/* This file is here to prevent a file conflict on multiarch systems. A * conflict will frequently occur because arch-specific build-time * configuration options are stored (and used, so they can't just be stripped * out) in net-snmp-config.h. The original net-snmp-config.h has been renamed. * DO NOT INCLUDE THE NEW FILE DIRECTLY -- ALWAYS INCLUDE THIS ONE INSTEAD. */ #ifdef net-snmp-config_multilib_redirection_h #error "Do not define net-snmp-config_multilib_redirection_h!" #endif #define net-snmp-config_multilib_redirection_h #if defined(__i386__) #include "net-snmp-config-i386.h" #elif defined(__ia64__) #include "net-snmp-config-ia64.h" #elif defined(__powerpc64__) #include "net-snmp-config-ppc64.h" #elif defined(__powerpc__) #include "net-snmp-config-ppc.h" #elif defined(__s390x__) #include "net-snmp-config-s390x.h" #elif defined(__s390__) #include "net-snmp-config-s390.h" #elif defined(__x86_64__) #include "net-snmp-config-x86_64.h" #else #error "This net-snmp-devel package does not work your architecture?" #endif #undef net-snmp-config_multilib_redirection_h