times),
# and parse individual versions (can be comma-separated)
args.majorver_provides_versions = [v for vstring in args.majorver_provides_versions
for v in vstring.split(",")]
# If normalized_names_require_pep503 is True we require the pep503
# normalized name, if it is False we provide the legacy normalized name
normalized_names_require_pep503 = args.normalized_names_format == "pep503"
# If normalized_names_provide_pep503/legacy is True we provide the
# pep503/legacy normalized name, if it is False we don't
normalized_names_provide_pep503 = \
args.normalized_names_format == "pep503" or args.normalized_names_provide_both
normalized_names_provide_legacy = \
args.normalized_names_format == "legacy-dots" or args.normalized_names_provide_both
# At least one type of normalization must be provided
assert normalized_names_provide_pep503 or normalized_names_provide_legacy
if args.console_scripts_nodep_setuptools_since:
nodep_setuptools_pyversion = parse(args.console_scripts_nodep_setuptools_since)
if nodep_setuptools_pyversion < parse("3.8"):
print("Only version 3.8+ is supported in --console-scripts-nodep-setuptools-since", file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
nodep_setuptools_pyversion = None
# Is this script being run for an extras subpackage?
extras_subpackage = None
if args.package_name and '+' in args.package_name:
# The extras names are encoded in the package names after the + sign.
# We take the part after the rightmost +, ignoring when empty,
# this allows packages like nicotine+ or c++ to work fine.
# While packages with names like +spam or foo+bar would break,
# names started with the plus sign are not very common
# and pluses in the middle can be easily replaced with dashes.
# Python extras names don't contain pluses according to PEP 508.
package_name_parts = args.package_name.rpartition('+')
extras_subpackage = package_name_parts[2].lower() or None
for f in (args.files or stdin.readlines()):
f = f.strip()
lower = f.lower()
name = 'python(abi)'
@ -91,8 +341,9 @@ for f in files:
if py_abi and (lower.endswith('.py') or lower.endswith('.pyc') or lower.endswith('.pyo')):
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
purelib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=0).split(version[:3])[0]
platlib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=1).split(version[:3])[0]
running_python_version = '{}.{}'.format(*version_info[:2])
purelib = get_path('purelib').split(running_python_version)[0]
platlib = get_path('platlib').split(running_python_version)[0]
for lib in (purelib, platlib):
if lib in f:
spec = ('==', f.split(lib)[1].split(sep)[0])
@ -110,69 +361,84 @@ for f in files:
if lower.endswith('.egg') or \
lower.endswith('.egg-info') or \
# This import is very slow, so only do it if needed
from pkg_resources import Distribution, FileMetadata, PathMetadata
dist_name = basename(f)
if isdir(f):
path_item = dirname(f)
metadata = PathMetadata(path_item, f)
path_item = f
metadata = FileMetadata(f)
dist = Distribution.from_location(path_item, dist_name, metadata)
# Check if py_version is defined in the metadata file/directory name
dist = Distribution(f)
if not dist.py_version:
# Try to parse the Python version from the path the metadata
# resides at (e.g. /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/...)
import re
res ="/python(?P<pyver>\d+\.\d+)/", path_item)
if res:
dist.py_version ='pyver')
warn("Version for {!r} has not been found".format(dist), RuntimeWarning)
# XXX:
import platform
platform.python_version = lambda: dist.py_version
# If processing an extras subpackage:
# Check that the extras name is declared in the metadata, or
# that there are some dependencies associated with the extras
# name in the requires.txt (this is an outdated way to declare
# extras packages).
# - If there is an extras package declared only in requires.txt
# without any dependencies, this check will fail. In that case
# make sure to use updated metadata and declare the extras
# package there.
if extras_subpackage and extras_subpackage not in dist.extras and not dist.requirements_for_extra(extras_subpackage):
print(f"\nError: The package name contains an extras name `{extras_subpackage}` that was not found in the metadata.\n"
"Check if the extras were removed from the project. If so, consider removing the subpackage and obsoleting it from another.\n", file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant or PyMajorVer_Deps or legacy_Provides or legacy or Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions:
if args.majorver_provides or args.majorver_provides_versions or \
args.majorver_only or args.legacy_provides or args.legacy:
# Get the Python major version
pyver_major = dist.py_version.split('.')[0]
if Provides:
if args.provides:
extras_suffix = f"[{extras_subpackage}]" if extras_subpackage else ""
# If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we provide python(abi)
if dist.key == 'python':
if dist.normalized_name == 'python':
name = 'python(abi)'
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
py_deps[name].append(('==', dist.py_version))
if not legacy or not PyMajorVer_Deps:
name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.key)
if not args.legacy or not args.majorver_only:
if normalized_names_provide_legacy:
name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.legacy_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant or PyMajorVer_Deps or \
(Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions and dist.py_version in Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions):
pymajor_name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.key)
if normalized_names_provide_pep503:
name_ = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if name_ not in py_deps:
py_deps[name_] = []
if args.majorver_provides or args.majorver_only or \
(args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):
if normalized_names_provide_legacy:
pymajor_name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(pyver_major, dist.legacy_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if pymajor_name not in py_deps:
py_deps[pymajor_name] = []
if legacy or legacy_Provides:
legacy_name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.key)
if normalized_names_provide_pep503:
pymajor_name_ = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(pyver_major, dist.normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if pymajor_name_ not in py_deps:
py_deps[pymajor_name_] = []
if args.legacy or args.legacy_provides:
legacy_name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.legacy_normalized_name)
if legacy_name not in py_deps:
py_deps[legacy_name] = []
if dist.version:
spec = ('==', dist.version)
version = dist.version
spec = ('==', version)
if normalized_names_provide_legacy:
if spec not in py_deps[name]:
if not legacy:
if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant or \
(Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions and dist.py_version in Provides_PyMajorVer_Versions):
if args.majorver_provides or \
(args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):
if legacy or legacy_Provides:
if normalized_names_provide_pep503:
if spec not in py_deps[name_]:
if args.majorver_provides or \
(args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):
if args.legacy or args.legacy_provides:
if spec not in py_deps[legacy_name]:
if Requires or (Recommends and dist.extras):
if args.requires or (args.recommends and dist.extras):
name = 'python(abi)'
# If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we don't add dependency on python(abi)
if dist.key == 'python':
if dist.normalized_name == 'python':
py_abi = False
if name in py_deps:
@ -182,75 +448,99 @@ for f in files:
spec = ('==', dist.py_version)
if spec not in py_deps[name]:
deps = dist.requires()
if Recommends:
depsextras = dist.requires(extras=dist.extras)
if not Requires:
for dep in reversed(depsextras):
if dep in deps:
deps = depsextras
if extras_subpackage:
deps = [d for d in dist.requirements_for_extra(extras_subpackage)]
deps = dist.requirements
# console_scripts/gui_scripts entry points needed pkg_resources from setuptools
# on new Python/setuptools versions, this is no longer required
if nodep_setuptools_pyversion is None or parse(dist.py_version) < nodep_setuptools_pyversion:
if (dist.entry_points and
(lower.endswith('.egg') or
groups = { for ep in dist.entry_points}
if {"console_scripts", "gui_scripts"} & groups:
# stick them first so any more specific requirement
# overrides it
deps.insert(0, Requirement('setuptools'))
# add requires/recommends based on egg/dist metadata
for dep in deps:
if legacy:
name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.key)
# Even if we're requiring `foo[bar]`, also require `foo`
# to be safe, and to make it discoverable through
# `repoquery --whatrequires`
extras_suffixes = [""]
if args.require_extras_subpackages and dep.extras:
# A dependency can have more than one extras,
# i.e. foo[bar,baz], so let's go through all of them
extras_suffixes += [f"[{e.lower()}]" for e in dep.extras]
for extras_suffix in extras_suffixes:
if normalized_names_require_pep503:
dep_normalized_name = dep.normalized_name
if PyMajorVer_Deps:
name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.key)
dep_normalized_name = dep.legacy_normalized_name
if args.legacy:
name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.legacy_normalized_name)
name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, dep.key)
for spec in dep.specs:
if spec[0] != '!=':
if args.majorver_only:
name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(pyver_major, dep_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(dist.py_version, dep_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if dep.marker and not args.recommends and not extras_subpackage:
if not dep.marker.evaluate(get_marker_env(dist, '')):
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
if spec not in py_deps[name]:
if not dep.specs:
py_deps[name] = []
for spec in dep.specifier:
if (spec.operator, spec.version) not in py_deps[name]:
py_deps[name].append((spec.operator, spec.version))
# Unused, for automatic sub-package generation based on 'extras' from egg/dist metadata
# TODO: implement in rpm later, or...?
if Extras:
deps = dist.requires()
extras = dist.extras
for extra in extras:
if args.extras:
for extra in dist.extras:
print('Summary:\t{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.key))
print('Summary:\t{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.legacy_normalized_name))
depsextras = dist.requires(extras=[extra])
for dep in reversed(depsextras):
if dep in deps:
deps = depsextras
for dep in deps:
for spec in dep.specs:
if spec[0] == '!=':
print('Conflicts:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.key, '==', spec[1]))
for dep in dist.requirements_for_extra(extra):
for spec in dep.specifier:
if spec.operator == '!=':
print('Conflicts:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.legacy_normalized_name, '==', spec.version))
print('Requires:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.key, spec[0], spec[1]))
print('Requires:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.legacy_normalized_name, spec.operator, spec.version))
print('{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.key))
print('{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.legacy_normalized_name))
if Conflicts:
if args.conflicts:
# Should we really add conflicts for extras?
# Creating a meta package per extra with recommends on, which has
# the requires/conflicts in stead might be a better solution...
for dep in dist.requires(extras=dist.extras):
name = dep.key
for spec in dep.specs:
if spec[0] == '!=':
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
spec = ('==', spec[1])
if spec not in py_deps[name]:
names = list(py_deps.keys())
for name in names:
for dep in dist.requirements:
for spec in dep.specifier:
if spec.operator == '!=':
if dep.legacy_normalized_name not in py_deps:
py_deps[dep.legacy_normalized_name] = []
spec = ('==', spec.version)
if spec not in py_deps[dep.legacy_normalized_name]:
for name in sorted(py_deps):
if py_deps[name]:
# Print out versioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts
spec_list = []
for spec in py_deps[name]:
print('{} {} {}'.format(name, spec[0], spec[1]))
spec_list.append(convert(name, spec[0], spec[1]))
if len(spec_list) == 1:
# Sort spec_list so that the results can be tested easily
print('({})'.format(' with '.join(sorted(spec_list))))
# Print out unversioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
%__pythonname_provides() %{lua:
local python = require 'fedora.srpm.python'
-- this macro is called for each file in a package, the path being in %1
-- but we don't need to know the path, so we would get for each file: Macro %1 defined but not used within scope
-- in here, we expand %name conditionally on %1 to suppress the warning
local name = rpm.expand('%{?1:%{name}}')
local evr = rpm.expand('%{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}')
local provides = python.python_altprovides_once(name, evr)
-- provides is either an array/table or nil
-- nil means the function was already called with the same arguments:
-- either with another file in %1 or manually via %py_provides
if provides then
for i, provide in ipairs(provides) do
print(provide .. ' ')
%__pythonname_obsoletes() %{?rhel:%{lua:
-- On CentOS/RHEL we automatically generate Obsoletes tags in the form:
-- package python3-foo -> Obsoletes: python3.XY-foo
-- This provides a clean upgrade path between major versions of CentOS/RHEL.
-- In Fedora this is not needed as we don't ship ecosystem packages
-- for alternative Python interpreters.
local python = require 'fedora.srpm.python'
-- this macro is called for each file in a package, the path being in %1
-- but we don't need to know the path, so we would get for each file: Macro %1 defined but not used within scope
-- in here, we expand %name conditionally on %1 to suppress the warning
local name = rpm.expand('%{?1:%{name}}')
local evr = rpm.expand('%{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}')
local obsoletes = python.python_altobsoletes_once(name, evr)
-- obsoletes is either an array/table or nil
-- nil means the function was already called with the same arguments:
-- either with another file in %1 or manually via %py_provides
if obsoletes then
for i, obsolete in ipairs(obsoletes) do
print(obsolete .. ' ')
%__pythonname_path ^/
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
# Disable automatic bytecompilation. We install only one script and we will
# never "import" it.
%undefine py_auto_byte_compile
Name: python-rpm-generators
Summary: Dependency generators for Python RPMs
Version: 5
Release: 8%{?dist}
Version: 12
Release: 9%{?dist}
# Originally all those files were part of RPM, so license is kept here
License: GPLv2+
@ -13,8 +9,10 @@ Url:
# Commit is the last change in following files
Source1: python.attr
Source2: pythondist.attr
Source3: pythonname.attr
BuildArch: noarch
@ -23,13 +21,11 @@ BuildArch: noarch
%package -n python3-rpm-generators
Summary: %{summary}
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} >= 8
Requires: platform-python-setuptools
Requires: python3-setuptools
# The point of split
Conflicts: rpm-build <
Requires: python3-packaging
# We have parametric macro generators, we need RPM 4.16 (4.15.90+ is 4.16 alpha)
Requires: rpm > 4.15.90-0
# This contains the Lua functions we use:
Requires: python-srpm-macros >= 3.9-49
%description -n python3-rpm-generators
@ -38,47 +34,157 @@ Conflicts: rpm-build <
%autosetup -c -T
cp -a %{sources} .
# Set which Python versions should have the major-version provides
# (pythonXdist...) generated
sed -i 's/@MAJORVER-PROVIDES-VERSIONS@/2.7,3.6/' python.attr
install -Dpm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_fileattrsdir} python.attr
install -Dpm0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}
install -Dpm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_fileattrsdir} *.attr
install -Dpm0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir} *.py
%files -n python3-rpm-generators
%license COPYING
* Mon Nov 14 2022 Charalampos Stratakis <> - 5-8
- Fix the and scripts for multiple digits python versions
- Resolves: rhbz#2143990
* Fri Sep 22 2023 Tomáš Hrnčiar <> - 12-9
- Avoid needless pkg_resources import in
- Resolves: RHEL-6110
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 5-7
- Do not parse nested dist/egg-info metadata
- Resolves: rhbz#1916172
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-8
- From `python3-foo` packages automatically generate `python3.X-foo` Obsoletes
tags on CentOS/RHEL
- Resolves: rhbz#1990421
* Thu Dec 12 2019 Tomas Orsava <> - 5-6
- Enabled gating
- Related: rhbz#1776941
* Tue Aug 10 2021 Mohan Boddu <> - 12-7
- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
Related: rhbz#1991688
* Wed Nov 27 2019 Tomas Orsava <> - 5-5
- Create major-version provides only on major Python versions (2.7, 3.6)
- Fix an extra parenthesis in python.attr
- Resolves: rhbz#1776941
* Mon Apr 19 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-6
- Get rid of distutils deprecation warning (by not using it)
- The distutils module is deprecated in Python 3.10+
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Lumír Balhar <> - 5-4
- Require platform-python-setuptools instead of python3-setuptools
- Resolves: rhbz#1650544
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-5.1
- Do not generate setuptools requirement for console_scripts on Python 3.10+
- See
* Sat Jul 28 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 5-3
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Mohan Boddu <> - 12-5
- Rebuilt for RHEL 9 BETA on Apr 15th 2021. Related: rhbz#1947937
* Thu Mar 11 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-4
- scripts/pythondistdeps: Treat extras names case-insensitively and always
output them in lower case (#1936875)
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-3
- scripts/pythondistdeps: Fix for Python 3.10
* Wed Feb 17 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-2
- scripts/pythondistdeps: Switch from using pkg_resources to importlib.metadata
for reading the egg/dist-info metadata
- The script no longer requires setuptools but instead requires packaging
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-1
- Disable the dist generators for Python 2
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 11-13
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Oct 19 2020 Tomas Orsava <> - 11-12
- Run scripts in an isolated Python environment (#1889080)
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 11-11
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jul 21 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-10
- pythondistdeps: Split Python Extras names after the rightmost plus sign
- pythondistdeps: Handle edge cases of version comparisons more closely to
upstream, despite irrationality
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Tomas Orsava <> - 11-9
- pythondistdeps: Implement provides/requires for extras packages
- Enable --require-extras-subpackages
- Adapt Python version marker workaround for setuptools 42+
* Fri Jun 26 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-8
- Fix python(abi) requires generator, it picked files from almost good directories
- Add a script to generate Python bundled provides
* Thu May 21 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-7
- Use PEP 503 names for requires
* Tue May 05 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-6
- Deduplicate automatically provided names trough Python RPM Lua macros
* Wed Apr 29 2020 Tomas Orsava <> - 11-5
- Backporting proposed upstream changes
- Only provide python3dist(..) for the main Python versions (BZ#1812083)
- Preparation for the proper handling of normalized names (BZ#1791530)
- Add a test suite (and enable it in Fedora CI)
- Better error messages for unsupported package versions
- Fix sorting of dev versions
* Tue Apr 28 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-4
- Don't define global Lua variables from Python generator
* Mon Apr 20 2020 Gordon Messmer <> - 11-3
- Handle all-zero versions without crashing
* Tue Apr 07 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-2
- Use dynamic %%_prefix value when matching files for python(abi) provides
- Sync with upstream RPM dist generator
* Wed Apr 01 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 11-1
- Rewrite python(abi) generators to Lua to make them faster
- RPM 4.16+ is needed
- Automatically call %%python_provide
* Thu Jan 30 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 10-4
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jan 17 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 10-3
- Also provide pythonXdist() with PEP 503 normalized names (#1791530)
* Fri Jan 03 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 10-2
- Fix more complicated requirement expressions by adding parenthesis
* Wed Jan 01 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 10-1
- Handle version ending with ".*" (#1758141)
- Handle compatible-release operator "~=" (#1758141)
- Use rich deps for semantically versioned dependencies
- Match Python version if minor has multiple digits (e.g. 3.10, #1777382)
- Only add setuptools requirement for egg-info packages
* Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 9-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jun 24 2019 Tomas Orsava <> - 9-1
- Canonicalize Python versions and properly handle != spec
* Wed Apr 17 2019 Miro Hrončok <> - 8-1
- console_scripts entry points to require setuptools
* Sat Feb 02 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 7-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Dec 20 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 7-1
- Enable requires generator
* Wed Oct 03 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 6-1
- Tighten regex for depgen
* Sat Jul 28 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 5-4
- Use nonstandardlib for purelib definition (#1609492)
* Tue Jun 05 2018 Tomas Orsava <> - 5-2
- Switch the script to /usr/libexec/platform-python
* Sat Jul 28 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 5-3
- Add pythondist generator
* Sat Jul 14 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 5-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Feb 11 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 5-1
- Fork upstream generators
Reference in New Issue
Block a user