summary: Tests for python-packaging require: - python3 - python3-packaging # Currently there is no easy way to see the versions of installed packages. # Let's list them to make sure we're testing against the correct package set. /display-installed-packages: test: | rpm -qa | sort /smoke: test: | set -eux python3 -c 'import packaging' python3 -c 'from packaging import version; version.Version("2.5.1rc2")' python3 -c 'from packaging import specifiers; specifiers.SpecifierSet("~=1.0")' python3 -c 'from packaging import markers; markers.Marker("python_version>'"'"'2'"'"'")' python3 -c 'from packaging import requirements; requirements.Requirement('"'"'name[foo]>=2,<3; python_version>"2.0"'"'"')' python3 -c 'from packaging import tags; tags.Tag("py39", "none", "any")' python3 -c 'from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name; canonicalize_name("Django_foobar")'