Chris Lumens
Add a way to tell how often a section has been handled. (clumens)
Add a NullSection that just ignores any section provided. (clumens)
Add test cases for the parser itself. (clumens)
Allow for defining your own kickstart %sections. (clumens)
The docs need to be fetched from an HTTPS location now. (clumens)
Write out --onboot=off if it's False. (clumens)
2011-06-07 15:28:02 -04:00
Chris Lumens
Add kickstart network --nodefroute option ( #668417 ) (rvykydal)
Add support for network --bootproto ibft option (#668417 ) (rvykydal)
Add network --activate option (#668417 ) (rvykydal)
Add support for F16. (clumens)
2011-04-05 10:44:40 -04:00
Chris Lumens
- Add support for "logvol --label=" ( #677571 ). (clumens)
2011-02-18 14:01:03 -05:00
Chris Lumens
- Add support for "raid --label=" ( #670643 ). (clumens)
- --baseurl/--mirrorlist are no longer required for the repo command. (clumens)
- Make use of the "interactive" command an error. (clumens)
2011-01-19 16:52:30 -05:00
Chris Lumens
- Remove preceededInclude= support ( #639372 ). (clumens)
- support noverifyssl on the rhel6-branch (method, repo) (#660340 ). (akozumpl)
- l10n: Added Low German translation (ncfiedler)
2010-12-10 15:23:53 -05:00
Chris Lumens
- Move from pychecker to pylint, since the latter actually works.
- Lots of minor corrections for pylint.
- Add bootloader --iscrypted (#554870 ).
- Add support for F15.
2010-11-08 11:11:43 -05:00
Chris Lumens
New version.
2010-09-10 14:25:25 -04:00
Fedora Release Engineering
dist-git conversion
2010-07-29 10:04:18 +00:00