Patch initially by Miloslav Trmač <> and revised by Akira Tagoh
<> for popt <= 1.16 which fixes the problem that help messages
for --help and --usage seem not translatable. There already was some i18n support
for autohelp in popt.c, but not in popthelp.c, where it actually matters.

See for further details, please.

This patch was proposed to upstream:

--- popt-1.16/popthelp.c			2009-08-28 09:06:33.000000000 +0900
+++ popt-1.16/			2014-01-08 12:04:00.888260244 +0900
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ static struct poptOption poptHelpOptions
   { "defaults", '\0', POPT_ARG_NONE, &show_option_defaults, 0,
 	N_("Display option defaults in message"), NULL },
-  { "", '\0',	0, NULL, 0, N_("Terminate options"), NULL },
+  { NULL, '\0',	0, NULL, 0, N_("Terminate options"), NULL },
 } ;
@@ -527,8 +527,11 @@ static size_t maxArgWidth(const struct p
     if (opt != NULL)
     while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
 	if (poptArgType(opt) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
-	    if (opt->arg)	/* XXX program error */
-	        len = maxArgWidth(opt->arg, translation_domain);
+	    void * arg = opt->arg;
+	    /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+	    if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+	    if (arg)	/* XXX program error */
+		len = maxArgWidth(arg, translation_domain);
 	    if (len > max) max = len;
 	} else if (!F_ISSET(opt, DOC_HIDDEN)) {
 	    len = sizeof("  ")-1;
@@ -619,19 +622,22 @@ static void singleTableHelp(poptContext
     if (table != NULL)
     for (opt = table; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) {
+	void * arg = opt->arg;
 	if (poptArgType(opt) != POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
-	sub_transdom = getTableTranslationDomain(opt->arg);
+	/* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+	if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+	    sub_transdom = getTableTranslationDomain(arg);
 	if (sub_transdom == NULL)
 	    sub_transdom = translation_domain;
 	/* If no popt aliases/execs, skip poptAliasOption processing. */
-	if (opt->arg == poptAliasOptions && !(con->numAliases || con->numExecs))
+	if (arg == poptAliasOptions && !(con->numAliases || con->numExecs))
 	if (opt->descrip)
 	    xx = POPT_fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n", D_(sub_transdom, opt->descrip));
-	singleTableHelp(con, fp, opt->arg, columns, sub_transdom);
+	singleTableHelp(con, fp, arg, columns, sub_transdom);
@@ -808,22 +814,25 @@ static size_t singleTableUsage(poptConte
 	    translation_domain = (const char *)opt->arg;
 	} else
 	if (poptArgType(opt) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+	    void * arg = opt->arg;
+	    /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+	    if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
 	    if (done) {
 		int i = 0;
 		if (done->opts != NULL)
 		for (i = 0; i < done->nopts; i++) {
 		    const void * that = done->opts[i];
-		    if (that == NULL || that != opt->arg)
+		    if (that == NULL || that != arg)
 			/*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
 		    /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
 		/* Skip if this table has already been processed. */
-		if (opt->arg == NULL || i < done->nopts)
+		if (arg == NULL || i < done->nopts)
 		if (done->opts != NULL && done->nopts < done->maxopts)
-		    done->opts[done->nopts++] = (const void *) opt->arg;
+		    done->opts[done->nopts++] = (const void *) arg;
-	    columns->cur = singleTableUsage(con, fp, columns, opt->arg,
+	    columns->cur = singleTableUsage(con, fp, columns, arg,
 			translation_domain, done);
 	} else
 	if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) && !F_ISSET(opt, DOC_HIDDEN)) {
@@ -864,9 +873,13 @@ static size_t showShortOptions(const str
 	    if (!strchr(s, opt->shortName) && isprint((int)opt->shortName)
 	     && opt->shortName != ' ')
 		s[strlen(s)] = opt->shortName;
-	} else if (poptArgType(opt) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
-	    if (opt->arg)	/* XXX program error */
-		len = showShortOptions(opt->arg, fp, s);
+	} else if (poptArgType(opt) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+	    void * arg = opt->arg;
+	    /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+	    if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+	    if (arg)	/* XXX program error */
+		len = showShortOptions(arg, fp, s);
+	}
     /* On return to top level, print the short options, return print length. */