#!/bin/bash # set -x # uncomment for debugging # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Description: Test for nfs mount options # Author: Bill Peck # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #[ -e /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh ] && . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh #. /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1 #=============================================================================== TESTNAME=${TEST/*\//} expdir=/exportdir/home nfsmp=/mnt/$TESTNAME ORIGINAL_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME rlJournalStart rlPhaseStartSetup do-$role-Setup- # Load beakerlib you needed rlImport kernel/base envinfo rlFileBackup /etc/sysconfig/nfs /etc/exports if echo "$HOSTNAME" | grep -q "localhost"; then # In case "localhost.localdomain" hostnamectl set-hostname nfs-mount-options-all.test HOSTNAME=nfs-mount-options-all.test fi run 'rm -rf $expdir $nfsmp && mkdir -p $expdir $nfsmp' run 'chmod 777 $expdir' run 'echo "$expdir *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" >/etc/exports' run 'service_nfs restart' rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-fg_bg_retry_devil read IP4 _nil <<<$(getDefaultIp) run 'iptables -F' - MNT_OPTS="vers=3,soft,fg,retry=1" log "{Info} Retry 1 minute (60s) NFS mount in *foreground* before giving up." run 'iptables -A INPUT -s $IP4 -j DROP' - run 'iptables -L' - run 'sleep 10' start_time=$(date +%s) run "mount ${IP4}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" 1-255 retry_time=$((`date +%s` - start_time)) log "{Info} Actually the nfs.mount hang $retry_time seconds." run 'ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ${MNT_OPTS}' 1 run 'iptables -F' - run 'ip6tables -F' - run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' 1 MNT_OPTS="vers=3,soft,bg,retry=1" log "{Info} Retry 1 minute (60s) NFS mount in *background* before giving up." run 'iptables -A INPUT -s $IP4 -j DROP' - run 'iptables -L' - run 'sleep 10' # When background exit and fork an childprocess, still, returns 0 run "mount ${IP4}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" 0 "should return ok" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # bg ground, the mount fork an child process run 'ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ${MNT_OPTS}' 0 "works in bg.. show background process" [ $? = 0 ] && { log "{Info} We are sleeping a little longer than 60 seconds (retry=1)." run "sleep $((retry_time + 10))" 0 "Actually a little more than $retry_time seconds." # demo mounting process should exit after 60s as retry=1 (minute) run 'ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ${MNT_OPTS}' 1 "retry=1 for 60s should works file after sleep 70s" } fi run 'iptables -F' - # should not mount successfully as it expired run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' 1 rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-Test-retry-option-should-not-be-ignored # test retry of the default value (2 minutes) for foreground - NFS(5) run "service_nfs stop" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp &" run "sleep 100 ; service_nfs start ; sleep 10" run "nfsstat -m | grep $nfsmp" 0 [ $? = 0 ] && run "umount $nfsmp" # test retry of 10 minutes for foreground MNT_OPTS="retry=10" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run "service_nfs stop" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS} &" run "sleep 10 ; service_nfs start ; sleep 10" run "nfsstat -m | grep $nfsmp" 0 [ $? = 0 ] && run "umount $nfsmp" # test retry of 100 minutes for background MNT_OPTS="bg,retry=100" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run "service_nfs stop" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run "sleep 10 ; service_nfs start ; sleep 10" run "nfsstat -m | grep $nfsmp" [ $? = 0 ] && run "umount $nfsmp" # test retry of the default value (10000 minutes) for background - NFS(5) MNT_OPTS="bg" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run "service_nfs stop" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run "sleep 10 ; service_nfs start ; sleep 10" run "nfsstat -m | grep $nfsmp" [ $? = 0 ] && run "umount $nfsmp" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-resvport_noresvport_test run 'service_nfs restart' MNT_OPTS="resvport" log "{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}' 0 run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' MNT_OPTS="noresvport" log "{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}' 1-255 "should got permission denied" run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' 1 rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-cache_nocache_test MNT_OPTS="noac" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'chmod 777 $expdir' run 'touch $expdir/foo.txt && chmod 777 $expdir/foo.txt' run 'service_nfs restart' run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}' 0 [ $? -eq 0 ] && { ATTR_TMP1=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') chmod 666 $expdir/foo.txt sleep 1 ATTR_TMP2=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') log "{Info} $ATTR_TMP1 ~ $ATTR_TMP2" run "[ x"$ATTR_TMP1" != x"$ATTR_TMP2" ]" 0 "with noac, attribution should not cached" } run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' run 'rm -f $expdir/foo.txt' MNT_OPTS="ac,acregmin=20,acregmax=40,acdirmin=30,acdirmax=60" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'touch $expdir/foo.txt && chmod 777 $expdir/foo.txt' run 'mkdir $expdir/foo.dir && chmod 777 $expdir/foo.dir' run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}' [ $? -eq 0 ] && { ATTR_TMPREG1=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') ATTR_TMPDIR1=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.dir | awk '{ print $1 }') chmod 666 $expdir/foo.txt chmod 555 $expdir/foo.dir sleep 7 ATTR_TMPREG2=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') sleep 7 #7+7 ATTR_TMPDIR2=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.dir | awk '{ print $1 }') sleep 30 #7+7+30 ATTR_TMPREG3=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') sleep 20 #7+7+30+20 ATTR_TMPDIR3=$(ls -al $nfsmp | grep foo.dir | awk '{ print $1 }') log "{Info} Regfile Attribution: $ATTR_TMPREG1 ~ $ATTR_TMPREG2 ~ $ATTR_TMPREG3" run '[ x"$ATTR_TMPREG1" == x"$ATTR_TMPREG2" -a x"$ATTR_TMPREG1" != x"$ATTR_TMPREG3" ]' log "{Info} Directory Attribution: $ATTR_TMPDIR1 ~ $ATTR_TMPDIR2 ~ $ATTR_TMPDIR3" run '[ x"$ATTR_TMPDIR1" == x"$ATTR_TMPDIR2" -a x"$ATTR_TMPDIR1" != x"$ATTR_TMPDIR3" ]' } run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' run 'rm -f $expdir/foo.txt' run 'rm -rf $expdir/foo.dir' MNT_OPTS="ac,actimeo=20" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}' [ $? -eq 0 ] && { run 'grep ${TESTNAME} /proc/mounts | grep "acregmin=20" | grep "acregmax=20" | grep "acdirmin=20" | grep "acdirmax=20"' } run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-sharecache_nosharecache_test MNT_OPTS="vers=3,nosharecache" MNT_OPTS="nosharecache,ac,acregmin=30,acregmax=60" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'chmod 777 $expdir' run 'touch $expdir/foo.txt && chmod 777 $expdir/foo.txt' run 'mkdir -p $nfsmp-{1,2}' run 'service_nfs restart' run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp-1 -o ${MNT_OPTS} && mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp-2 -o ${MNT_OPTS}' [ $? = 0 ] && { chmod 555 $nfsmp-1/foo.txt sleep 1 chmod 444 $nfsmp-2/foo.txt ATTR_TMPREG1=$(ls -al $nfsmp-1 | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') ATTR_TMPREG2=$(ls -al $nfsmp-2 | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') ATTR_TMPREG3=$(ls -al $expdir/ | grep foo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') log "{Info} $ATTR_TMPREG1 ~ $ATTR_TMPREG2 ~ $ATTR_TMPREG3" run '[ x"$ATTR_TMPREG1" == x"$ATTR_TMPREG2" -a x"$ATTR_TMPREG1" == x"$ATTR_TMPREG3" ]' } run 'mountpoint $nfsmp-1 && umount $nfsmp-1' run 'mountpoint $nfsmp-2 && umount $nfsmp-2' run 'rm -f $expdir/foo.txt' run 'rm -rf $nfsmp-{1,2}' rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-lookupcache_test MNT_OPTS="ac,acdirmin=30,acdirmax=60,lookupcache=pos" log "\n{Info} ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'chmod 777 $expdir' run 'mkdir -p $expdir/foodir && touch $expdir/foodir/foo-1.txt' run 'service_nfs restart' run 'mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}' [ $? = 0 ] && { run 'ls -l $nfsmp/foodir/ | grep foo-1.txt' run 'rm -f $expdir/foodir/foo-1.txt' run 'sleep 1' - log "{Info} Checking again..." run 'ls -l $nfsmp/foodir/ | grep foo-1.txt' 1 run 'umount $nfsmp' } run 'rm -fr $expdir' rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-rsize-wsize minSize=1024 minFixSize=4096 #maxSize=1048576 run "cat /proc/fs/nfsd/max_block_size" 0 "The default max block size varies depending on RAM size, with a maximum of 1M." maxSize=$(cat /proc/fs/nfsd/max_block_size) run 'mkdir -p $expdir' run 'echo "$expdir *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" > /etc/exports' run 'service_nfs restart' MNT_OPTS="rsize=1024,wsize=1024" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts' - run "cat /proc/mounts | grep -q $MNT_OPTS" run 'umount $nfsmp' MNT_OPTS="rsize=8192,wsize=8192" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts' - run "cat /proc/mounts | grep -q $MNT_OPTS" run 'umount $nfsmp' MNT_OPTS="rsize=1,wsize=255" # less than min_size($minSize) run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts' - run "cat /proc/mounts | grep -q rsize=$minFixSize,wsize=$minFixSize" 0 "Specified values lower than $minSize are replaced with $minFixSize" run 'umount $nfsmp' MNT_OPTS="rsize=1048577,wsize=2048576" # great than max_size($maxSize) run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts' - run "cat /proc/mounts | grep -q rsize=$maxSize,wsize=$maxSize" 0 "Specified values more than $maxSize are replaced with $maxSize" run 'umount $nfsmp' MNT_OPTS="rsize=0,wsize=0" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts' - run "cat /proc/mounts | grep -q rsize=$maxSize,wsize=$maxSize" 0 "Specified values more than $maxSize are replaced with $maxSize" run 'umount $nfsmp' MNT_OPTS="rsize=-1,wsize=-3" run "mount ${HOSTNAME}:$expdir $nfsmp -o ${MNT_OPTS}" 1-255 rlPhaseEnd for V in $(ls_nfsvers); do rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-NFS-mount-options-can-be-lost-when-using-bg-option-vers${V} run 'service_nfs stop' run 'mount -v -t nfs -o rw,bg,hard,nointr,tcp,vers=$V,timeo=600,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,actimeo=0,noac localhost:$expdir $nfsmp' run 'service_nfs start' run 'while ! grep -q $nfsmp /proc/mounts; do sleep 15; done' - run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts' run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts | grep -q "rw,sync"' if [ "$V" = "2" ]; then run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts | grep -q "vers=$V,rsize=8192,wsize=8192"' else run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts | grep -q "vers=$V,rsize=32768,wsize=32768"' fi run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts | grep -q "acregmin=0,acregmax=0,acdirmin=0,acdirmax=0,hard,noac,proto=tcp"' run 'grep $nfsmp /proc/mounts | grep -q "timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys"' run "umount $nfsmp" rlPhaseEnd done rlPhaseStartTest do-$role-Test-"mount-nfs-needs-descriptive-error-when-nfsvers-specified-incorrectly" run "log=`mktemp -q`" 0 "Creating temporary log file" log "{Info} Specify the invalid value." for vers in {"v3","vers","+","*",""}; do run "mount -t nfs -o vers=$vers localhost:$expdir $nfsmp 2>$log" 32 \ "should be failed as expected using invalid value" run "mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=$vers localhost:$expdir $nfsmp 2>>$log" 32 \ "should be failed as expected using invalid value" run "cat $log" - run "egrep -q 'Bad nfs mount parameter|parsing error|invalid value' $log" run ">$log" 0 "clear $log content" done log "{Info} Specify the valid number (maybe not supported)." run "ls_nfsvers" - for vers in {1,2,3,4,5,23}; do if ls_nfsvers | grep -q "^$vers"; then run "mount -t nfs -o vers=$vers localhost:$expdir $nfsmp" run "umount $nfsmp" run "mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=$vers localhost:$expdir $nfsmp" run "umount $nfsmp" else run "mount -t nfs -o vers=$vers localhost:$expdir $nfsmp 2>$log" 32 \ "should be failed as expected using unsupported version" [ $? = 0 ] && run "umount $nfsmp" run "mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=$vers localhost:$expdir $nfsmp 2>>$log" 32 \ "should be failed as expected using unsupported version" [ $? = 0 ] && run "umount $nfsmp" run "cat $log" - run "egrep -q 'not supported|parsing error|invalid value|call failed' $log" run ">$log" 0 "clear $log content" fi done run "rm -f $log" 0 "Remove temporary log file" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartCleanup do-$role-Cleanup- run 'mountpoint $nfsmp && umount $nfsmp' 1 hostnamectl set-hostname $ORIGINAL_HOSTNAME run 'rm -rf $expdir $nfsmp' rlFileRestore run 'service_nfs restart' rlPhaseEnd rlJournalEnd #rlJournalPrintText