Chris Lumens 0406b8d903 - Add missing version bumps for RHEL7 command control map (#1032738) (mkolman)
- Run "make test" as part of the RPM build process (#1025226). (clumens)
- Include test cases in the source distribution. (clumens)
- With the previous patch, RAID test formatting needs to change. (clumens)
- Do not add a list of PVs or RAID members when writing out --useexisting (#1021274). (clumens)
- Raise an error if bootloader --boot-drive gets more than one argument. (clumens)
2013-11-25 14:12:16 -05:00

2 lines
61 B

e380d0048bed2ebb5d6d4165b5f91adf pykickstart-1.99.47.tar.gz