diff -up nmap-6.25/zenmap/zenmapGUI/App.py.displayerror nmap-6.25/zenmap/zenmapGUI/App.py
--- nmap-6.25/zenmap/zenmapGUI/App.py.displayerror	2013-05-23 15:11:46.595569883 +0200
+++ nmap-6.25/zenmap/zenmapGUI/App.py	2013-05-23 15:12:44.786049525 +0200
@@ -116,7 +116,12 @@ except Exception:
     # startup scripts, and for some reason the first connection (the one that
     # caused the launch) is rejected. But somehow subsequent connections work
     # fine! So if the import fails, try one more time.
-    import gtk
+    try:
+        import gtk
+    except Exception, e:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Error:', str(e)
+        sys.exit(1)
 from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higdialogs import HIGAlertDialog