--- - hosts: localhost tags: - classic - container vars: - artifacts: ./artifacts rootless_user: testuser roles: - role: disable_systemd_resolved - role: rootless_user_ready tasks: # At the start of a run, clean up state. Useful for test reruns. - name: local artifacts directory exists local_action: file path="{{ artifacts }}" state=directory - name: remove stale log files local_action: shell rm -f {{ artifacts }}/test*.log - name: clear test results (test.log) local_action: command truncate --size=0 {{ artifacts }}/test.log - name: clear test results (results.yml) local_action: copy content="results:\n" dest={{ artifacts }}/results.yml # These are the actual tests. - name: test podman include_tasks: run_podman_tests.yml loop: [ podman, podman-remote ] loop_control: loop_var: podman_bin - name: test toolbox include_tasks: test_toolbox.yml # Postprocessing: check for FAIL or ERROR in any test, exit 1 if so - name: check results include_tasks: check_results.yml