# Copyright (C) Red Hat Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, see . # This is a plugin for publishing messages to fedora-messaging, Fedora's # AMQP message broker. It piggybacks on the upstream AMQP plugin but # includes headers required by the fedora-messaging spec and publishes # messages in the "CI Messages" spec: https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/messages # as well as more 'native' style messages. package OpenQA::WebAPI::Plugin::FedoraMessaging; use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Mojo::Base 'OpenQA::WebAPI::Plugin::AMQP'; use OpenQA::Jobs::Constants; use OpenQA::Log qw(log_debug log_error); use OpenQA::Utils; use UUID::URandom 'create_uuid_string'; sub _iso8601_now { # we do this twice, so factor it out my $now = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) . 'Z'; return $now; } sub publish_amqp { my ($self, $topic, $event_data, $headerframe) = @_; my $sentat = _iso8601_now; my $messageid = create_uuid_string; # default fedora-messaging compliant header frame. Ridiculous # naming note: AMQP wire format has a header frame and then the # body. Inside the header frame *is a field called headers*. Yo # dawg, I heard you liked headers...fedora-messaging has specific # expectations for some other fields in the header frame, and for # some of the fields in the 'headers' field in the header frame. # Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client tends to call things that represent the # header frame "%headers" and "$headers", so that's fun. my %fullheaderframe = ( headers => { fedora_messaging_severity => 20, fedora_messaging_schema => 'base.message', "sent-at" => $sentat, }, content_encoding => 'utf-8', delivery_mode => 2, message_id => $messageid, ); # merge in the passed header frame values to allow overriding $headerframe //= {}; %fullheaderframe = (%fullheaderframe, %$headerframe); # call parent method $self->SUPER::publish_amqp($topic, $event_data, \%fullheaderframe); } sub log_event_fedora_ci_messages { # this is for publishing messages in the "CI Messages" format: # https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/messages # This is a Fedora/Red Hat-ish thing in a way, but in theory # anyone could adopt it my ($self, $event, $job, $baseurl) = @_; my $stdevent; my $clone_of; my $job_id; # first, get the standard 'state' (from 'queued', 'running', # 'complete', 'error'; we cannot do 'running' at present if ($event eq 'openqa_job_create') { $stdevent = 'queued'; $job_id = $job->id; } elsif ($event eq 'openqa_job_restart' || $event eq 'openqa_job_duplicate') { $stdevent = 'queued'; $clone_of = $job->id; $job_id = $job->clone_id; } elsif ($event eq 'openqa_job_cancel') { $stdevent = 'error'; $job_id = $job->id; } elsif ($event eq 'openqa_job_done') { $job_id = $job->id; # lifecycle note: any job cancelled directly via the web API will # see both job_cancel and job_done with result USER_CANCELLED, so # we emit duplicate standardized fedmsgs in this case. This is # kinda unavoidable, though, as it's possible for a job to wind up # USER_CANCELLED *without* an openqa_job_cancel event happening, # so we can't just throw away all openqa_job_done USER_CANCELLED # events... $stdevent = (grep { $job->result eq $_ } COMPLETE_RESULTS) ? 'complete' : 'error'; } else { return undef; } # we need this for the system dict; it should be the release of # the system-under-test (the VM in which the test runs) at the # *start* of the test, I think. We're trying to capture info about # the environment in which the test runs my $sysrelease = $job->VERSION; my $hdd1; my $bootfrom; $hdd1 = $job->settings_hash->{HDD_1} if ($job->settings_hash->{HDD_1}); $bootfrom = $job->settings_hash->{BOOTFROM} if ($job->settings_hash->{BOOTFROM}); if ($hdd1 && $bootfrom) { $sysrelease = $1 if ($hdd1 =~ /disk_f(\d+)/ && $bootfrom eq 'c'); } # next, get the 'artifact' (type of thing we tested) my $artifact; my $artifact_alias; my $artifact_builds; my $artifact_id; my $artifact_release; my $compose_type; my $test_namespace; # current date/time in ISO 8601 format my $generated_at = _iso8601_now; # this is used as a 'pipeline ID', see # https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/messages/blob/master/f/schemas/pipeline.yaml my $pipeid = join('.', "openqa", $job->BUILD, $job->TEST, $job->MACHINE, $job->FLAVOR, $job->ARCH); my $build = $job->BUILD; if ($build =~ /^Fedora/) { $artifact = 'productmd-compose'; $artifact_id = $build; $compose_type = 'production'; $compose_type = 'nightly' if ($build =~ /\.n\./); $compose_type = 'test' if ($build =~ /\.t\./); $test_namespace = 'compose'; } elsif ($build =~ /^Update-FEDORA/) { $artifact = 'fedora-update'; $artifact_alias = $build; $artifact_alias =~ s/^Update-//; $artifact_release = { version => $job->VERSION, name => "F" . $job->VERSION }; my @nvrs = split(/ /, $job->settings_hash->{ADVISORY_NVRS} || ''); unless (@nvrs) { log_error "ADVISORY_NVRS not found for update test $job_id! Cannot publish!"; return; } @nvrs = sort(@nvrs); my @builds; my $id = ''; foreach my $nvr (@nvrs) { push @builds, {'nvr' => $nvr}; $id .= $nvr; } $artifact_builds = \@builds; $artifact_id = 'sha256:' . sha256_hex($id); $test_namespace = 'update'; } else { # unhandled artifact type return undef; } # finally, construct the message content my %msg_data = ( contact => { name => 'Fedora openQA', team => 'Fedora QA', url => $baseurl, docs => 'https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OpenQA', irc => '#fedora-qa', email => 'qa-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org', }, run => { url => "$baseurl/tests/$job_id", log => "$baseurl/tests/$job_id/file/autoinst-log.txt", id => $job_id, }, artifact => { type => $artifact, id => $artifact_id, }, pipeline => { # per https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/messages/issue/61 this # is meant to be unique per test scenario *and* artifact, # so we construct it out of BUILD and the scenario keys. # 'name' is supposed to be a 'human readable name', well, # this is human readable, so we'll just use it twice id => $pipeid, name => $pipeid, }, test => { # openQA tests are pretty much always validation category => 'validation', # test identifier: test name plus scenario keys type => join(' ', $job->TEST, $job->MACHINE, $job->FLAVOR, $job->ARCH), namespace => $test_namespace, }, system => [ { # it's interesting whether we should record info on the # *worker host itself* or the *SUT* (the VM run on top of # the worker host environment) here...on the whole I think # SUT is more in line with expectations, so let's do that os => "fedora-${sysrelease}", # openqa provisions itself...we *could* I guess set this # to 'createhdds' if we booted a disk image, but ehhhh provider => 'openqa', architecture => $job->ARCH, }, ], generated_at => $generated_at, version => "0.2.1", ); # add keys that don't exist in all cases to the message if ($stdevent eq 'complete') { $msg_data{test}{result} = $job->result; $msg_data{test}{result} = 'info' if $job->result eq 'softfailed'; } elsif ($stdevent eq 'error') { $msg_data{error} = {}; $msg_data{error}{reason} = $job->result; } elsif ($stdevent eq 'queued') { # this is a hint to consumers that the job probably went away # if they don't get a 'complete' or 'error' in 4 hours # FIXME: we should set this as 2 hours on 'running', but we # can't emit running because there is no internal event for # it, there is no job_running event or anything like it - # this is part of https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/31069 $msg_data{test}{lifetime} = 240; } $msg_data{run}{clone_of} = $clone_of if ($clone_of); $msg_data{artifact}{release} = $artifact_release if ($artifact_release); $msg_data{artifact}{builds} = $artifact_builds if ($artifact_builds); $msg_data{artifact}{alias} = $artifact_alias if ($artifact_alias); $msg_data{artifact}{compose_type} = $compose_type if ($compose_type); my $subvariant = $job->settings_hash->{SUBVARIANT} || ''; $msg_data{system}[0]{variant} = $subvariant if ($subvariant); # record info about the image tested, for compose tests. In theory # we might test more than one image in a job, which would break # the schema. But we don't do that yet fortunately if ($artifact eq 'productmd-compose') { # this is a handy variable which indicates what the 'thing' # the test really tests is (also used for resultsdb) my $target = $job->settings_hash->{TEST_TARGET} || ''; my $imgname = $job->settings_hash->{"$target"} || ''; if ($imgname) { $msg_data{image} = { id => $imgname, name => $imgname, type => $target }; } } # create the topic my $topic = "ci.$artifact.test.$stdevent"; # prepend the prefix (kinda duplicated with parent log_event) my $prefix = $self->{config}->{amqp}{topic_prefix}; $topic = $prefix . '.' . $topic if ($prefix); # finally, send the message log_debug("Sending CI Messages AMQP message for $event"); # FIXME: we should set fedora_messaging_schema header here, but the # ci-messages schemas are not currently provided as fedora-messaging # Python classes anywhere, so we kinda can't. See: # https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/messages/issue/33 $self->publish_amqp($topic, \%msg_data); } sub on_job_event { # do just enough work to send the 'CI messaging' spec message # (unfortunately a bit of duplication is inevitable) my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($user_id, $connection_id, $event, $event_data) = @$args; my $jobs = $self->{app}->schema->resultset('Jobs'); my $job = $jobs->find({id => $event_data->{id}}); my $baseurl = $self->{config}->{global}->{base_url} || "http://UNKNOWN"; $self->log_event_fedora_ci_messages($event, $job, $baseurl); # call parent method to send 'native' message $self->SUPER::on_job_event($args); } 1;