set -eo xtrace # Rpmbuild expects patches in the _sourcedir mv *.patch $TMT_SOURCE_DIR mkdir builddir # Workaround for tmt not downloading rubygems, there is a spec macro that skips # copying them during prep phase rpmbuild -bp pcs.spec --nodeps --define "_sourcedir $TMT_SOURCE_DIR" \ --define "_builddir $(pwd)/builddir" --define="skip_bundle_prep 1" # Remove pcs-web-ui in builddir for "cd pcs-*" to have exactly one match rm -rf builddir/pcs-web-ui-* cd builddir/pcs-* # Run autotools, use bundled dependencies from the system export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib64/pcs/pcs_bundled/packages/ export GEM_HOME=/usr/lib64/pcsd/vendor/bundle/ ./ # Workaround until is prepared for centos-stream-* ./configure --with-distro=rhel # Remove pcs sources to make sure tests are not using any of those files rm -rf pcs