import glob import io import os import sys import importlib.metadata import argparse import traceback import json import subprocess import re import tempfile import email.parser import pathlib import zipfile from pyproject_requirements_txt import convert_requirements_txt # Some valid Python version specifiers are not supported. # Allow only the forms we know we can handle. VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+(\.\*)?') class EndPass(Exception): """End current pass of generating requirements""" # nb: we don't use functools.partial to be able to use pytest's capsys # see def print_err(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('file', sys.stderr) print(*args, **kwargs) try: from packaging.requirements import Requirement, InvalidRequirement from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name except ImportError as e: print_err('Import error:', e) # already echoed by the %pyproject_buildrequires macro sys.exit(0) # uses packaging, needs to be imported after packaging is verified to be present from pyproject_convert import convert def guess_reason_for_invalid_requirement(requirement_str): if ':' in requirement_str: message = ( 'It might be an URL. ' '%pyproject_buildrequires cannot handle all URL-based requirements. ' 'Add PackageName@ (see PEP 508) to the URL to at least require any version of PackageName.' ) if '@' in requirement_str: message += ' (but note that URLs might not work well with other features)' return message if '/' in requirement_str: return ( 'It might be a local path. ' '%pyproject_buildrequires cannot handle local paths as requirements. ' 'Use an URL with PackageName@ (see PEP 508) to at least require any version of PackageName.' ) # No more ideas return None class Requirements: """Requirement gatherer. The macro will eventually print out output_lines.""" def __init__(self, get_installed_version, extras=None, generate_extras=False, python3_pkgversion='3'): self.get_installed_version = get_installed_version self.output_lines = [] self.extras = set() if extras: for extra in extras: self.add_extras(*extra.split(',')) self.missing_requirements = False self.ignored_alien_requirements = [] self.generate_extras = generate_extras self.python3_pkgversion = python3_pkgversion def add_extras(self, *extras): self.extras |= set(e.strip() for e in extras) @property def marker_envs(self): if self.extras: return [{'extra': e} for e in sorted(self.extras)] return [{'extra': ''}] def evaluate_all_environments(self, requirement): for marker_env in self.marker_envs: if requirement.marker.evaluate(environment=marker_env): return True return False def add(self, requirement_str, *, package_name=None, source=None): """Output a Python-style requirement string as RPM dep""" print_err(f'Handling {requirement_str} from {source}') try: requirement = Requirement(requirement_str) except InvalidRequirement: hint = guess_reason_for_invalid_requirement(requirement_str) message = f'Requirement {requirement_str!r} from {source} is invalid.' if hint: message += f' Hint: {hint}' raise ValueError(message) if requirement.url: print_err( f'WARNING: Simplifying {requirement_str!r} to {!r}.' ) name = canonicalize_name( if (requirement.marker is not None and not self.evaluate_all_environments(requirement)): print_err(f'Ignoring alien requirement:', requirement_str) self.ignored_alien_requirements.append(requirement_str) return # Handle self-referencing requirements if package_name and canonicalize_name(package_name) == name: # Self-referential extras need to be handled specially if requirement.extras: if not (requirement.extras <= self.extras): # only handle it if needed # let all further requirements know we want those extras self.add_extras(*requirement.extras) # re-add all of the alien requirements ignored in the past # they might no longer be alien now self.readd_ignored_alien_requirements(package_name=package_name) else: print_err(f'Ignoring self-referential requirement without extras:', requirement_str) return # We need to always accept pre-releases as satisfying the requirement # Otherwise e.g. installed cffi version 1.15.0rc2 won't even satisfy the requirement for "cffi" # requirement.specifier.prereleases = True try: # TODO: check if requirements with extras are satisfied installed = self.get_installed_version( except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: print_err(f'Requirement not satisfied: {requirement_str}') installed = None if installed and installed in requirement.specifier: print_err(f'Requirement satisfied: {requirement_str}') print_err(f' (installed: {} {installed})') if requirement.extras: print_err(f' (extras are currently not checked)') else: self.missing_requirements = True if self.generate_extras: extra_names = [f'{name}[{extra.lower()}]' for extra in sorted(requirement.extras)] else: extra_names = [] for name in [name] + extra_names: together = [] for specifier in sorted( requirement.specifier, key=lambda s: (s.operator, s.version), ): if not VERSION_RE.fullmatch(str(specifier.version)): raise ValueError( f'Unknown character in version: {specifier.version}. ' + '(This might be a bug in pyproject-rpm-macros.)', ) together.append(convert(python3dist(name, python3_pkgversion=self.python3_pkgversion), specifier.operator, specifier.version)) if len(together) == 0: dep = python3dist(name, python3_pkgversion=self.python3_pkgversion) self.output_lines.append(dep) elif len(together) == 1: self.output_lines.append(together[0]) else: self.output_lines.append(f"({' with '.join(together)})") def check(self, *, source=None): """End current pass if any unsatisfied dependencies were output""" if self.missing_requirements: print_err(f'Exiting dependency generation pass: {source}') raise EndPass(source) def extend(self, requirement_strs, **kwargs): """add() several requirements""" for req_str in requirement_strs: self.add(req_str, **kwargs) def readd_ignored_alien_requirements(self, **kwargs): """add() previously ignored alien requirements again.""" requirements, self.ignored_alien_requirements = self.ignored_alien_requirements, [] kwargs.setdefault('source', 'Previously ignored alien requirements') self.extend(requirements, **kwargs) def toml_load(opened_binary_file): try: # tomllib is in the standard library since 3.11.0b1 import tomllib as toml_module load_from = opened_binary_file except ImportError: try: # note: we could use tomli here, # but for backwards compatibility with RHEL 9, we use toml instead import toml as toml_module load_from = io.TextIOWrapper(opened_binary_file, encoding='utf-8') except ImportError as e: print_err('Import error:', e) # already echoed by the %pyproject_buildrequires macro sys.exit(0) return toml_module.load(load_from) def get_backend(requirements): try: f = open('pyproject.toml', 'rb') except FileNotFoundError: pyproject_data = {} else: with f: pyproject_data = toml_load(f) buildsystem_data = pyproject_data.get('build-system', {}) requirements.extend( buildsystem_data.get('requires', ()), source='build-system.requires', ) backend_name = buildsystem_data.get('build-backend') if not backend_name: # # If the pyproject.toml file is absent, or the build-backend key is # missing, the source tree is not using this specification, and tools # should revert to the legacy behaviour of running # (either directly, or by implicitly invoking the [following] backend). # If is also not present program will mimick pip's behavior # and end with an error. if not os.path.exists(''): raise FileNotFoundError('File "" not found for legacy project.') backend_name = 'setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__' # Note: For projects without pyproject.toml, this was already echoed # by the %pyproject_buildrequires macro, but this also handles cases # with pyproject.toml without a specified build backend. # If the default requirements change, also change them in the macro! requirements.add('setuptools >= 40.8', source='default build backend') requirements.add('wheel', source='default build backend') requirements.check(source='build backend') backend_path = buildsystem_data.get('backend-path') if backend_path: # PEP 517 example shows the path as a list, but some projects don't follow that if isinstance(backend_path, str): backend_path = [backend_path] sys.path = backend_path + sys.path module_name, _, object_name = backend_name.partition(":") backend_module = importlib.import_module(module_name) if object_name: return getattr(backend_module, object_name) return backend_module def generate_build_requirements(backend, requirements): get_requires = getattr(backend, 'get_requires_for_build_wheel', None) if get_requires: new_reqs = get_requires() requirements.extend(new_reqs, source='get_requires_for_build_wheel') requirements.check(source='get_requires_for_build_wheel') def parse_metadata_file(metadata_file): return email.parser.Parser().parse(metadata_file, headersonly=True) def requires_from_parsed_metadata_file(message): return {k: message.get_all(k, ()) for k in ('Requires', 'Requires-Dist')} def package_name_from_parsed_metadata_file(message): return message.get('name') def package_name_and_requires_from_metadata_file(metadata_file): message = parse_metadata_file(metadata_file) package_name = package_name_from_parsed_metadata_file(message) requires = requires_from_parsed_metadata_file(message) return package_name, requires def generate_run_requirements_hook(backend, requirements): hook_name = 'prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel' prepare_metadata = getattr(backend, hook_name, None) if not prepare_metadata: raise ValueError( 'The build backend cannot provide build metadata ' '(incl. runtime requirements) before build. ' 'Use the provisional -w flag to build the wheel and parse the metadata from it, ' 'or use the -R flag not to generate runtime dependencies.' ) dir_basename = prepare_metadata('.') with open(dir_basename + '/METADATA') as metadata_file: name, requires = package_name_and_requires_from_metadata_file(metadata_file) for key, req in requires.items(): requirements.extend(req, package_name=name, source=f'hook generated metadata: {key} ({name})') def find_built_wheel(wheeldir): wheels = glob.glob(os.path.join(wheeldir, '*.whl')) if not wheels: return None if len(wheels) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Found multiple wheels in %{_pyproject_wheeldir}, ' 'this is not supported with %pyproject_buildrequires -w.') return wheels[0] def generate_run_requirements_wheel(backend, requirements, wheeldir): # Reuse the wheel from the previous round of %pyproject_buildrequires (if it exists) wheel = find_built_wheel(wheeldir) if not wheel: import pyproject_wheel returncode = pyproject_wheel.build_wheel(wheeldir=wheeldir, stdout=sys.stderr) if returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to build the wheel for %pyproject_buildrequires -w.') wheel = find_built_wheel(wheeldir) if not wheel: raise RuntimeError('Cannot locate the built wheel for %pyproject_buildrequires -w.') print_err(f'Reading metadata from {wheel}') with zipfile.ZipFile(wheel) as wheelfile: for name in wheelfile.namelist(): if name.count('/') == 1 and name.endswith('.dist-info/METADATA'): with io.TextIOWrapper(, encoding='utf-8') as metadata_file: name, requires = package_name_and_requires_from_metadata_file(metadata_file) for key, req in requires.items(): requirements.extend(req, package_name=name, source=f'built wheel metadata: {key} ({name})') break else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find *.dist-info/METADATA in built wheel.') def generate_run_requirements(backend, requirements, *, build_wheel, wheeldir): if build_wheel: generate_run_requirements_wheel(backend, requirements, wheeldir) else: generate_run_requirements_hook(backend, requirements) def generate_tox_requirements(toxenv, requirements): toxenv = ','.join(toxenv) requirements.add('tox-current-env >= 0.0.6', source='tox itself') requirements.check(source='tox itself') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r') as deps, \ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r') as extras, \ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r') as provision: r = [sys.executable, '-m', 'tox', '--print-deps-to',, '--print-extras-to',, '--no-provision',, '-q', '-r', '-e', toxenv], check=False, encoding='utf-8', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) if r.stdout: print_err(r.stdout, end='') provision_content = if provision_content and r.returncode != 0: provision_requires = json.loads(provision_content) if 'minversion' in provision_requires: requirements.add(f'tox >= {provision_requires["minversion"]}', source='tox provision (minversion)') if 'requires' in provision_requires: requirements.extend(provision_requires["requires"], source='tox provision (requires)') requirements.check(source='tox provision') # this terminates the script raise RuntimeError( 'Dependencies requested by tox provisioning appear installed, ' 'but tox disagreed.') else: r.check_returncode() deplines = packages = convert_requirements_txt(deplines) requirements.add_extras(* requirements.extend(packages, source=f'tox --print-deps-only: {toxenv}') def python3dist(name, op=None, version=None, python3_pkgversion="3"): prefix = f"python{python3_pkgversion}dist" if op is None: if version is not None: raise AssertionError('op and version go together') return f'{prefix}({name})' else: return f'{prefix}({name}) {op} {version}' def generate_requires( *, include_runtime=False, build_wheel=False, wheeldir=None, toxenv=None, extras=None, get_installed_version=importlib.metadata.version, # for dep injection generate_extras=False, python3_pkgversion="3", requirement_files=None, use_build_system=True, output, ): """Generate the BuildRequires for the project in the current directory The generated BuildRequires are written to the provided output. This is the main Python entry point. """ requirements = Requirements( get_installed_version, extras=extras or [], generate_extras=generate_extras, python3_pkgversion=python3_pkgversion ) try: if (include_runtime or toxenv) and not use_build_system: raise ValueError('-N option cannot be used in combination with -r, -e, -t, -x options') if requirement_files: for req_file in requirement_files: requirements.extend( convert_requirements_txt(req_file, pathlib.Path(, source=f'requirements file {}' ) requirements.check(source='all requirements files') if use_build_system: backend = get_backend(requirements) generate_build_requirements(backend, requirements) if toxenv: include_runtime = True generate_tox_requirements(toxenv, requirements) if include_runtime: generate_run_requirements(backend, requirements, build_wheel=build_wheel, wheeldir=wheeldir) except EndPass: return finally: output.write_text(os.linesep.join(requirements.output_lines) + os.linesep) def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate BuildRequires for a Python project.', prog='%pyproject_buildrequires', add_help=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--runtime', action='store_true', default=True, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, # Generate run-time requirements (backwards-compatibility only) ) parser.add_argument( '--generate-extras', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--python3_pkgversion', metavar='PYTHON3_PKGVERSION', default="3", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( '--output', type=pathlib.Path, required=True, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( '--wheeldir', metavar='PATH', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( '-x', '--extras', metavar='EXTRAS', action='append', help='comma separated list of "extras" for runtime requirements ' '(e.g. -x testing,feature-x) (implies --runtime, can be repeated)', ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--tox', action='store_true', help=('generate test tequirements from tox environment ' '(implies --runtime)'), ) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--toxenv', metavar='TOXENVS', action='append', help=('specify tox environments (comma separated and/or repeated)' '(implies --tox)'), ) parser.add_argument( '-w', '--wheel', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Generate run-time requirements by building the wheel ' '(useful for build backends without the prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel hook)'), ) parser.add_argument( '-R', '--no-runtime', action='store_false', dest='runtime', help="Don't generate run-time requirements (implied by -N)", ) parser.add_argument( '-N', '--no-use-build-system', dest='use_build_system', action='store_false', help='Use -N to indicate that project does not use any build system', ) parser.add_argument( 'requirement_files', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('r'), metavar='REQUIREMENTS.TXT', help=('Add buildrequires from file'), ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if not args.use_build_system: args.runtime = False if args.wheel: if not args.wheeldir: raise ValueError('--wheeldir must be set when -w.') if args.toxenv: args.tox = True if args.tox: args.runtime = True if not args.toxenv: _default = f'py{sys.version_info.major}{sys.version_info.minor}' args.toxenv = [os.getenv('RPM_TOXENV', _default)] if args.extras: args.runtime = True try: generate_requires( include_runtime=args.runtime, build_wheel=args.wheel, wheeldir=args.wheeldir, toxenv=args.toxenv, extras=args.extras, generate_extras=args.generate_extras, python3_pkgversion=args.python3_pkgversion, requirement_files=args.requirement_files, use_build_system=args.use_build_system, output=args.output, ) except Exception: # Log the traceback explicitly (it's useful debug info) traceback.print_exc() exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])