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2023-05-08 09:47:17 +00:00
Name: perl-ExtUtils-Helpers
Version: 0.026
Release: 5%{?dist}
Summary: Various portability utilities for module builders
Group: Development/Libraries
License: GPL+ or Artistic
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -nu)
BuildArch: noarch
# Build
BuildRequires: coreutils
BuildRequires: findutils
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: perl-interpreter
BuildRequires: perl-generators
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
# Module (File::Copy only needed for VMS support, not packaged)
BuildRequires: perl(Carp)
BuildRequires: perl(Config)
BuildRequires: perl(Exporter) >= 5.57
BuildRequires: perl(File::Basename)
BuildRequires: perl(File::Spec::Functions)
BuildRequires: perl(strict)
BuildRequires: perl(Text::ParseWords) >= 3.24
BuildRequires: perl(warnings)
# Test Suite
BuildRequires: perl(Cwd)
BuildRequires: perl(lib)
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More)
# Runtime
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version))
This module provides various portable helper functions for module building
%setup -q -n ExtUtils-Helpers-%{version}
# Don't include VMS and Windows helpers, which may pull in unwelcome dependencies
rm -f lib/ExtUtils/Helpers/{VMS,Windows}.pm
perl -ni -e 'print unless /^lib\/ExtUtils\/Helpers\/(VMS|Windows)\.pm$/;' MANIFEST
perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
make %{?_smp_mflags}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -delete
%{_fixperms} %{buildroot}
make test
rm -rf %{buildroot}
%if 0%{?_licensedir:1}
%license LICENSE
%doc Changes README
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.026-5
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.026-4
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Jun 04 2017 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.026-3
- Perl 5.26 rebuild
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.026-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Sep 10 2016 Paul Howarth <> - 0.026-1
- Update to 0.026
- Fix Win32 dependency
* Fri Sep 2 2016 Paul Howarth <> - 0.025-1
- Update to 0.025
- Make split_like_shell always unixy
- Remove Module::Load dependency
- Remove done_testing; it requires Test::More 0.88
- Drop VMS and Windows versions to avoid unwelcome dependencies
- Drop now-redundant patch for building with Test::More < 0.88
- Use %%license where possible
- Simplify find command using -delete
* Wed May 18 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.022-10
- Perl 5.24 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages
* Sat May 14 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.022-9
- Perl 5.24 rebuild
* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.022-8
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.022-7
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jun 10 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.022-6
- Perl 5.22 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages
* Wed Jun 03 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.022-5
- Perl 5.22 rebuild
* Sun Sep 07 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.022-4
- Perl 5.20 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages
* Wed Aug 27 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 0.022-3
- Perl 5.20 rebuild
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.022-2
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Mar 7 2014 Paul Howarth <> - 0.022-1
- Update to 0.022
- Cleaned up remains of former functions
- Skip IO layers on <5.8 for 5.6 compatibility
- Don't swallow pl2bat exceptions
- Drop patch for using Text::ParseWords < 3.24; even EL-5 has it
* Wed Sep 4 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.021-4
- Skip the release tests when bootstrapping
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.021-3
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jul 23 2013 Petr Pisar <> - 0.021-2
- Perl 5.18 rebuild
* Tue May 7 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.021-1
- Update to 0.021
- Always use the right environmental variable for home directory
- Use configuration provided manpage extension
- Update patch for building with Test::More < 0.88
* Mon Apr 29 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.020-1
- Update to 0.020
- Fix man3_pagename for top level domains
- Update patch for building with Test::More < 0.88
* Wed Apr 24 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.019-1
- Update to 0.019
- Fix make_executable for '#!/usr/bin/perl'
* Tue Apr 16 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.018-1
- Update to 0.018
- Don't need Pod::Man
- Drop BR: perl(Pod::Man), no longer used
* Mon Apr 15 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.017-1
- Update to 0.017
- Fix man3_pagename to properly split dirs
- Update patch for building with Test::More < 0.88
* Sat Apr 13 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.016-1
- Update to 0.016
- Made man3_pagename more flexible with paths
- Reverted pl2bat to a more original state
- Rewrote fixin code
- Re-added detildefy
- Add some fixes to batch file generation
- BR: perl(Carp) and perl(Module::Load), now required by the module
- Drop BR: perl(Test::Kwalitee), no longer used
- Update patch for using Test::ParseWords 3.22
- Drop now-redundant POD encoding patch
* Mon Apr 1 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.014-2
- Sanitize for Fedora submission
* Sun Mar 31 2013 Paul Howarth <> - 0.014-1
- Initial RPM version