diff --git a/.fmf/version b/.fmf/version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.fmf/version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/plans/run-tests.fmf b/plans/run-tests.fmf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be27fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/run-tests.fmf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+summary: Run pykickstart tests
+    how: install
+    package:
+    - python3-kickstart
+    - pykickstart
+    script: ./tests/scripts/run_tests.sh
diff --git a/tests/bad-ks/fedora-disk-base.ks b/tests/bad-ks/fedora-disk-base.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f4a9eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bad-ks/fedora-disk-base.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+timezone US/Eastern
+selinux --enforcing
+firewall --enabled --service=mdns
+services --enabled=sshd,NetworkManager,chronyd
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate
+rootpw --lock --iscrypted locked
+bootloader --timeout=1
+clearpart --all --initlabel --disklabel=msdos
+# make sure that initial-setup runs and lets us do all the configuration bits
+firstboot --reconfig
+repo --name "packages" --url https://nowhere/
+# on 32bit arm make sure we only install one kernel
+# remove this in %post
+# install tools needed to manage and boot arm systems
+# Intel wireless firmware assumed never of use for disk images
+# make sure all the locales are available for inital-setup and anaconda to work
diff --git a/tests/bad-ks/no-commands.ks b/tests/bad-ks/no-commands.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50b27b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bad-ks/no-commands.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+echo "not a kickstart"
+without any --commands
diff --git a/tests/good-ks/fedora-disk-base.ks b/tests/good-ks/fedora-disk-base.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea67746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/good-ks/fedora-disk-base.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# fedora-disk-base.ks
+# Defines the basics for all kickstarts in the fedora-live branch
+# Does not include package selection (other then mandatory)
+# Does not include localization packages or configuration
+# Does includes "default" language configuration (kickstarts including
+# this template can override these settings)
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+timezone US/Eastern
+selinux --enforcing
+firewall --enabled --service=mdns
+services --enabled=sshd,NetworkManager,chronyd
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate
+rootpw --lock --iscrypted locked
+bootloader --timeout=1
+clearpart --all --initlabel --disklabel=msdos
+# make sure that initial-setup runs and lets us do all the configuration bits
+firstboot --reconfig
+%include fedora-repo.ks
+# on 32bit arm make sure we only install one kernel
+# remove this in %post
+# install tools needed to manage and boot arm systems
+# Intel wireless firmware assumed never of use for disk images
+# make sure all the locales are available for inital-setup and anaconda to work
+# Find the architecture we are on
+arch=$(uname -m)
+# Setup Raspberry Pi firmware
+if [[ $arch == "aarch64" ]] || [[ $arch == "armv7l" ]]; then
+if [[ $arch == "aarch64" ]]; then
+cp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_3/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi3-u-boot.bin
+cp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_4/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi4-u-boot.bin
+cp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_arm64/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi-u-boot.bin
+cp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_2/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi2-u-boot.bin
+cp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_3_32b/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi3-u-boot.bin
+cp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_4_32b/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi4-u-boot.bin
+releasever=$(rpm --eval '%{fedora}')
+rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$releasever-primary
+echo "Packages within this disk image"
+rpm -qa --qf '%{size}\t%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' |sort -rn
+# remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it's own
+rm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
+# The enp1s0 interface is a left over from the imagefactory install, clean this up
+rm -f /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*.nmconnection
+dnf -y remove dracut-config-generic
+# Remove machine-id on pre generated images
+rm -f /etc/machine-id
+touch /etc/machine-id
+# Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren't needed or wanted
+rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
+# Anaconda adds console=tty0 to the grub boot line on all images. this is problematic
+# when you are using fedora via serial console as you do not get any output post grub
+# linux does a good job of knowing what consoles need to be enabled.
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2022757
+if [[ $arch == "aarch64" ]] || [[ $arch == "armv7l" ]]; then
+sed -i -e 's|console=tty0||g' /boot/loader/entries/*conf
diff --git a/tests/good-ks/fedora-live-base.ks b/tests/good-ks/fedora-live-base.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205e114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/good-ks/fedora-live-base.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# fedora-live-base.ks
+# Defines the basics for all kickstarts in the fedora-live branch
+# Does not include package selection (other then mandatory)
+# Does not include localization packages or configuration
+# Does includes "default" language configuration (kickstarts including
+# this template can override these settings)
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+timezone US/Eastern
+selinux --enforcing
+firewall --enabled --service=mdns
+xconfig --startxonboot
+clearpart --all
+part / --size 5120 --fstype ext4
+services --enabled=NetworkManager,ModemManager --disabled=sshd
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate
+rootpw --lock --iscrypted locked
+%include fedora-repo.ks
+# Explicitly specified here:
+# <notting> walters: because otherwise dependency loops cause yum issues.
+# The point of a live image is to install
+# Anaconda has a weak dep on this and we don't want it on livecds, see
+# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RemoveDeviceMapperMultipathFromWorkstationLiveCD
+# Need aajohan-comfortaa-fonts for the SVG rnotes images
+# Without this, initramfs generation during live image creation fails: #1242586
+# anaconda needs the locales available to run for different locales
+# provide the livesys scripts
+# Enable livesys services
+systemctl enable livesys.service
+systemctl enable livesys-late.service
+# enable tmpfs for /tmp
+systemctl enable tmp.mount
+# make it so that we don't do writing to the overlay for things which
+# are just tmpdirs/caches
+# note https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1135475
+cat >> /etc/fstab << EOF
+vartmp   /var/tmp    tmpfs   defaults   0  0
+# work around for poor key import UI in PackageKit
+rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
+echo "Packages within this LiveCD"
+rpm -qa --qf '%{size}\t%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' |sort -rn
+# Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren't needed or wanted
+rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
+# go ahead and pre-make the man -k cache (#455968)
+# make sure there aren't core files lying around
+rm -f /core*
+# remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it's own
+rm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
+# convince readahead not to collect
+# FIXME: for systemd
+echo 'File created by kickstart. See systemd-update-done.service(8).' \
+    | tee /etc/.updated >/var/.updated
+# Drop the rescue kernel and initramfs, we don't need them on the live media itself.
+# See bug 1317709
+rm -f /boot/*-rescue*
+# Disable network service here, as doing it in the services line
+# fails due to RHBZ #1369794
+systemctl disable network
+# Remove machine-id on pre generated images
+rm -f /etc/machine-id
+touch /etc/machine-id
diff --git a/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-base.ks b/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-base.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf89758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-base.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# fedora-live-base.ks
+# Defines the basics for all kickstarts in the fedora-live branch
+# Does not include package selection (other then mandatory)
+# Does not include localization packages or configuration
+# Does includes "default" language configuration (kickstarts including
+# this template can override these settings)
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+timezone US/Eastern
+selinux --enforcing
+firewall --enabled --service=mdns
+xconfig --startxonboot
+clearpart --all
+##part / --size 5120 --fstype ext4
+services --enabled=NetworkManager,ModemManager --disabled=sshd
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate
+rootpw --lock --iscrypted locked
+%include fedora-repo.ks
+# Explicitly specified here:
+# <notting> walters: because otherwise dependency loops cause yum issues.
+# The point of a live image is to install
+# Anaconda has a weak dep on this and we don't want it on livecds, see
+# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RemoveDeviceMapperMultipathFromWorkstationLiveCD
+# Need aajohan-comfortaa-fonts for the SVG rnotes images
+# Without this, initramfs generation during live image creation fails: #1242586
+# anaconda needs the locales available to run for different locales
+# provide the livesys scripts
+# Enable livesys services
+systemctl enable livesys.service
+systemctl enable livesys-late.service
+# enable tmpfs for /tmp
+systemctl enable tmp.mount
+# make it so that we don't do writing to the overlay for things which
+# are just tmpdirs/caches
+# note https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1135475
+cat >> /etc/fstab << EOF
+vartmp   /var/tmp    tmpfs   defaults   0  0
+# work around for poor key import UI in PackageKit
+rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
+echo "Packages within this LiveCD"
+rpm -qa --qf '%{size}\t%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' |sort -rn
+# Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren't needed or wanted
+rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
+# go ahead and pre-make the man -k cache (#455968)
+# make sure there aren't core files lying around
+rm -f /core*
+# remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it's own
+rm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
+# convince readahead not to collect
+# FIXME: for systemd
+echo 'File created by kickstart. See systemd-update-done.service(8).' \
+    | tee /etc/.updated >/var/.updated
+# Drop the rescue kernel and initramfs, we don't need them on the live media itself.
+# See bug 1317709
+rm -f /boot/*-rescue*
+# Disable network service here, as doing it in the services line
+# fails due to RHBZ #1369794
+systemctl disable network
+# Remove machine-id on pre generated images
+rm -f /etc/machine-id
+touch /etc/machine-id
diff --git a/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-minimization.ks b/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-minimization.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cde144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-minimization.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Common packages removed from comps
+# For F14, these removals should be moved to comps itself
+# save some space
diff --git a/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-xfce.ks b/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-xfce.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1506163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include-ks/fedora-live-xfce.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# fedora-livecd-xfce.ks
+# Description:
+# - Fedora Live Spin with the light-weight XFCE Desktop Environment
+# Maintainer(s):
+# - Rahul Sundaram    <sundaram@fedoraproject.org>
+# - Christoph Wickert <cwickert@fedoraproject.org>
+# - Kevin Fenzi       <kevin@tummy.com>
+# - Adam Miller       <maxamillion@fedoraproject.org>
+%include fedora-live-base.ks
+%include fedora-live-minimization.ks
+%include fedora-xfce-common.ks
+# need a bigger /
+part / --size 6144
+# xfce configuration
+# create /etc/sysconfig/desktop (needed for installation)
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/desktop <<EOF
+# set livesys session type
+sed -i 's/^livesys_session=.*/livesys_session="xfce"/' /etc/sysconfig/livesys
diff --git a/tests/include-ks/fedora-repo-rawhide.ks b/tests/include-ks/fedora-repo-rawhide.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42bf8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include-ks/fedora-repo-rawhide.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+repo --name=rawhide --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=rawhide&arch=$basearch
+url --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=rawhide&arch=$basearch
diff --git a/tests/include-ks/fedora-repo.ks b/tests/include-ks/fedora-repo.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c7dfff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include-ks/fedora-repo.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Include the appropriate repo definitions
+# Exactly one of the following should be uncommented
+# For the master branch the following should be uncommented
+%include fedora-repo-rawhide.ks
+# For non-master branches the following should be uncommented
+# %include fedora-repo-not-rawhide.ks
diff --git a/tests/include-ks/fedora-xfce-common.ks b/tests/include-ks/fedora-xfce-common.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4869726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include-ks/fedora-xfce-common.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# fedora-livecd-xfce.ks
+# Description:
+# - Fedora Live Spin with the light-weight XFCE Desktop Environment
+# Maintainer(s):
+# - Kevin Fenzi       <kevin@tummy.com>
+# - Adam Miller       <maxamillion@fedoraproject.org>
+# - Mukundan Ragavan  <nonamedotc@fedoraproject.org>
+# install env-group to resolve RhBug:1891500
+# save some space
+-aspell-*                   # dictionaries are big
diff --git a/tests/scripts/run_tests.sh b/tests/scripts/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5f5f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/scripts/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+echo "Running pykickstart tests"
+cd ./tests/
+# Run ksvalidator on good kickstart examples
+for f in ./good-ks/*.ks; do
+    echo "Checking $f"
+    ksvalidator $f || exit 1
+# Run ksvalidator on bad kickstart examples
+for f in ./bad-ks/*.ks; do
+    echo "Checking $f"
+    ksvalidator $f && exit 1
+# Run ksflatten on a set of kickstarts
+echo "Testing ksflatten with included kickstarts"
+ksflatten -c ./include-ks/fedora-live-xfce.ks -o flat.ks || exit 1
+ksvalidator flat.ks || exit 1
+exit 0