# Service-specific configuration file for tomcat services. This will be sourced by # systemd for the default service (tomcat.service). # # If you want to customize named instance, make a similar file # and name it tomcat@instancename. # # This will be loaded by systemd as an environment file, so please keep # the syntax. If you need to use shell expansion, configure the necessary # variables in /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf. # This variable is used to figure out if this config is loaded or not. TOMCAT_SYSCONF_LOADED="1" # In new-style instances, if CATALINA_BASE isn't specified, it will # be constructed by joining TOMCATS_BASE and NAME. TOMCATS_BASE="/var/lib/tomcats/" # Where your java installation lives JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/jre" # Where your tomcat installation lives CATALINA_HOME="@@@TCHOME@@@" # System-wide tmp CATALINA_TMPDIR="/var/cache/tomcat/temp" # You can pass some parameters to java here if you wish to #JAVA_OPTS="-Xminf0.1 -Xmaxf0.3" # Use JAVA_OPTS to set java.library.path for libtcnative.so #JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/usr/lib" # Set default javax.sql.DataSource factory to apache commons one. See rhbz#1214381 JAVA_OPTS="-Djavax.sql.DataSource.Factory=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" # You can change your tomcat locale here #LANG="en_US" # Run tomcat under the Java Security Manager SECURITY_MANAGER="false" # Time to wait in seconds, before killing process # TODO(stingray): does nothing, fix. # SHUTDOWN_WAIT="30" # If you wish to further customize your tomcat environment, # put your own definitions here # (i.e. LD_LIBRARY_PATH for some jdbc drivers)