- New upstream release 7.08:
- Work around a newly introduced bug in Socket 2.011 (an erroneous sun_length
- AnyEvent::TLS didn't load (but refer to) AnyEvent::Socket
- AnyEvent::Strict will now confess, not croak, in line with it being a
development/debugging tool
- Work around a number of libglib bugs (debug builds of libglib enforce
certain undocumented behaviour patterns such as not being able to remove a
child watch source after it has fired, which we will try to emulate to
avoid "criticals"; what were they thinking?)
- Mention json security issues in AnyEvent::Handle
- Changed default DNS resolver "max_outstanding" value from 1 to 10, the
latter beinfg the intended value all along
- Added new "AnyEvent::Impl::UV" interface module to the UV event lib
- New upstream release 7.07:
- The documentation for custom tls verify schemes was wrong; make it agree
with the code
- Added cbor read and write types to AnyEvent::Handle (using CBOR::XS)
- Work around an API change in openssl that could cause wrong tls connection
aborts, likely on windows only
- Calling AnyEvent->now_update with AnyEvent::Impl::Perl caused an endless
- Add tlsv1_1 and tlsv1_2 protocols to AnyEvent::TLS
- Document AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync::set_loop and
$AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync::LOOP; though only documented now, this
functionality has always been available
- Force a toplevel domain name in t/81_hosts.t
- Document that AnyEvent::Log uses AnyEvent::IO
- Warn about AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify performance
- Praise the joys of AnyEvent::Fork::*
- Time for an =encoding directive
- No longer use JSON to create a default json coder; use JSON::XS or JSON::PP
- New upstream release 7.05:
- uts46data.pl couldn't be found due to wrong naming of the file
- Handle lone \015's properly in AE::Handle's default line read
- Untaint IP addresses found in /etc/hosts
- The memleak fix in 7.03 caused resolving via /etc/hosts always to fail on
first use
- Expose AnyEvent::Log::format_time, and allow users to redefine it
- Expose AnyEvent::Log::default_format, and allow redefinition
- Expose AnyEvent::Log::fatal_exit, to allow redefinition
- AnyEvent::Debug shell can now run coro shell commands, if available
- t/63* tests were wrongly in MANIFEST
- kernel.org's finger server went MIA, switch to freebsd.org and icculus.org
- Clarify that IO::AIO and AnyEvent::AIO are needed for AnyEvent::IO to
function asynchronously
- Hard-disable $^W in most tests; it generates too much garbage output
- Use a (hopefully) more future-proof method to emulate common::sense
- Upgrade to UTS-46:6.2.0
- Switch to INSTLIB from INSTLIBDIR, as INSTLIBDIR was wrongly documented;
should not affect anything
- Don't BR: perl(Event::Lib) as that back-end is not tested
- BR: perl(IO::Async::Loop) for the test suite now that there's a new enough
version available
- BR: perl(File::Temp) for the test suite
- New upstream release 7.04:
- AnyEvent::Socket::inet_aton did not work when DNS resolution was used to
find the addresses
- Fix a memory leak in the /etc/hosts lookup code when hosts don't resolve
and are not in hosts
- New upstream release 7.02:
- AnyEvent::Util::run_cmd could block indefinitely
- Verified that AnyEvent::Socket follows RFC5952
- Try to parse "ADDR#PORT" in addition to "ADDR PORT"
- Make %files list more explicit
- New upstream release 7.01:
- Fail with EPROTO in AnyEvent::Handle when TLS is requested but not
available, instead of throwing an exception
- Use File::Spec to get the tmpdir in t/*, to avoid needless failures on
(most, not mine :) windows boxes
- New handle read types: tls_detect and tls_autostart
- BR: perl(File::Spec)
- Update to 7.0
- Package generates no debuginfo, so avoid creation of debuginfo sub-package
- Add explicit build requirements for the module's needs
- Add build requirements for as much event loop testing as is possible in
Fedora, breaking potential build dependency cycles by use of the
%{perl_bootstrap} macro
- Clean up spec for modern rpmbuild:
- Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4
- Drop buildroot definition and cleaning
- Drop requires/provides filters for rpm versions prior to 4.9
- Simplify requires/provides filtering
- Explicitly require perl(Task::Weaken) as per upstream recommendation
4.231 Tue Jul 29 13:12:15 CEST 2008
- remove some debugging code left in AnyEvent::Util::fork_call (and no,
it's impossible to implement with the broken windows perls without
resource leaks or worse).
4.23 Tue Jul 29 12:19:59 CEST 2008
- document the first parameter passed to condvar callbacks to be the
- add AnyEvent::Socket::{ntoa,aton} aliases.
- optimize the AE::Handle->push_read (line) for the default eol marker.
- optimize push_read (packstring|storable) for small packets.
- invoke on_error callback when no on_eof callback is set.
- fix a bug in push_read (storable) of unknown impact.