Paul Howarth 9928221010 Update to 0.05
- New upstream release 0.05
  - Add pure-perl implementation for situations where neither ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}
    nor XS are available
- This release by DOY -> update source URL
- BR: perl(XSLoader) only if we're doing an XS build, and in that case add a
  runtime dependency on it and BR: perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder) ≥ 0.27 too
- Add runtime dependency on perl(Carp)
- Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4
2012-04-27 11:38:02 +01:00

2 lines
70 B

e99ef189e9f85549e42c32b5168f7f47 Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.05.tar.gz