- Avoid unneccesarily tripping raid-level member count checks. (dlehman) - Allow toggling encryption of raid container members. (#1148373) (dlehman) - Include the new blivet.devices submodule in the built package. (clumens) - Add a few test for setting dataLevel and metaDataLevel in BTRFS (amulhern) - Add dataLevel and metaDataLevel attributes for testing. (amulhern) - Add isleaf and direct to _state_functions (amulhern) - Refactor setup of _state_functions into __init__() methods (amulhern) - Move getting the attribute into the check methods. (amulhern) - Adjust detection of exceptions raised. (amulhern) - Update test setup so that it obeys RAID level requirements. (amulhern) - Use new RaidDevice class in appropriate Device subclasses. (amulhern) - Add new RaidDevice class for handling RAID aspects of devices. (amulhern) - Do not set parents attribute if parents param is bad. (amulhern)
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