Name: perftest Summary: IB Performance Tests # Upstream uses a dash in the version. Not valid in the Version field, so we use a dot instead. %global upstream_ver 4.5-0.20 Version: Release: %autorelease License: GPLv2 or BSD Source: Url: BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: libibverbs-devel >= 1.2.0 BuildRequires: librdmacm-devel >= 1.0.21 BuildRequires: libibumad-devel >= BuildRequires: pciutils-devel Obsoletes: openib-perftest < 1.3 ExcludeArch: s390 %{arm} %description Perftest is a collection of simple test programs designed to utilize RDMA communications and provide performance numbers over those RDMA connections. It does not work on normal TCP/IP networks, only on RDMA networks. %prep %setup -q find src -type f -iname '*.[ch]' -exec chmod a-x '{}' ';' %build %configure %make_build %install for file in ib_{atomic,read,send,write}_{lat,bw} raw_ethernet_{lat,bw}; do install -D -m 0755 $file %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/$file done %files %doc README %license COPYING %_bindir/* %changelog %autochangelog