2020-08-06 15:26:37 +02:00

405 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

import argparse
import csv
import fnmatch
import os
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import PosixPath, PurePosixPath
class BuildrootPath(PurePosixPath):
This path represents a path in a buildroot.
When absolute, it is "relative" to a buildroot.
E.g. /usr/lib means %{buildroot}/usr/lib
The object carries no buildroot information.
def from_real(realpath, *, root):
For a given real disk path, return a BuildrootPath in the given root.
For example::
>>> BuildrootPath.from_real(PosixPath('/tmp/buildroot/foo'), root=PosixPath('/tmp/buildroot'))
return BuildrootPath("/") / realpath.relative_to(root)
def to_real(self, root):
Return a real PosixPath in the given root
For example::
>>> BuildrootPath('/foo').to_real(PosixPath('/tmp/buildroot'))
return root / self.relative_to("/")
def normpath(self):
Normalize all the potential /../ parts of the path without touching real files.
PurePaths don't have .resolve().
Paths have .resolve() but it touches real files.
This is an alternative. It assumes there are no symbolic links.
>>> BuildrootPath('/usr/lib/python/../pypy').normpath()
return type(self)(os.path.normpath(self))
def locate_record(root, sitedirs):
Find a RECORD file in the given root.
sitedirs are BuildrootPaths.
Only RECORDs in dist-info dirs inside sitedirs are considered.
There can only be one RECORD file.
Returns a PosixPath of the RECORD file.
records = []
for sitedir in sitedirs:
sitedirs_text = ", ".join(str(p) for p in sitedirs)
if len(records) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"There is no *.dist-info/RECORD in {sitedirs_text}")
if len(records) > 1:
raise FileExistsError(f"Multiple *.dist-info directories in {sitedirs_text}")
return records[0]
def read_record(record_path):
A generator yielding individual RECORD triplets.
The triplet is str-path, hash, size -- the last two optional.
We will later care only for the paths anyway.
>>> g = read_record(PosixPath('./test_RECORD'))
>>> next(g)
['../../../bin/__pycache__/tldr.cpython-....pyc', '', '']
>>> next(g)
['../../../bin/tldr', 'sha256=...', '12766']
>>> next(g)
['../../../bin/', 'sha256=...', '12766']
with open(record_path, newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f:
yield from csv.reader(
f, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', lineterminator=os.linesep
def parse_record(record_path, record_content):
Returns a generator with BuildrootPaths parsed from record_content
record_path: RECORD BuildrootPath
record_content: list of RECORD triplets
first item is a str-path relative to directory where dist-info directory is
(it can also be absolute according to the standard, but not from pip)
>>> next(parse_record(BuildrootPath('/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests-2.22.0.dist-info/RECORD'),
... [('requests/', 'sha256=xxx', '666'), ...]))
>>> next(parse_record(BuildrootPath('/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tldr-0.5.dist-info/RECORD'),
... [('../../../bin/tldr', 'sha256=yyy', '777'), ...]))
sitedir = record_path.parent.parent # trough the dist-info directory
# / with absolute right operand will remove the left operand
# any .. parts are resolved via normpath
return ((sitedir / row[0]).normpath() for row in record_content)
def pycached(script, python_version):
For a script BuildrootPath, return a list with that path and its bytecode glob.
Like the %pycached macro.
The glob is represented as a BuildrootPath.
>>> pycached(BuildrootPath('/whatever/'), '3.8')
[BuildrootPath('/whatever/'), BuildrootPath('/whatever/__pycache__/bar.cpython-38{,.opt-?}.pyc')]
>>> pycached(BuildrootPath('/opt/python3.10/'), '3.10')
[BuildrootPath('/opt/python3.10/'), BuildrootPath('/opt/python3.10/__pycache__/foo.cpython-310{,.opt-?}.pyc')]
assert script.suffix == ".py"
pyver = "".join(python_version.split(".")[:2])
pycname = f"{script.stem}.cpython-{pyver}{{,.opt-?}}.pyc"
pyc = script.parent / "__pycache__" / pycname
return [script, pyc]
def add_file_to_module(paths, module_name, module_type, *files):
Helper procedure, adds given files to the module_name of a given module_type
for module in paths["modules"][module_name]:
if module["type"] == module_type:
if files[0] not in module["files"]:
{"type": module_type, "files": list(files)}
def classify_paths(
record_path, parsed_record_content, sitedirs, bindir, python_version
For each BuildrootPath in parsed_record_content classify it to a dict structure
that allows to filter the files for the %files section easier.
For the dict structure, look at the beginning of this function's code.
Each "module" is a dict with "type" ("package", "script", "extension") and "files".
distinfo = record_path.parent
paths = {
"metadata": {
"files": [], # regular %file entries with dist-info content
"dirs": [distinfo], # %dir %file entries with dist-info directory
"docs": [], # to be used once there is upstream way to recognize READMEs
"licenses": [], # to be used once there is upstream way to recognize LICENSEs
"modules": defaultdict(list), # each importable module (directory, .py, .so)
"other": {"files": []}, # regular %file entries we could not parse :(
# In RECORDs generated by pip, there are no directories, only files.
# The example RECORD from PEP 376 does not contain directories either.
# Hence, we'll only assume files, but TODO get it officially documented.
for path in parsed_record_content:
if path.suffix == ".pyc":
# we handle bytecode separately
if path.parent == distinfo:
# TODO is this a license/documentation?
for sitedir in sitedirs:
if sitedir in path.parents:
if path.parent == sitedir:
if path.suffix == ".so":
# extension modules can have 2 suffixes
name = BuildrootPath(path.stem).stem
add_file_to_module(paths, name, "extension", path)
elif path.suffix == ".py":
name = path.stem
paths, name, "script", *pycached(path, python_version)
# this file is inside a dir, we classify that dir
index = path.parents.index(sitedir)
module_dir = path.parents[index - 1]
add_file_to_module(paths,, "package", module_dir)
warnings.warn(f"Unrecognized file: {path}")
return paths
def generate_file_list(paths_dict, module_globs, include_others=False):
This function takes the classified paths_dict and turns it into lines
for the %files section. Returns list with text lines, no Path objects.
Only includes files from modules that match module_globs, metadata and
optionaly all other files.
It asserts that all globs match at least one module, raises ValueError otherwise.
Multiple globs matching identical module(s) are OK.
files = set()
if include_others:
files.update(f"{p}" for p in paths_dict["other"]["files"])
files.update(f"{p}" for p in paths_dict["metadata"]["files"])
for macro in "dir", "doc", "license":
files.update(f"%{macro} {p}" for p in paths_dict["metadata"][f"{macro}s"])
modules = paths_dict["modules"]
done_modules = set()
done_globs = set()
for glob in module_globs:
for name in modules:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, glob):
if name not in done_modules:
for module in modules[name]:
if module["type"] == "package":
files.update(f"{p}/" for p in module["files"])
files.update(f"{p}" for p in module["files"])
missed = module_globs - done_globs
if missed:
missed_text = ", ".join(sorted(missed))
raise ValueError(f"Globs did not match any module: {missed_text}")
return sorted(files)
def parse_varargs(varargs):
Parse varargs from the %pyproject_save_files macro
Arguments starting with + are treated as a flags, everything else is a glob
Returns as set of globs, boolean flag whether to include all the other files
Raises ValueError for unknown flags and globs with dots (namespace packages).
Good examples:
>>> parse_varargs(['*'])
({'*'}, False)
>>> mods, auto = parse_varargs(['requests*', 'kerberos', '+auto'])
>>> auto
>>> sorted(mods)
['kerberos', 'requests*']
>>> mods, auto = parse_varargs(['tldr', 'tensorf*'])
>>> auto
>>> sorted(mods)
['tensorf*', 'tldr']
>>> parse_varargs(['+auto'])
(set(), True)
Bad examples:
>>> parse_varargs(['+kinkdir'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid argument: +kinkdir
>>> parse_varargs(['good', '+bad', '*ugly*'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid argument: +bad
>>> parse_varargs(['+bad', 'my.bad'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid argument: +bad
>>> parse_varargs(['mod', 'mod.*'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Attempted to use a namespaced package with dot in the glob: mod.*. ...
>>> parse_varargs(['my.bad', '+bad'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Attempted to use a namespaced package with dot in the glob: my.bad. ...
include_auto = False
globs = set()
for arg in varargs:
if arg.startswith("+"):
if arg == "+auto":
include_auto = True
raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument: {arg}")
elif "." in arg:
top, *_ = arg.partition(".")
msg = (
f"Attempted to use a namespaced package with dot in the glob: {arg}. "
f"That is not (yet) supported. Use {top} instead and/or file a Bugzilla explaining your use case."
raise ValueError(msg)
return globs, include_auto
def pyproject_save_files(buildroot, sitelib, sitearch, bindir, python_version, varargs):
Takes arguments from the %{pyproject_save_files} macro
Returns list of paths for the %files section
# On 32 bit architectures, sitelib equals to sitearch
# This saves us browsing one directory twice
sitedirs = sorted({sitelib, sitearch})
globs, include_auto = parse_varargs(varargs)
record_path_real = locate_record(buildroot, sitedirs)
record_path = BuildrootPath.from_real(record_path_real, root=buildroot)
parsed_record = parse_record(record_path, read_record(record_path_real))
paths_dict = classify_paths(
record_path, parsed_record, sitedirs, bindir, python_version
return generate_file_list(paths_dict, globs, include_auto)
def main(cli_args):
file_section = pyproject_save_files(
cli_args.output.write_text("\n".join(file_section) + "\n", encoding="utf-8")
def argparser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
r = parser.add_argument_group("required arguments")
r.add_argument("--output", type=PosixPath, required=True)
r.add_argument("--buildroot", type=PosixPath, required=True)
r.add_argument("--sitelib", type=BuildrootPath, required=True)
r.add_argument("--sitearch", type=BuildrootPath, required=True)
r.add_argument("--bindir", type=BuildrootPath, required=True)
r.add_argument("--python-version", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("varargs", nargs="+")
return parser
if __name__ == "__main__":
cli_args = argparser().parse_args()