--- # See the documentation for more information: # https://packit.dev/docs/configuration/ specfile_path: rpm/podman.spec upstream_tag_template: v{version} srpm_build_deps: - git-archive-all - make actions: fix-spec-file: - "bash .packit.sh" jobs: - job: copr_build trigger: pull_request notifications: failure_comment: message: "Ephemeral COPR build failed. @containers/packit-build please check." enable_net: true targets: - fedora-all-x86_64 - fedora-all-aarch64 - fedora-eln-x86_64 - fedora-eln-aarch64 - centos-stream+epel-next-8-x86_64 - centos-stream+epel-next-8-aarch64 - centos-stream+epel-next-9-x86_64 - centos-stream+epel-next-9-aarch64 additional_repos: - "copr://rhcontainerbot/podman-next" # Run on commit to main branch - job: copr_build trigger: commit notifications: failure_comment: message: "podman-next COPR build failed. @containers/packit-build please check." branch: main owner: rhcontainerbot project: podman-next enable_net: true - job: tests identifier: cockpit-revdeps trigger: pull_request notifications: failure_comment: message: "Cockpit tests failed for commit {commit_sha}. @martinpitt, @jelly, @mvollmer please check." targets: - fedora-latest-stable - fedora-development tf_extra_params: environments: - artifacts: - type: repository-file id: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cockpit/main-builds/repo/fedora-$releasever/group_cockpit-main-builds-fedora-$releasever.repo - type: repository-file id: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rhcontainerbot/podman-next/repo/fedora-$releasever/rhcontainerbot-podman-next-fedora-$releasever.repo tmt: context: revdeps: "yes" - job: propose_downstream trigger: release update_release: false dist_git_branches: - fedora-development # Implies fedora-rawhide and any branched but unreleased version, will include f40 before f40 is marked stable. - job: koji_build trigger: commit dist_git_branches: - fedora-development # TODO: Revisit once fedora 40 is branched and manual bodhi is enabled #- job: bodhi_update #trigger: commit #dist_git_branches: #- fedora-40 # rawhide updates are created automatically