.TH SYSTEM-AUTH 5 "2006 Feb 3" "Red Hat" "Linux-PAM Manual" .SH NAME system-auth \- Common configuration file for PAMified services .SH SYNOPSIS .B /etc/pam.d/system-auth .sp 2 .SH DESCRIPTION The purpose of this configuration file is to provide common configuration file for all applications and service daemons calling PAM library. .sp The .BR system-auth configuration file is included from all individual service configuration files with the help of the .BR include directive. .SH NOTES There should be no .BR sufficient modules in the .BR session part of .BR system-auth file because individual services may add session modules after .BR include of the .BR system-auth file. Execution of these modules would be skipped if there were sufficient modules in .BR system-auth file. .sp Conversely there should not be any modules after .BR include directive in the individual service files in .BR auth account and .BR password sections otherwise they could be bypassed. .SH BUGS .sp 2 None known. .SH "SEE ALSO" pam(8), config-util(5) The three .BR Linux-PAM Guides, for .BR "system administrators" ", " .BR "module developers" ", " and .BR "application developers" ". "