#!/bin/sh # Uses Argbash to generate command argument parsing. To update # arguments, make sure to call # `argbash nodejs-tarball.sh -o nodejs-tarball.sh` # ARG_POSITIONAL_SINGLE([version],[Node.js release version],[""]) # ARG_DEFAULTS_POS([]) # ARG_HELP([Tool to aid in Node.js packaging of new releases]) # ARGBASH_GO() # needed because of Argbash --> m4_ignore([ ### START OF CODE GENERATED BY Argbash v2.8.1 one line above ### # Argbash is a bash code generator used to get arguments parsing right. # Argbash is FREE SOFTWARE, see https://argbash.io for more info die() { local _ret=$2 test -n "$_ret" || _ret=1 test "$_PRINT_HELP" = yes && print_help >&2 echo "$1" >&2 exit ${_ret} } begins_with_short_option() { local first_option all_short_options='h' first_option="${1:0:1}" test "$all_short_options" = "${all_short_options/$first_option/}" && return 1 || return 0 } # THE DEFAULTS INITIALIZATION - POSITIONALS _positionals=() _arg_version="" # THE DEFAULTS INITIALIZATION - OPTIONALS print_help() { printf '%s\n' "Tool to aid in Node.js packaging of new releases" printf 'Usage: %s [-h|--help] []\n' "$0" printf '\t%s\n' ": Node.js release version (default: '""')" printf '\t%s\n' "-h, --help: Prints help" } parse_commandline() { _positionals_count=0 while test $# -gt 0 do _key="$1" case "$_key" in -h|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; -h*) print_help exit 0 ;; *) _last_positional="$1" _positionals+=("$_last_positional") _positionals_count=$((_positionals_count + 1)) ;; esac shift done } handle_passed_args_count() { test "${_positionals_count}" -le 1 || _PRINT_HELP=yes die "FATAL ERROR: There were spurious positional arguments --- we expect between 0 and 1, but got ${_positionals_count} (the last one was: '${_last_positional}')." 1 } assign_positional_args() { local _positional_name _shift_for=$1 _positional_names="_arg_version " shift "$_shift_for" for _positional_name in ${_positional_names} do test $# -gt 0 || break eval "$_positional_name=\${1}" || die "Error during argument parsing, possibly an Argbash bug." 1 shift done } parse_commandline "$@" handle_passed_args_count assign_positional_args 1 "${_positionals[@]}" # OTHER STUFF GENERATED BY Argbash ### END OF CODE GENERATED BY Argbash (sortof) ### ]) # [ <-- needed because of Argbash packages=("jq" "wget" "tar" "fedpkg" "grep" "sed") rpm -q ${packages[@]} >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sudo dnf -y install ${packages[@]} fi set -e echo $_arg_version if [ x$_arg_version != x ]; then version=$_arg_version else version=$(rpm -q --specfile --qf='%{version}\n' nodejs*.spec | head -n1) fi NODE_MAJOR=$(echo $version | cut -d. -f1) rm -rf node-v${version}.tar.gz \ node-v${version}-stripped.tar.gz \ node-v${version}/ \ SHASUMS256.txt wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v${version}/node-v${version}.tar.gz \ http://nodejs.org/dist/v${version}/SHASUMS256.txt sha256sum -c SHASUMS256.txt --ignore-missing rm -f SHASUMS256.txt tar -zxf node-v${version}.tar.gz # Remove bundled OpenSSL # We will link to the system version rm -rf node-v${version}/deps/openssl tar -zcf node-v${version}-stripped.tar.gz node-v${version} ICU_MAJOR=$(jq -r '.[0].url' node-v${version}/tools/icu/current_ver.dep | sed --expression='s/.*release-\([[:digit:]]\+\)-\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/g') ICU_MINOR=$(jq -r '.[0].url' node-v${version}/tools/icu/current_ver.dep | sed --expression='s/.*release-\([[:digit:]]\+\)-\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\2/g') # Download the ICU binary data files rm -Rf icu4c-${ICU_MAJOR}_${ICU_MINOR}-data-bin-*.zip wget $(grep Source3 nodejs${NODE_MAJOR}.spec | sed --expression="s/.*http/http/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_major}\)/${ICU_MAJOR}/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_minor}\)/${ICU_MINOR}/g") wget $(grep Source4 nodejs${NODE_MAJOR}.spec | sed --expression="s/.*http/http/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_major}\)/${ICU_MAJOR}/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_minor}\)/${ICU_MINOR}/g") fedpkg new-sources node-v${version}-stripped.tar.gz icu4c-${ICU_MAJOR}_${ICU_MINOR}-data-bin-*.zip rm -f node-v${version}.tar.gz set +e # Determine the bundled versions of the various packages echo "Bundled software versions" echo "-------------------------" echo echo "libnode shared object version" echo "=========================" grep "define NODE_MODULE_VERSION" node-v${version}/src/node_version.h echo echo "V8" echo "=========================" grep "define V8_MAJOR_VERSION" node-v${version}/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h grep "define V8_MINOR_VERSION" node-v${version}/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h grep "define V8_BUILD_NUMBER" node-v${version}/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h grep "define V8_PATCH_LEVEL" node-v${version}/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h echo echo "c-ares" echo "=========================" grep "define ARES_VERSION_MAJOR" node-v${version}/deps/cares/include/ares_version.h grep "define ARES_VERSION_MINOR" node-v${version}/deps/cares/include/ares_version.h grep "define ARES_VERSION_PATCH" node-v${version}/deps/cares/include/ares_version.h echo echo "llhttp" echo "=========================" grep "define LLHTTP_VERSION_MAJOR" node-v${version}/deps/llhttp/include/llhttp.h grep "define LLHTTP_VERSION_MINOR" node-v${version}/deps/llhttp/include/llhttp.h grep "define LLHTTP_VERSION_PATCH" node-v${version}/deps/llhttp/include/llhttp.h echo echo "libuv" echo "=========================" grep "define UV_VERSION_MAJOR" node-v${version}/deps/uv/include/uv/version.h grep "define UV_VERSION_MINOR" node-v${version}/deps/uv/include/uv/version.h grep "define UV_VERSION_PATCH" node-v${version}/deps/uv/include/uv/version.h echo echo "nghttp2" echo "=========================" grep "define NGHTTP2_VERSION " node-v${version}/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h echo echo "ICU" echo "=========================" echo "${ICU_MAJOR}.${ICU_MINOR}" echo echo "punycode" echo "=========================" grep "'version'" node-v${version}/lib/punycode.js echo echo "uvwasi" echo "=========================" grep "define UVWASI_VERSION_MAJOR" node-v${version}/deps/uvwasi/include/uvwasi.h grep "define UVWASI_VERSION_MINOR" node-v${version}/deps/uvwasi/include/uvwasi.h grep "define UVWASI_VERSION_PATCH" node-v${version}/deps/uvwasi/include/uvwasi.h echo echo "npm" echo "=========================" grep "\"version\":" node-v${version}/deps/npm/package.json echo echo "zlib" echo "=========================" grep "define ZLIB_VERSION" node-v${version}/deps/zlib/zlib.h echo echo "Make sure these versions match what is in the RPM spec file" rm -rf node-v${version} # ] <-- needed because of Argbash