#!/bin/sh set -e check_deps() { deps_ec=0 for dep in "$@"; do command -v "$dep" >/dev/null || { printf 'Missing dependency: %s\n' "$dep" >&2 deps_ec="$((deps_ec + 1))" } done return "$deps_ec" } check_deps curl rpm npm nodejs-packaging-bundler UNDICI_VERSION="$(rpm --specfile nodejs-undici.spec --qf '%{VERSION}\n')"; readonly UNDICI_VERSION RPKG=fedpkg RELEASE="" OFFLINE=false usage() { echo "${0##*/} - download and re-package upstream undici sources." echo echo Options: printf '\t%s\n' '-h, --help: Show this info and exit.' printf '\t%s\n' '-r<TOOL>, --rpkg=<TOOL>: Use <TOOL> for dist-git interaction [default: fedpkg].' printf '\t%s\n' '--release=<RELEASE>: Tell <TOOL> to assume working on <RELEASE> [default: detected from current branch].' printf '\t%s\n' '-n, --offline: Do not upload prepared sources to lookaside cache.' } # Construct upstream archive URL github_archive_url() { readonly gh_version="${1-${UNDICI_VERSION}}" printf 'https://github.com/nodejs/undici/archive/v%s/undici-v%s.tar.gz' "${gh_version}" "${gh_version}" } # Fetch upstream release # stdout: name of the original/upstream archive fetch() { readonly fetch_version="${1-${UNDICI_VERSION}}" # npm archive does not contain everything (i.e. build scripts). # Fetch the github archive instead. fetch_url="$(github_archive_url "${fetch_version}")"; readonly fetch_url curl --location --remote-name "${fetch_url}" printf '%s\n' "${fetch_url##*/}" } # Delete any file where a WASM blob is detected # stdout: relative paths to deleted files nuke_wasm() { find "${1-.}" -type f \ -exec grep -q --text -Pe '\x{0}asm|AGFzb' '{}' \; \ -print \ -delete } # Remove husky (git hook manager) from prepare scripts remove_husky() { cd "${1-undici-v${UNDICI_VERSION}/}" >/dev/null if grep -q 'husky install' package.json; then npm pkg delete scripts.prepare fi cd - >/dev/null } # Package the sources into stripped archive repackage() { readonly repackage_version="${1-${UNDICI_VERSION}}" readonly repackage_rootdir="${2-undici-v${repackage_version}/}" tar -czf "undici-${repackage_version}-stripped.tar.gz" "${repackage_rootdir}" rm -rf "${repackage_rootdir}" echo "undici-${repackage_version}-stripped.tar.gz" } # shellcheck disable=SC2046 set -- $(getopt -n "${0##*/}" --unquoted -o hr:n -l help,rpkg:,release:,offline -- "$@") while test -n "$1"; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage >&2 && exit;; -r|--rpkg) RPKG="$2"; shift 2;; -n|--offline) OFFLINE=true; shift 1;; --release) RELEASE="$2"; shift 2;; --) break;; *) printf 'Unknown argument: %s\n' "$1" >&2; exit 2;; esac done printf '=== %s ===\n' 'Fetching and unpacking upstream tarball' >&2 original="$(fetch "${UNDICI_VERSION}")"; readonly original tar -xzf "${original}" rootdir="$(ls -d "undici-${UNDICI_VERSION}/")"; readonly rootdir rm -rf "${original}" printf '=== %s ===\n' 'Removing following WASM blobs' >&2 nuke_wasm "${rootdir}" >&2 printf '=== %s ===\n' 'Cleaning package scripts' >&2 remove_husky "${rootdir}" printf '=== %s ===\n' 'Re-packaging clean archive' >&2 repackage "${UNDICI_VERSION}" "${rootdir}" printf '=== %s ===\n' 'Bundling dependencies' >&2 nodejs-packaging-bundler undici "${UNDICI_VERSION}" "undici-${UNDICI_VERSION}-stripped.tar.gz" install -p -m0644 -t "${PWD}" "$(rpm -E '%{_sourcedir}')"/undici-"${UNDICI_VERSION}"-* printf '=== %s ===\n' 'Updating dist-git sources' >&2 # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046 ${RPKG} $(test -n "${RELEASE}" && echo --release="${RELEASE}") new-sources $("$OFFLINE" && echo --offline) \ "undici-${UNDICI_VERSION}-stripped.tar.gz" \ "undici-${UNDICI_VERSION}-nm-prod.tgz" \ "undici-${UNDICI_VERSION}-nm-dev.tgz" \ "undici-${UNDICI_VERSION}-bundled-licenses.txt"