This adds a new flag, -p, to %pyproject_buildrequires. When set, the runtime dependencies are read from the pyproject.toml's [project] table. See: already had a short `-p` option for --python3_pkgversion (hidden from the macro users). This change removes the one-letter option and leaves the long-one. `-p` is now reused for reading dependencies from pyproject.toml and made visible to the macro users.
18 lines
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18 lines
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# This file is called
# to sort alphabetically before macros.pyproject.
# When this file is installed but macros.pyproject is not
# this macro will cause the package with the real macro to be installed.
# When macros.pyproject is installed, it overrides this macro.
# Note: This needs to maintain the same set of options as the real macro.
%pyproject_buildrequires(rRxtNwpe:C:) echo 'pyproject-rpm-macros' && exit 0
# Declarative buildsystem, requires RPM 4.20+ to work
# This is the minimal implementation to be in the srpm package,
# as required even before the BuildRequires are installed
%buildsystem_pyproject_conf() %nil
%buildsystem_pyproject_generate_buildrequires() %pyproject_buildrequires %*
%buildsystem_pyproject_build() %nil
%buildsystem_pyproject_install() %nil