diff --git a/SOURCES/Add-actions-to-the-toolbar.patch b/SOURCES/Add-actions-to-the-toolbar.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cfb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/Add-actions-to-the-toolbar.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-files-view.c b/src/nautilus-files-view.c
+index 0c7380ae9..08107a64e 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-files-view.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-files-view.c
+@@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ enum
+ };
+@@ -264,6 +266,10 @@ typedef struct
+ GtkWidget *zoom_controls_box;
+ GtkWidget *zoom_level_label;
++ /* Exposed menus, for the path bar etc. */
++ GMenu *extensions_background_menu;
++ GMenu *templates_menu;
+ gulong stop_signal_handler;
+ gulong reload_signal_handler;
+@@ -691,6 +697,98 @@ nautilus_files_view_get_toolbar_menu_sections (NautilusView *view)
+ return priv->toolbar_menu_sections;
+ }
++static GMenu*
++nautilus_files_view_get_templates_menu (NautilusView *self)
++ GMenu *menu;
++ g_object_get (self, "templates-menu", &menu, NULL);
++ return menu;
++static GMenu*
++nautilus_files_view_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *self)
++ GMenu *menu;
++ g_object_get (self, "extensions-background-menu", &menu, NULL);
++ return menu;
++static GMenu*
++real_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *view)
++ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
++ g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_FILES_VIEW (view), NULL);
++ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (view));
++ return priv->extensions_background_menu;
++static GMenu*
++real_get_templates_menu (NautilusView *view)
++ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
++ g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_FILES_VIEW (view), NULL);
++ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (view));
++ return priv->templates_menu;
++static void
++nautilus_files_view_set_templates_menu (NautilusView *self,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ g_object_set (self, "templates-menu", menu, NULL);
++static void
++nautilus_files_view_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *self,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ g_object_set (self, "extensions-background-menu", menu, NULL);
++static void
++real_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_FILES_VIEW (view));
++ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (view));
++ if (priv->extensions_background_menu != NULL)
++ {
++ g_clear_object (&priv->extensions_background_menu);
++ }
++ priv->extensions_background_menu = menu;
++static void
++real_set_templates_menu (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_FILES_VIEW (view));
++ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (view));
++ if (priv->templates_menu != NULL)
++ {
++ g_clear_object (&priv->templates_menu);
++ }
++ priv->templates_menu = menu;
+ static gboolean
+ showing_trash_directory (NautilusFilesView *view)
+ {
+@@ -2446,6 +2544,30 @@ action_properties (GSimpleAction *action,
+ }
+ }
++static void
++action_current_dir_properties (GSimpleAction *action,
++ GVariant *state,
++ gpointer user_data)
++ NautilusFilesView *view;
++ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
++ GList *files;
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_FILES_VIEW (user_data));
++ view = NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (user_data);
++ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (view);
++ if (priv->directory_as_file != NULL)
++ {
++ files = g_list_append (NULL, nautilus_file_ref (priv->directory_as_file));
++ nautilus_properties_window_present (files, GTK_WIDGET (view), NULL, NULL, NULL);
++ nautilus_file_list_free (files);
++ }
+ static void
+ nautilus_files_view_set_show_hidden_files (NautilusFilesView *view,
+ gboolean show_hidden)
+@@ -3192,6 +3314,8 @@ nautilus_files_view_finalize (GObject *object)
+ g_clear_object (&priv->selection_menu);
+ g_clear_object (&priv->toolbar_menu_sections->zoom_section);
+ g_clear_object (&priv->toolbar_menu_sections->extended_section);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->extensions_background_menu);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->templates_menu);
+ g_clear_object (&priv->rename_file_controller);
+ g_clear_object (&priv->new_folder_controller);
+ g_clear_object (&priv->compress_controller);
+@@ -4899,49 +5023,42 @@ build_menu_for_extension_menu_items (NautilusFilesView *view,
+ return gmenu;
+ }
+-static void
+-add_extension_menu_items (NautilusFilesView *view,
+- const gchar *extension_prefix,
+- GList *menu_items,
+- GMenu *insertion_menu)
+- GMenu *menu;
+- menu = build_menu_for_extension_menu_items (view, extension_prefix, menu_items);
+- nautilus_gmenu_merge (insertion_menu,
+- menu,
+- "extensions",
+- FALSE);
+- g_object_unref (menu);
+ static void
+ update_extensions_menus (NautilusFilesView *view)
+ {
+ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
+ GList *selection_items, *background_items;
++ g_autoptr (GMenu) background_menu = NULL;
++ g_autoptr (GMenu) selection_menu = NULL;
+ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (view);
+ selection_items = get_extension_selection_menu_items (view);
+ if (selection_items != NULL)
+ {
+- add_extension_menu_items (view,
+- "selection",
+- selection_items,
+- priv->selection_menu);
++ selection_menu = build_menu_for_extension_menu_items (view, "extensions",
++ selection_items);
++ nautilus_gmenu_merge (priv->selection_menu,
++ selection_menu,
++ "extensions",
++ FALSE);
+ nautilus_menu_item_list_free (selection_items);
+ }
+ background_items = get_extension_background_menu_items (view);
+ if (background_items != NULL)
+ {
+- add_extension_menu_items (view,
+- "background",
+- background_items,
+- priv->background_menu);
++ background_menu = build_menu_for_extension_menu_items (view, "extensions",
++ background_items);
++ nautilus_gmenu_merge (priv->background_menu,
++ background_menu,
++ "extensions",
++ FALSE);
+ nautilus_menu_item_list_free (background_items);
+ }
++ nautilus_view_set_extensions_background_menu (NAUTILUS_VIEW (view), background_menu);
+ }
+ static char *
+@@ -5646,7 +5763,7 @@ update_templates_menu (NautilusFilesView *view)
+ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
+ GList *sorted_copy, *node;
+ NautilusDirectory *directory;
+- GMenu *submenu;
++ g_autoptr (GMenu) submenu = NULL;
+ char *uri;
+ char *templates_directory_uri;
+@@ -5687,9 +5804,10 @@ update_templates_menu (NautilusFilesView *view)
+ submenu,
+ "templates-submenu",
+- g_object_unref (submenu);
+ }
++ nautilus_view_set_templates_menu (NAUTILUS_VIEW (view), submenu);
+ nautilus_directory_unref (directory);
+ priv->templates_present = submenu != NULL;
+@@ -6880,6 +6998,7 @@ const GActionEntry view_entries[] =
+ { "extract-to", action_extract_to },
+ { "compress", action_compress },
+ { "properties", action_properties},
++ { "current-directory-properties", action_current_dir_properties},
+ { "set-as-wallpaper", action_set_as_wallpaper },
+ { "mount-volume", action_mount_volume },
+ { "unmount-volume", action_unmount_volume },
+@@ -8871,8 +8990,25 @@ nautilus_files_view_get_property (GObject *object,
+ }
+ break;
++ {
++ g_value_set_object (value,
++ real_get_extensions_background_menu (NAUTILUS_VIEW (view)));
++ }
++ break;
++ {
++ g_value_set_object (value,
++ real_get_templates_menu (NAUTILUS_VIEW (view)));
++ }
++ break;
+ default:
++ {
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ }
++ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -8925,6 +9061,20 @@ nautilus_files_view_set_property (GObject *object,
+ }
+ break;
++ {
++ real_set_extensions_background_menu (NAUTILUS_VIEW (directory_view),
++ g_value_get_object (value));
++ }
++ break;
++ {
++ real_set_templates_menu (NAUTILUS_VIEW (directory_view),
++ g_value_get_object (value));
++ }
++ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+@@ -9286,6 +9436,10 @@ nautilus_files_view_iface_init (NautilusViewInterface *iface)
+ iface->is_searching = nautilus_files_view_is_searching;
+ iface->is_loading = nautilus_files_view_is_loading;
+ iface->get_view_id = nautilus_files_view_get_view_id;
++ iface->get_templates_menu = nautilus_files_view_get_templates_menu;
++ iface->set_templates_menu = nautilus_files_view_set_templates_menu;
++ iface->get_extensions_background_menu = nautilus_files_view_get_extensions_background_menu;
++ iface->set_extensions_background_menu = nautilus_files_view_set_extensions_background_menu;
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -9410,6 +9564,8 @@ nautilus_files_view_class_init (NautilusFilesViewClass *klass)
+ g_object_class_override_property (oclass, PROP_IS_SEARCH, "is-searching");
+ g_object_class_override_property (oclass, PROP_LOCATION, "location");
+ g_object_class_override_property (oclass, PROP_SEARCH_QUERY, "search-query");
++ g_object_class_override_property (oclass, PROP_EXTENSIONS_BACKGROUND_MENU, "extensions-background-menu");
++ g_object_class_override_property (oclass, PROP_TEMPLATES_MENU, "templates-menu");
+ }
+ static void
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-pathbar.c b/src/nautilus-pathbar.c
+index 630b8ed33..3681ce2d8 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-pathbar.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-pathbar.c
+@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ typedef struct
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkWidget *bold_label;
++ GtkWidget *disclosure_arrow;
+ guint ignore_changes : 1;
+ guint is_root : 1;
+@@ -100,9 +101,13 @@ typedef struct
+ GActionGroup *action_group;
+- GMenu *context_menu;
+ NautilusFile *context_menu_file;
+- GdkEvent *context_menu_event;
++ GtkPopover *current_view_menu_popover;
++ GtkPopover *button_menu_popover;
++ GMenu *current_view_menu;
++ GMenu *button_menu;
++ GMenu *extensions_background_menu;
++ GMenu *templates_menu;
+ } NautilusPathBarPrivate;
+@@ -120,8 +125,9 @@ static gboolean nautilus_path_bar_slider_button_release (GtkWidget *widget
+ NautilusPathBar *self);
+ static void nautilus_path_bar_check_icon_theme (NautilusPathBar *self);
+ static void nautilus_path_bar_update_button_appearance (ButtonData *button_data);
+-static void nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (ButtonData *button_data,
+- gboolean current_dir);
++static void nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ ButtonData *button_data,
++ gboolean current_dir);
+ static void nautilus_path_bar_update_path (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ GFile *file_path);
+ static void unschedule_pop_up_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self);
+@@ -134,6 +140,8 @@ static void action_pathbar_open_item_new_tab (GSimpleAction *action,
+ static void action_pathbar_properties (GSimpleAction *action,
+ GVariant *state,
+ gpointer user_data);
++static void pop_up_pathbar_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ NautilusFile *file);
+ const GActionEntry path_bar_actions[] =
+ {
+@@ -333,7 +341,12 @@ nautilus_path_bar_init (NautilusPathBar *self)
+ /* Context menu */
+ builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gnome/nautilus/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui");
+- priv->context_menu = g_object_ref (G_MENU (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "pathbar-menu")));
++ priv->current_view_menu = g_object_ref_sink (G_MENU (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "current-view-menu")));
++ priv->button_menu = g_object_ref_sink (G_MENU (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "button-menu")));
++ priv->current_view_menu_popover = g_object_ref_sink (GTK_POPOVER (gtk_popover_new_from_model (NULL,
++ G_MENU_MODEL (priv->current_view_menu))));
++ priv->button_menu_popover = g_object_ref_sink (GTK_POPOVER (gtk_popover_new_from_model (NULL,
++ G_MENU_MODEL (priv->button_menu))));
+ g_object_unref (builder);
+ gtk_widget_set_has_window (GTK_WIDGET (self), FALSE);
+@@ -402,12 +415,12 @@ nautilus_path_bar_finalize (GObject *object)
+ }
+ g_list_free (priv->button_list);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->current_view_menu);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->button_menu);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->button_menu_popover);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->current_view_menu_popover);
+ unschedule_pop_up_context_menu (NAUTILUS_PATH_BAR (object));
+- if (priv->context_menu_event)
+- {
+- gdk_event_free ((GdkEvent *) priv->context_menu_event);
+- }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_path_bar_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+ }
+@@ -1293,6 +1306,81 @@ nautilus_path_bar_class_init (NautilusPathBarClass *path_bar_class)
+ gtk_container_class_handle_border_width (container_class);
+ }
++static void
++update_current_view_menu (NautilusPathBar *self)
++ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
++ if (priv->extensions_background_menu != NULL)
++ {
++ nautilus_gmenu_merge (priv->current_view_menu,
++ priv->extensions_background_menu,
++ "extensions",
++ TRUE);
++ }
++ if (priv->templates_menu != NULL)
++ {
++ nautilus_gmenu_merge (priv->current_view_menu, priv->templates_menu,
++ "templates-submenu", TRUE);
++ }
++static void
++reset_current_view_menu (NautilusPathBar *self)
++ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
++ g_autoptr (GtkBuilder) builder = NULL;
++ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->current_view_menu);
++ builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gnome/nautilus/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui");
++ priv->current_view_menu = g_object_ref_sink (G_MENU (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
++ "current-view-menu")));
++ gtk_popover_bind_model (priv->current_view_menu_popover,
++ G_MENU_MODEL (priv->current_view_menu), NULL);
++nautilus_path_bar_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_PATH_BAR (self));
++ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
++ reset_current_view_menu (self);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->extensions_background_menu);
++ if (menu != NULL)
++ {
++ priv->extensions_background_menu = g_object_ref (menu);
++ }
++ update_current_view_menu (self);
++nautilus_path_bar_set_templates_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_PATH_BAR (self));
++ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
++ reset_current_view_menu (self);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->templates_menu);
++ if (menu != NULL)
++ {
++ priv->templates_menu = g_object_ref (menu);
++ }
++ update_current_view_menu (self);
+ static void
+ nautilus_path_bar_scroll_down (NautilusPathBar *self)
+ {
+@@ -1599,7 +1687,9 @@ button_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button,
+ ButtonData *button_data;
+ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
+ NautilusPathBar *self;
+- GList *button_list;
++ GdkEvent *event;
++ GdkModifierType state;
++ gboolean current_dir;
+ button_data = BUTTON_DATA (data);
+ if (button_data->ignore_changes)
+@@ -1609,13 +1699,29 @@ button_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button,
+ self = NAUTILUS_PATH_BAR (gtk_widget_get_parent (button));
+ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
++ event = gtk_get_current_event ();
++ current_dir = g_file_equal (button_data->path, priv->current_path);
+- button_list = g_list_find (priv->button_list, button_data);
+- g_assert (button_list != NULL);
++ gdk_event_get_state (event, &state);
+- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), TRUE);
++ button_data->ignore_changes = TRUE;
++ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), current_dir);
++ button_data->ignore_changes = FALSE;
+- g_signal_emit (self, path_bar_signals [PATH_CLICKED], 0, button_data->path);
++ if ((state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) != 0)
++ {
++ g_signal_emit (self, path_bar_signals[OPEN_LOCATION], 0,
++ button_data->path,
++ }
++ else if (current_dir)
++ {
++ gtk_popover_popup (priv->current_view_menu_popover);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ g_signal_emit (self, path_bar_signals [PATH_CLICKED], 0, button_data->path);
++ }
+ }
+@@ -1626,9 +1732,7 @@ real_pop_up_pathbar_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self)
+ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
+- nautilus_pop_up_context_menu_at_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (self),
+- priv->context_menu,
+- priv->context_menu_event);
++ gtk_popover_popup (priv->button_menu_popover);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -1668,7 +1772,6 @@ unschedule_pop_up_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self)
+ static void
+ schedule_pop_up_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
+- GdkEventButton *event,
+ NautilusFile *file)
+ {
+ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
+@@ -1677,12 +1780,6 @@ schedule_pop_up_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
+- if (priv->context_menu_event != NULL)
+- {
+- gdk_event_free ((GdkEvent *) priv->context_menu_event);
+- }
+- priv->context_menu_event = gdk_event_copy ((GdkEvent *) event);
+ if (file == priv->context_menu_file)
+ {
+ if (nautilus_file_check_if_ready (file,
+@@ -1709,12 +1806,11 @@ schedule_pop_up_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ static void
+ pop_up_pathbar_context_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
+- GdkEventButton *event,
+ NautilusFile *file)
+ {
+ if (file)
+ {
+- schedule_pop_up_context_menu (self, event, file);
++ schedule_pop_up_context_menu (self, file);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1723,22 +1819,31 @@ button_event_cb (GtkWidget *button,
+ GdkEventButton *event,
+ gpointer data)
+ {
+- GtkPlacesOpenFlags flags;
+ ButtonData *button_data;
+ NautilusPathBar *self;
++ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
+ int mask;
++ gboolean current_dir;
+ button_data = BUTTON_DATA (data);
+ self = NAUTILUS_PATH_BAR (gtk_widget_get_parent (button));
++ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
+ mask = event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask ();
+ if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
+ {
+- g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "handle-button-release", GINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE));
+ if (event->button == GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY)
+ {
+- pop_up_pathbar_context_menu (self, event, button_data->file);
++ current_dir = g_file_equal (button_data->path, priv->current_path);
++ if (current_dir)
++ {
++ gtk_popover_popup (priv->current_view_menu_popover);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ gtk_popover_set_relative_to (priv->button_menu_popover, button);
++ pop_up_pathbar_context_menu (self, button_data->file);
++ }
+ return GDK_EVENT_STOP;
+ }
+ else if (event->button == GDK_BUTTON_MIDDLE && mask == 0)
+@@ -1751,27 +1856,6 @@ button_event_cb (GtkWidget *button,
+ return GDK_EVENT_STOP;
+ }
+ }
+- else if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
+- {
+- flags = 0;
+- if (!GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (button), "handle-button-release")))
+- {
+- }
+- if (event->button == GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY && mask == GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
+- {
+- }
+- if (flags != 0)
+- {
+- g_signal_emit (self, path_bar_signals[OPEN_LOCATION], 0, button_data->path, flags);
+- }
+- }
+ }
+@@ -1880,9 +1964,14 @@ nautilus_path_bar_update_button_appearance (ButtonData *button_data)
+ }
+ static void
+-nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (ButtonData *button_data,
+- gboolean current_dir)
++nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ ButtonData *button_data,
++ gboolean current_dir)
+ {
++ NautilusPathBarPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_path_bar_get_instance_private (self);
+ if (button_data->label != NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (button_data->label), NULL);
+@@ -1898,6 +1987,12 @@ nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (ButtonData *button_data,
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_data->button), current_dir);
+ button_data->ignore_changes = FALSE;
+ }
++ gtk_widget_set_visible (button_data->disclosure_arrow, current_dir);
++ if (current_dir)
++ {
++ gtk_popover_set_relative_to (priv->current_view_menu_popover, button_data->button);
++ }
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -2096,13 +2191,17 @@ make_button_data (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ /* TODO update button type when xdg directories change */
+ button_data->image = gtk_image_new ();
++ button_data->disclosure_arrow = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("pan-down-symbolic",
+ switch (button_data->type)
+ {
+ {
+- child = button_data->image;
+ button_data->label = NULL;
++ child = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 2);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (child), button_data->image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (child), button_data->disclosure_arrow, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -2115,10 +2214,13 @@ make_button_data (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ child = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 2);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (child), button_data->image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (child), button_data->label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (child), button_data->disclosure_arrow, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
++ gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (button_data->disclosure_arrow, TRUE);
+ if (button_data->label != NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_label_set_ellipsize (GTK_LABEL (button_data->label), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE);
+@@ -2152,11 +2254,10 @@ make_button_data (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button_data->button), child);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (button_data->button);
+- nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (button_data, current_dir);
++ nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (self, button_data, current_dir);
+ g_signal_connect (button_data->button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (button_clicked_cb), button_data);
+ g_signal_connect (button_data->button, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (button_event_cb), button_data);
+- g_signal_connect (button_data->button, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK (button_event_cb), button_data);
+ g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (button_data->button), (GWeakNotify) button_data_free, button_data);
+ nautilus_drag_slot_proxy_init (button_data->button, button_data->file, NULL);
+@@ -2198,7 +2299,7 @@ nautilus_path_bar_check_parent_path (NautilusPathBar *self,
+ is_active = FALSE;
+ }
+- nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (button_data, is_active);
++ nautilus_path_bar_update_button_state (self, button_data, is_active);
+ }
+ if (current_button_data != NULL)
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-pathbar.h b/src/nautilus-pathbar.h
+index 8651b7bc2..cbe427cf7 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-pathbar.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-pathbar.h
+@@ -36,5 +36,9 @@ struct _NautilusPathBarClass
+ GtkPlacesOpenFlags flags);
+ };
+ void nautilus_path_bar_set_path (NautilusPathBar *self, GFile *file);
++void nautilus_path_bar_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ GMenu *menu);
++void nautilus_path_bar_set_templates_menu (NautilusPathBar *self,
++ GMenu *menu);
+ #endif /* NAUTILUS_PATHBAR_H */
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-toolbar.c b/src/nautilus-toolbar.c
+index 26a978e7d..18e0421de 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-toolbar.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-toolbar.c
+@@ -1199,6 +1199,24 @@ nautilus_toolbar_set_show_location_entry (NautilusToolbar *self,
+ }
+ }
++static void
++slot_on_extensions_background_menu_changed (NautilusToolbar *self,
++ GParamSpec *param,
++ NautilusWindowSlot *slot)
++ nautilus_path_bar_set_extensions_background_menu (NAUTILUS_PATH_BAR (self->path_bar),
++ nautilus_window_slot_get_extensions_background_menu (slot));
++static void
++slot_on_templates_menu_changed (NautilusToolbar *self,
++ GParamSpec *param,
++ NautilusWindowSlot *slot)
++ nautilus_path_bar_set_templates_menu (NAUTILUS_PATH_BAR (self->path_bar),
++ nautilus_window_slot_get_templates_menu (slot));
+ static gboolean
+ nautilus_toolbar_view_toggle_icon_transform_to (GBinding *binding,
+ const GValue *from_value,
+@@ -1304,6 +1322,10 @@ nautilus_toolbar_set_active_slot (NautilusToolbar *toolbar,
+ on_slot_toolbar_menu_sections_changed (toolbar, NULL, slot);
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (slot, "notify::toolbar-menu-sections",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_slot_toolbar_menu_sections_changed), toolbar);
++ g_signal_connect_swapped (slot, "notify::extensions-background-menu",
++ G_CALLBACK (slot_on_extensions_background_menu_changed), toolbar);
++ g_signal_connect_swapped (slot, "notify::templates-menu",
++ G_CALLBACK (slot_on_templates_menu_changed), toolbar);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-view.c b/src/nautilus-view.c
+index 7b3a3c973..a1c32f248 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-view.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-view.c
+@@ -72,6 +72,29 @@ nautilus_view_default_init (NautilusViewInterface *iface)
+ "The search query being performed on the view",
++ /**
++ * NautilusView::extensions-background-menu:
++ *
++ * Menu for the background click of extensions
++ */
++ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
++ g_param_spec_object ("extensions-background-menu",
++ "Menu for the background click of extensions",
++ "Menu for the background click of extensions",
++ /**
++ * NautilusView::templates-menu:
++ *
++ * Menu of templates
++ */
++ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
++ g_param_spec_object ("templates-menu",
++ "Menu of templates",
++ "Menu of templates",
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -137,6 +160,42 @@ nautilus_view_get_toolbar_menu_sections (NautilusView *view)
+ return NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->get_toolbar_menu_sections (view);
+ }
++GMenu *
++nautilus_view_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *view)
++ g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->get_extensions_background_menu, NULL);
++ return NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->get_extensions_background_menu (view);
++/* Protected */
++nautilus_view_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->set_extensions_background_menu);
++ NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->set_extensions_background_menu (view, menu);
++GMenu *
++nautilus_view_get_templates_menu (NautilusView *view)
++ g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->get_templates_menu, NULL);
++ return NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->get_templates_menu (view);
++/* Protected */
++nautilus_view_set_templates_menu (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->set_templates_menu);
++ NAUTILUS_VIEW_GET_IFACE (view)->set_templates_menu (view, menu);
+ /**
+ * nautilus_view_get_search_query:
+ * @view: a #NautilusView
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-view.h b/src/nautilus-view.h
+index dcd39e0ad..c3042bebd 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-view.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-view.h
+@@ -52,6 +52,20 @@ struct _NautilusViewInterface
+ */
+ NautilusToolbarMenuSections * (*get_toolbar_menu_sections) (NautilusView *view);
++ /*
++ * Returns the menu for the background click of extensions.
++ */
++ GMenu * (*get_extensions_background_menu) (NautilusView *view);
++ void (*set_extensions_background_menu) (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu);
++ /*
++ * Returns the menu for templates.
++ */
++ GMenu * (*get_templates_menu) (NautilusView *view);
++ void (*set_templates_menu) (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu);
+ /* Current location of the view */
+ GFile* (*get_location) (NautilusView *view);
+ void (*set_location) (NautilusView *view,
+@@ -99,6 +113,13 @@ gboolean nautilus_view_is_loading (Nautilus
+ gboolean nautilus_view_is_searching (NautilusView *view);
++void nautilus_view_set_templates_menu (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu);
++GMenu* nautilus_view_get_templates_menu (NautilusView *view);
++void nautilus_view_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *view,
++ GMenu *menu);
++GMenu* nautilus_view_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusView *view);
+ #endif /* NAUTILUS_VIEW_H */
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+index c3260aeb0..ea2197849 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ enum
+@@ -124,6 +126,14 @@ typedef struct
+ GError *mount_error;
+ gboolean tried_mount;
+ gint view_mode_before_search;
++ /* Menus */
++ GMenu *extensions_background_menu;
++ GMenu *templates_menu;
++ /* View bindings */
++ GBinding *extensions_background_menu_binding;
++ GBinding *templates_menu_binding;
+ } NautilusWindowSlotPrivate;
+ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (NautilusWindowSlot, nautilus_window_slot, GTK_TYPE_BOX);
+@@ -154,6 +164,12 @@ static void nautilus_window_slot_set_location (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ static void trash_state_changed_cb (NautilusTrashMonitor *monitor,
+ gboolean is_empty,
+ gpointer user_data);
++static void real_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ GMenu *menu);
++static GMenu* real_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self);
++static void real_set_templates_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ GMenu *menu);
++static GMenu* real_get_templates_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self);
+ void
+ free_navigation_state (gpointer data)
+@@ -727,6 +743,26 @@ nautilus_window_slot_add_extra_location_widget (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->extra_location_widgets);
+ }
++static void
++real_set_extensions_background_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
++ priv->extensions_background_menu = menu != NULL ? g_object_ref (menu) : NULL;
++static void
++real_set_templates_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ GMenu *menu)
++ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
++ priv->templates_menu = menu != NULL ? g_object_ref (menu) : NULL;
+ static void
+ nautilus_window_slot_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+@@ -755,6 +791,18 @@ nautilus_window_slot_set_property (GObject *object,
+ }
+ break;
++ {
++ real_set_extensions_background_menu (self, g_value_get_object (value));
++ }
++ break;
++ {
++ real_set_templates_menu (self, g_value_get_object (value));
++ }
++ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+@@ -763,6 +811,44 @@ nautilus_window_slot_set_property (GObject *object,
+ }
+ }
++static GMenu*
++real_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
++ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
++ return priv->extensions_background_menu;
++nautilus_window_slot_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
++ GMenu *menu = NULL;
++ g_object_get (self, "extensions-background-menu", &menu, NULL);
++ return menu;
++static GMenu*
++real_get_templates_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
++ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
++ return priv->templates_menu;
++nautilus_window_slot_get_templates_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
++ GMenu *menu = NULL;
++ g_object_get (self, "templates-menu", &menu, NULL);
++ return menu;
+ static void
+ nautilus_window_slot_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+@@ -796,7 +882,19 @@ nautilus_window_slot_get_property (GObject *object,
+ {
+- g_value_set_pointer (value, nautilus_window_slot_get_toolbar_menu_sections (self));
++ g_value_set_object (value, nautilus_window_slot_get_toolbar_menu_sections (self));
++ }
++ break;
++ {
++ g_value_set_object (value, real_get_extensions_background_menu (self));
++ }
++ break;
++ {
++ g_value_set_object (value, real_get_templates_menu (self));
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -2717,6 +2815,9 @@ nautilus_window_slot_switch_new_content_view (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
+ if (priv->content_view != NULL)
+ {
++ g_binding_unbind (priv->extensions_background_menu_binding);
++ g_binding_unbind (priv->templates_menu_binding);
+ widget = GTK_WIDGET (priv->content_view);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (widget);
+ g_object_unref (priv->content_view);
+@@ -2733,8 +2834,17 @@ nautilus_window_slot_switch_new_content_view (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
+ gtk_widget_set_vexpand (widget, TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
++ priv->extensions_background_menu_binding = g_object_bind_property (priv->content_view, "extensions-background-menu",
++ self, "extensions-background-menu",
++ priv->templates_menu_binding = g_object_bind_property (priv->content_view, "templates-menu",
++ self, "templates-menu",
+ g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_ICON]);
+ g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_TOOLBAR_MENU_SECTIONS]);
++ g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_EXTENSIONS_BACKGROUND_MENU]);
++ g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_TEMPLATES_MENU]);
+ }
+ done:
+@@ -2786,6 +2896,9 @@ nautilus_window_slot_dispose (GObject *object)
+ nautilus_window_slot_remove_extra_location_widgets (self);
++ g_clear_pointer (&priv->extensions_background_menu_binding, g_binding_unbind);
++ g_clear_pointer (&priv->templates_menu_binding, g_binding_unbind);
+ if (priv->content_view)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (priv->content_view));
+@@ -2924,6 +3037,20 @@ nautilus_window_slot_class_init (NautilusWindowSlotClass *klass)
+ "The menu sections to add to the toolbar menu for this slot",
++ g_param_spec_object ("extensions-background-menu",
++ "Background menu of extensions",
++ "Proxy property from the view for the background menu for extensions",
++ properties[PROP_TEMPLATES_MENU] =
++ g_param_spec_object ("templates-menu",
++ "Templates menu",
++ "Proxy property from the view for the templates menu",
+ properties[PROP_LOCATION] =
+ g_param_spec_object ("location",
+ "Current location visible on the slot",
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+index 573357d9b..9be645aa4 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+@@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ GIcon* nautilus_window_slot_get_icon (NautilusWindowSlot *
+ NautilusToolbarMenuSections * nautilus_window_slot_get_toolbar_menu_sections (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
++GMenu* nautilus_window_slot_get_templates_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self);
++GMenu* nautilus_window_slot_get_extensions_background_menu (NautilusWindowSlot *self);
+ gboolean nautilus_window_slot_get_active (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
+ void nautilus_window_slot_set_active (NautilusWindowSlot *slot,
+diff --git a/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui b/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui
+index 11b68857d..403cf71f6 100644
+--- a/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui
++++ b/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui
+@@ -1,23 +1,54 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/files-view-Add-menu-item-to-copy-current-path.patch b/SOURCES/files-view-Add-menu-item-to-copy-current-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd5d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/files-view-Add-menu-item-to-copy-current-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-files-view.c b/src/nautilus-files-view.c
+index 08107a64e..d808b04ff 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-files-view.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-files-view.c
+@@ -6078,6 +6078,33 @@ action_cut (GSimpleAction *action,
+ nautilus_file_list_free (selection);
+ }
++static void
++action_copy_current_location (GSimpleAction *action,
++ GVariant *state,
++ gpointer user_data)
++ NautilusFilesView *view;
++ GtkClipboard *clipboard;
++ GFile *file;
++ gchar *path;
++ NautilusFilesViewPrivate *priv;
++ view = NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (user_data);
++ priv = nautilus_files_view_get_instance_private (view);
++ if (priv->directory_as_file != NULL)
++ {
++ file = nautilus_file_get_location (priv->directory_as_file);
++ clipboard = nautilus_clipboard_get (GTK_WIDGET (view));
++ path = g_file_get_parse_name (file);
++ gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, path, -1);
++ g_object_unref (file);
++ g_free (path);
++ }
+ static void
+ action_create_links_in_place (GSimpleAction *action,
+ GVariant *state,
+@@ -6958,6 +6985,7 @@ const GActionEntry view_entries[] =
+ { "new-folder", action_new_folder },
+ { "select-all", action_select_all },
+ { "paste", action_paste_files },
++ { "copy-current-location", action_copy_current_location },
+ { "create-link", action_create_links },
+ { "new-document" },
+ /* Selection menu */
+@@ -7590,6 +7618,10 @@ real_update_actions_state (NautilusFilesView *view)
+ g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action),
+ can_move_files && !selection_contains_recent &&
+ !selection_contains_starred);
++ action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (view_action_group),
++ "copy-current-location");
++ g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action),
++ !selection_contains_search);
+ /* Drive menu */
+ show_mount = (selection != NULL);
+diff --git a/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui b/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui
+index 403cf71f6..4d32c1e8e 100644
+--- a/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui
++++ b/src/resources/ui/nautilus-pathbar-context-menu.ui
+@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
+ Add to _Bookmarks
+ view.bookmark
++ -
++ _Copy Location
++ view.copy-current-location
+ -
+ _Paste
diff --git a/SOURCES/files-view-Backport-translations.patch b/SOURCES/files-view-Backport-translations.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e177a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/files-view-Backport-translations.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/ca.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/ca.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/ca.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/ca.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.239093717 +0200
+@@ -7061,3 +7061,7 @@
+ #~ "Amb el Nautilus heu d'haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública "
+ #~ "General de GNU; si no és així, escriviu a la Free Software Foundation, "
+ #~ "Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Copia la ubicació"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/de.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/de.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/de.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/de.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.276093695 +0200
+@@ -5716,3 +5716,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "org.gnome.Nautilus"
+ #~ msgstr "org.gnome.Nautilus"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "Ort _kopieren"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/es.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/es.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/es.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/es.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.309093676 +0200
+@@ -10830,3 +10830,8 @@
+ #~ msgstr ""
+ #~ "Nautilus es un shell gráfico para GNOME que facilita la administración de "
+ #~ "sus archivos y el resto de su sistema."
++# src/nautilus-location-bar.c:401
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "Copiar _ubicación"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/fa.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/fa.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/fa.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/fa.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.327093666 +0200
+@@ -10082,3 +10082,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "C_ancel Remove"
+ #~ msgstr "ان_صراف از حذف"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_رونوشت از مکان"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/fr.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/fr.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/fr.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/fr.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.339093659 +0200
+@@ -5975,3 +5975,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Copying “%B” to “%B”"
+ #~ msgstr "Copie de « %B » vers « %B »"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "Co_pier l’emplacement"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/fur.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/fur.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/fur.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/fur.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.348093654 +0200
+@@ -7711,3 +7711,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Set the zoom level of the current view"
+ #~ msgstr "Imposte il nivel di zoom de viodude atuâl"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Copie posizion"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/gl.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/gl.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/gl.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/gl.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.366093644 +0200
+@@ -7429,3 +7429,8 @@
+ #~ msgid "Error autorunning software"
+ #~ msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao autoexecutar o software"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++#| msgid "Location"
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Copiar localización"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/he.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/he.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/he.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/he.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.387093632 +0200
+@@ -10468,3 +10468,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Question"
+ #~ msgstr "שאלה"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "ה_עתקת מיקום"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/oc.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/oc.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/oc.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/oc.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.523093554 +0200
+@@ -6999,3 +6999,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Rename “%s”"
+ #~ msgstr "Renomenar lo fichièr « %s »"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Copiar l'emplaçament"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/pt.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/pt.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/pt.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/pt.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.627093494 +0200
+@@ -5944,3 +5944,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Whether the row represents a network location"
+ #~ msgstr "Se a linha representa uma localização de rede"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Copiar localização"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/ru.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/ru.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/ru.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/ru.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.652093480 +0200
+@@ -6177,3 +6177,7 @@
+ #~ msgctxt "Bookmark"
+ #~ msgid "_Name"
+ #~ msgstr "_Имя"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Копировать адрес"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/tr.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/tr.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/tr.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/tr.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.776093409 +0200
+@@ -6188,3 +6188,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "D_efault zoom level:"
+ #~ msgstr "Ön_tanımlı yaklaştırma seviyesi:"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:24
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "Konumu _Kopyala"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/uk.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/uk.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/uk.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/uk.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.808093390 +0200
+@@ -7967,3 +7967,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Set the zoom level of the current view"
+ #~ msgstr "Встановити рівень масштабування поточного вікна"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "_Копіювати адресу"
+diff -ruN nautilus-3.28.1/po/zh_CN.po nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/zh_CN.po
+--- nautilus-3.28.1/po/zh_CN.po 2018-04-09 22:02:06.000000000 +0200
++++ nautilus-3.28.1.translations/po/zh_CN.po 2022-06-20 17:02:58.865093358 +0200
+@@ -5495,3 +5495,7 @@
+ #~ msgid "Zoom In"
+ #~ msgstr "放大"
++#: src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui:34
++msgid "_Copy Location"
++msgstr "复制位置(_C)"
diff --git a/SOURCES/nautilus-canvas-container-Remove-the-include-visible.patch b/SOURCES/nautilus-canvas-container-Remove-the-include-visible.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ecda1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nautilus-canvas-container-Remove-the-include-visible.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+From a7a31137aee8c4af81d7d447ceb83ccdb2ddadc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Xiang Fan
+Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 11:49:09 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] nautilus-canvas-container: Remove the "include visible area"
+ logic.
+canvas_set_scroll_region_include_visible_area() was added in
+ec054c80981e26b71c8bb2e6853b035dc2063e7d to fix
+https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42068 ("Dragging icons
+adjusts scroll area in a way that causes immediate scrolling"). This is
+no longer the case, because now icons remain in place when being dragged
+and are not allowed to be rearranged.
+ec054c80981e26b71c8bb2e6853b035dc2063e7d causes issues relating to extra
+scrolling space (#340), hence the removal.
+Fixes #340.
+ src/nautilus-canvas-container.c | 79 +--------------------------------
+ src/nautilus-canvas-container.h | 1 -
+ src/nautilus-canvas-private.h | 3 --
+ src/nautilus-canvas-view.c | 6 ---
+ 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 88 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-canvas-container.c b/src/nautilus-canvas-container.c
+index 09acd47fc..bd05a3a2d 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-canvas-container.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-canvas-container.c
+@@ -968,45 +968,6 @@ get_all_icon_bounds (NautilusCanvasContainer *container,
+ x1, y1, x2, y2, usage);
+ }
+-/* Don't preserve visible white space the next time the scroll region
+- * is recomputed when the container is not empty. */
+-nautilus_canvas_container_reset_scroll_region (NautilusCanvasContainer *container)
+- container->details->reset_scroll_region_trigger = TRUE;
+-/* Set a new scroll region without eliminating any of the currently-visible area. */
+-static void
+-canvas_set_scroll_region_include_visible_area (EelCanvas *canvas,
+- double x1,
+- double y1,
+- double x2,
+- double y2)
+- double old_x1, old_y1, old_x2, old_y2;
+- double old_scroll_x, old_scroll_y;
+- double height, width;
+- GtkAllocation allocation;
+- eel_canvas_get_scroll_region (canvas, &old_x1, &old_y1, &old_x2, &old_y2);
+- gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (canvas), &allocation);
+- width = (allocation.width) / canvas->pixels_per_unit;
+- height = (allocation.height) / canvas->pixels_per_unit;
+- old_scroll_x = gtk_adjustment_get_value (gtk_scrollable_get_hadjustment (GTK_SCROLLABLE (canvas)));
+- old_scroll_y = gtk_adjustment_get_value (gtk_scrollable_get_vadjustment (GTK_SCROLLABLE (canvas)));
+- x1 = MIN (x1, old_x1 + old_scroll_x);
+- y1 = MIN (y1, old_y1 + old_scroll_y);
+- x2 = MAX (x2, old_x1 + old_scroll_x + width);
+- y2 = MAX (y2, old_y1 + old_scroll_y + height);
+- eel_canvas_set_scroll_region
+- (canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ void
+ nautilus_canvas_container_update_scroll_region (NautilusCanvasContainer *container)
+ {
+@@ -1014,24 +975,10 @@ nautilus_canvas_container_update_scroll_region (NautilusCanvasContainer *contain
+ double pixels_per_unit;
+ GtkAdjustment *hadj, *vadj;
+ float step_increment;
+- gboolean reset_scroll_region;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ pixels_per_unit = EEL_CANVAS (container)->pixels_per_unit;
+- reset_scroll_region = container->details->reset_scroll_region_trigger
+- || nautilus_canvas_container_is_empty (container);
+- /* The trigger is only cleared when container is non-empty, so
+- * callers can reliably reset the scroll region when an item
+- * is added even if extraneous relayouts are called when the
+- * window is still empty.
+- */
+- if (!nautilus_canvas_container_is_empty (container))
+- {
+- container->details->reset_scroll_region_trigger = FALSE;
+- }
+ get_all_icon_bounds (container, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_ENTIRE_ITEM);
+ /* Add border at the "end"of the layout (i.e. after the icons), to
+@@ -1053,18 +1000,7 @@ nautilus_canvas_container_update_scroll_region (NautilusCanvasContainer *contain
+ y2 -= 1;
+ y2 = MAX (y1, y2);
+- if (reset_scroll_region)
+- {
+- eel_canvas_set_scroll_region
+- (EEL_CANVAS (container),
+- x1, y1, x2, y2);
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- canvas_set_scroll_region_include_visible_area
+- (EEL_CANVAS (container),
+- x1, y1, x2, y2);
+- }
++ eel_canvas_set_scroll_region (EEL_CANVAS (container), x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ hadj = gtk_scrollable_get_hadjustment (GTK_SCROLLABLE (container));
+ vadj = gtk_scrollable_get_vadjustment (GTK_SCROLLABLE (container));
+@@ -5722,23 +5658,10 @@ nautilus_canvas_container_get_icon_drop_target_uri (NautilusCanvasContainer *con
+ return uri;
+ }
+-/* Call to reset the scroll region only if the container is not empty,
+- * to avoid having the flag linger until the next file is added.
+- */
+-static void
+-reset_scroll_region_if_not_empty (NautilusCanvasContainer *container)
+- if (!nautilus_canvas_container_is_empty (container))
+- {
+- nautilus_canvas_container_reset_scroll_region (container);
+- }
+ /* Re-sort, switching to automatic layout if it was in manual layout. */
+ void
+ nautilus_canvas_container_sort (NautilusCanvasContainer *container)
+ {
+- reset_scroll_region_if_not_empty (container);
+ container->details->needs_resort = TRUE;
+ redo_layout (container);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-canvas-container.h b/src/nautilus-canvas-container.h
+index a370bba26..33929375d 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-canvas-container.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-canvas-container.h
+@@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ void nautilus_canvas_container_set_single_click_mode (Nauti
+ gboolean single_click_mode);
+ void nautilus_canvas_container_enable_linger_selection (NautilusCanvasContainer *view,
+ gboolean enable);
+-void nautilus_canvas_container_reset_scroll_region (NautilusCanvasContainer *container);
+ void nautilus_canvas_container_set_font (NautilusCanvasContainer *container,
+ const char *font);
+ void nautilus_canvas_container_set_margins (NautilusCanvasContainer *container,
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-canvas-private.h b/src/nautilus-canvas-private.h
+index dd5e79060..e60e86299 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-canvas-private.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-canvas-private.h
+@@ -192,9 +192,6 @@ struct NautilusCanvasContainerDetails {
+ int size_allocation_count;
+ guint size_allocation_count_id;
+- /* Ignore the visible area the next time the scroll region is recomputed */
+- gboolean reset_scroll_region_trigger;
+ /* a11y items used by canvas items */
+ guint a11y_item_action_idle_handler;
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-canvas-view.c b/src/nautilus-canvas-view.c
+index f74ea06db..bd3a7ae5d 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-canvas-view.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-canvas-view.c
+@@ -355,12 +355,6 @@ nautilus_canvas_view_add_files (NautilusFilesView *view,
+ canvas_view = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_VIEW (view);
+ canvas_container = get_canvas_container (canvas_view);
+- /* Reset scroll region for the first canvas added when loading a directory. */
+- if (nautilus_files_view_get_loading (view) && nautilus_canvas_container_is_empty (canvas_container))
+- {
+- nautilus_canvas_container_reset_scroll_region (canvas_container);
+- }
+ for (l = files; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ if (nautilus_canvas_container_add (canvas_container,
diff --git a/SOURCES/window-Streamline-RestoreTabData-memory-management.patch b/SOURCES/window-Streamline-RestoreTabData-memory-management.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4223c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/window-Streamline-RestoreTabData-memory-management.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+From 4bdd3fad8d51e50e3539c8e04bc91538467bd236 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Ant=C3=B3nio=20Fernandes?=
+Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 14:44:38 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] window: Streamline RestoreTabData memory management
+When restoring the back and forward lists, we make a deep copy only to
+free the data immediately afterwards.
+Instead of reallocating the lists unnecessarily, let's just steal them.
+Also, use g_queue_free_full() to make free_restore_tab_data() a proper
+GDestroyNotify; also define it in window-slot.c, where it belongs.
+ src/nautilus-window-slot.c | 16 ++++++++++++++--
+ src/nautilus-window-slot.h | 1 +
+ src/nautilus-window.c | 20 ++------------------
+ 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+index c3260aeb0..bf040bff2 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+@@ -155,6 +155,18 @@ static void trash_state_changed_cb (NautilusTrashMonitor *monitor,
+ gboolean is_empty,
+ gpointer user_data);
++free_restore_tab_data (gpointer data)
++ RestoreTabData *tab_data = data;
++ g_list_free_full (tab_data->back_list, g_object_unref);
++ g_list_free_full (tab_data->forward_list, g_object_unref);
++ nautilus_file_unref (tab_data->file);
++ g_free (tab_data);
+ void
+ nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ RestoreTabData *data)
+@@ -163,9 +175,9 @@ nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
+- priv->back_list = g_list_copy_deep (data->back_list, (GCopyFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
++ priv->back_list = g_steal_pointer (&data->back_list);
+- priv->forward_list = g_list_copy_deep (data->forward_list, (GCopyFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
++ priv->forward_list = g_steal_pointer (&data->forward_list);
+ priv->view_mode_before_search = data->view_before_search;
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+index 573357d9b..bda1a920f 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+@@ -125,4 +125,5 @@ RestoreTabData* nautilus_window_slot_get_restore_tab_data (NautilusWindowSlot *s
+ /* Only used by slot-dnd */
+ NautilusView* nautilus_window_slot_get_current_view (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
++void free_restore_tab_data (gpointer data);
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window.c b/src/nautilus-window.c
+index 1f8d5208e..175da6fce 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window.c
+@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ static GtkWidget *nautilus_window_ensure_location_entry (NautilusWindow *window)
+ static void close_slot (NautilusWindow *window,
+ NautilusWindowSlot *slot,
+ gboolean remove_from_notebook);
+-static void free_restore_tab_data (gpointer data,
+- gpointer user_data);
+ /* Sanity check: highest mouse button value I could find was 14. 5 is our
+ * lower threshold (well-documented to be the one of the button events for the
+@@ -1374,7 +1372,7 @@ action_restore_tab (GSimpleAction *action,
+ nautilus_window_slot_open_location_full (slot, location, flags, NULL);
+ nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (slot, data);
+- free_restore_tab_data (data, NULL);
++ free_restore_tab_data (data);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -2501,19 +2499,6 @@ nautilus_window_destroy (GtkWidget *object)
+ GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (nautilus_window_parent_class)->destroy (object);
+ }
+-static void
+-free_restore_tab_data (gpointer data,
+- gpointer user_data)
+- RestoreTabData *tab_data = data;
+- g_list_free_full (tab_data->back_list, g_object_unref);
+- g_list_free_full (tab_data->forward_list, g_object_unref);
+- nautilus_file_unref (tab_data->file);
+- g_free (tab_data);
+ static void
+ nautilus_window_finalize (GObject *object)
+ {
+@@ -2548,8 +2533,7 @@ nautilus_window_finalize (GObject *object)
+ G_CALLBACK (nautilus_window_on_undo_changed),
+ window);
+- g_queue_foreach (priv->tab_data_queue, (GFunc) free_restore_tab_data, NULL);
+- g_queue_free (priv->tab_data_queue);
++ g_queue_free_full (priv->tab_data_queue, free_restore_tab_data);
+ g_object_unref (priv->pad_controller);
diff --git a/SOURCES/window-slot-Rename-RestoreTabData-to-NautilusNavigat.patch b/SOURCES/window-slot-Rename-RestoreTabData-to-NautilusNavigat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a18665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/window-slot-Rename-RestoreTabData-to-NautilusNavigat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+From 148559bc6809aac40be4aff64b7d3a4e5ac3c59a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sachin Daluja <30343-sachindaluja@users.noreply.gitlab.gnome.org>
+Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 13:29:49 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] window-slot: Rename RestoreTabData to NautilusNavigationState
+This struct is going to be used to also restore navigation state when
+replacing the active window slot in order to handle other-locations://
+Also enhance it to also save and restore the current location bookmark.
+ src/nautilus-window-slot.c | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
+ src/nautilus-window-slot.h | 11 ++++++-----
+ src/nautilus-window.c | 12 ++++++------
+ 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+index bf040bff2..e688f0716 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+@@ -156,20 +156,21 @@ static void trash_state_changed_cb (NautilusTrashMonitor *monitor,
+ gpointer user_data);
+ void
+-free_restore_tab_data (gpointer data)
++free_navigation_state (gpointer data)
+ {
+- RestoreTabData *tab_data = data;
++ NautilusNavigationState *navigation_state = data;
+- g_list_free_full (tab_data->back_list, g_object_unref);
+- g_list_free_full (tab_data->forward_list, g_object_unref);
+- nautilus_file_unref (tab_data->file);
++ g_list_free_full (navigation_state->back_list, g_object_unref);
++ g_list_free_full (navigation_state->forward_list, g_object_unref);
++ nautilus_file_unref (navigation_state->file);
++ g_clear_object (&navigation_state->current_location_bookmark);
+- g_free (tab_data);
++ g_free (navigation_state);
+ }
+ void
+-nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+- RestoreTabData *data)
++nautilus_window_slot_restore_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ NautilusNavigationState *data)
+ {
+ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
+@@ -181,14 +182,16 @@ nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ priv->view_mode_before_search = data->view_before_search;
++ g_set_object (&priv->current_location_bookmark, data->current_location_bookmark);
+ priv->location_change_type = NAUTILUS_LOCATION_CHANGE_RELOAD;
+ }
+-RestoreTabData *
+-nautilus_window_slot_get_restore_tab_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
++NautilusNavigationState *
++nautilus_window_slot_get_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
+ {
+ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
+- RestoreTabData *data;
++ NautilusNavigationState *data;
+ GList *back_list;
+ GList *forward_list;
+@@ -211,11 +214,12 @@ nautilus_window_slot_get_restore_tab_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
+ * the view mode before search and a reference to the file.
+ * A GFile isn't enough, as the NautilusFile also keeps a
+ * reference to the search directory */
+- data = g_new0 (RestoreTabData, 1);
++ data = g_new0 (NautilusNavigationState, 1);
+ data->back_list = back_list;
+ data->forward_list = forward_list;
+ data->file = nautilus_file_get (priv->location);
+ data->view_before_search = priv->view_mode_before_search;
++ g_set_object (&data->current_location_bookmark, priv->current_location_bookmark);
+ return data;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+index bda1a920f..2edc96786 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ typedef struct
+ gint view_before_search;
+ GList *back_list;
+ GList *forward_list;
+-} RestoreTabData;
++ NautilusBookmark *current_location_bookmark;
++} NautilusNavigationState;
+ struct _NautilusWindowSlotClass {
+ GtkBoxClass parent_class;
+@@ -117,13 +118,13 @@ void nautilus_window_slot_search (NautilusWindowSlot *
+ gboolean nautilus_window_slot_handles_location (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ GFile *location);
+-void nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+- RestoreTabData *data);
++void nautilus_window_slot_restore_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ NautilusNavigationState *data);
+-RestoreTabData* nautilus_window_slot_get_restore_tab_data (NautilusWindowSlot *self);
++NautilusNavigationState* nautilus_window_slot_get_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *self);
+ /* Only used by slot-dnd */
+ NautilusView* nautilus_window_slot_get_current_view (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
+-void free_restore_tab_data (gpointer data);
++void free_navigation_state (gpointer data);
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window.c b/src/nautilus-window.c
+index 175da6fce..900239cb8 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window.c
+@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ action_restore_tab (GSimpleAction *action,
+ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags;
+ g_autoptr (GFile) location = NULL;
+ NautilusWindowSlot *slot;
+- RestoreTabData *data;
++ NautilusNavigationState *data;
+ priv = nautilus_window_get_instance_private (window);
+@@ -1370,9 +1370,9 @@ action_restore_tab (GSimpleAction *action,
+ slot = nautilus_window_create_and_init_slot (window, location, flags);
+ nautilus_window_slot_open_location_full (slot, location, flags, NULL);
+- nautilus_window_slot_restore_from_data (slot, data);
++ nautilus_window_slot_restore_navigation_state (slot, data);
+- free_restore_tab_data (data);
++ free_navigation_state (data);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ nautilus_window_slot_close (NautilusWindow *window,
+ {
+ NautilusWindowPrivate *priv;
+ NautilusWindowSlot *next_slot;
+- RestoreTabData *data;
++ NautilusNavigationState *data;
+ DEBUG ("Requesting to remove slot %p from window %p", slot, window);
+ if (window == NULL)
+@@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@ nautilus_window_slot_close (NautilusWindow *window,
+ nautilus_window_set_active_slot (window, next_slot);
+ }
+- data = nautilus_window_slot_get_restore_tab_data (slot);
++ data = nautilus_window_slot_get_navigation_state (slot);
+ if (data != NULL)
+ {
+ g_queue_push_head (priv->tab_data_queue, data);
+@@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ nautilus_window_finalize (GObject *object)
+ G_CALLBACK (nautilus_window_on_undo_changed),
+ window);
+- g_queue_free_full (priv->tab_data_queue, free_restore_tab_data);
++ g_queue_free_full (priv->tab_data_queue, free_navigation_state);
+ g_object_unref (priv->pad_controller);
diff --git a/SOURCES/window-window-slot-Save-and-restore-navigation-histo.patch b/SOURCES/window-window-slot-Save-and-restore-navigation-histo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01c25ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/window-window-slot-Save-and-restore-navigation-histo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+From fe7533b0b82e2ebc7767006ee9768572700a91df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sachin Daluja <30343-sachindaluja@users.noreply.gitlab.gnome.org>
+Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 22:30:03 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] window, window-slot: Save and restore navigation history
+When a new window slot instance replaces the existing one to handle the new
+This allows back and forward history lists to be preserved when the window
+switches between instances of different window slot classes.
+Closes https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/-/issues/32
+ src/nautilus-window-slot.c | 48 +++++++++++++++++++---
+ src/nautilus-window-slot.h | 13 ++++++
+ src/nautilus-window.c | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 3 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+index e688f0716..69040fc44 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ nautilus_window_slot_restore_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
++ /* We are restoring saved history to newly created slot with no history. */
++ g_warn_if_fail (priv->back_list == NULL && priv->forward_list == NULL);
+ priv->back_list = g_steal_pointer (&data->back_list);
+ priv->forward_list = g_steal_pointer (&data->forward_list);
+@@ -2003,12 +2006,11 @@ nautilus_window_slot_set_content_view (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
+ }
+ void
+-nautilus_window_back_or_forward (NautilusWindow *window,
+- gboolean back,
+- guint distance,
+- NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags)
++nautilus_window_slot_back_or_forward (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ gboolean back,
++ guint distance,
++ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags)
+ {
+- NautilusWindowSlot *self;
+ GList *list;
+ GFile *location;
+ guint len;
+@@ -2016,7 +2018,6 @@ nautilus_window_back_or_forward (NautilusWindow *window,
+ GFile *old_location;
+ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
+- self = nautilus_window_get_active_slot (window);
+ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
+ list = back ? priv->back_list : priv->forward_list;
+@@ -3308,3 +3309,38 @@ nautilus_window_slot_get_loading (NautilusWindowSlot *self)
+ return priv->loading;
+ }
++ * Open the specified location and set up the navigation history including the
++ * back and forward lists. This function is intended to be called when switching
++ * between NautilusWindowSlot and NautilusOtherLocationsWindowSlot. It allows
++ * the navigation history accumulated in the slot being replaced to be loaded
++ * into the replacing slot.
++ *
++ * The 'location' member variable is set to the new location before calling
++ * begin_location_change() to ensure that it matches the
++ * 'current_location_bookmark' member as expected by the location change
++ * pipeline.
++ */
++nautilus_window_slot_open_location_set_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *self,
++ GFile *location,
++ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags,
++ GList *new_selection,
++ NautilusLocationChangeType change_type,
++ NautilusNavigationState *navigation_state,
++ guint distance)
++ NautilusWindowSlotPrivate *priv;
++ priv = nautilus_window_slot_get_instance_private (self);
++ nautilus_window_slot_restore_navigation_state (self, navigation_state);
++ g_clear_object (&priv->location);
++ priv->location = nautilus_file_get_location (navigation_state->file);
++ begin_location_change (self, location, NULL, new_selection,
++ change_type, distance, NULL);
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+index 2edc96786..cbd3454ce 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
++++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.h
+@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ void nautilus_window_slot_open_location_full (NautilusWindowSlot
+ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags,
+ GList *new_selection);
++void nautilus_window_slot_open_location_set_navigation_state (NautilusWindowSlot *slot,
++ GFile *location,
++ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags,
++ GList *new_selection,
++ NautilusLocationChangeType change_type,
++ NautilusNavigationState *navigation_state,
++ guint distance);
+ GFile * nautilus_window_slot_get_location (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
+ NautilusBookmark *nautilus_window_slot_get_bookmark (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
+@@ -126,5 +134,10 @@ NautilusNavigationState* nautilus_window_slot_get_navigation_state (NautilusWind
+ /* Only used by slot-dnd */
+ NautilusView* nautilus_window_slot_get_current_view (NautilusWindowSlot *slot);
++void nautilus_window_slot_back_or_forward (NautilusWindowSlot *slot,
++ gboolean back,
++ guint distance,
++ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags);
+ void free_navigation_state (gpointer data);
+diff --git a/src/nautilus-window.c b/src/nautilus-window.c
+index 900239cb8..af01b43e7 100644
+--- a/src/nautilus-window.c
++++ b/src/nautilus-window.c
+@@ -613,6 +613,7 @@ nautilus_window_open_location_full (NautilusWindow *window,
+ {
+ NautilusWindowSlot *active_slot;
+ gboolean new_tab_at_end;
++ NautilusNavigationState *navigation_state = NULL;
+ /* The location owner can be one of the slots requesting to handle an
+ * unhandled location. But this slot can be destroyed when switching to
+@@ -644,6 +645,8 @@ nautilus_window_open_location_full (NautilusWindow *window,
+ }
+ else if (!nautilus_window_slot_handles_location (target_slot, location))
+ {
++ navigation_state = nautilus_window_slot_get_navigation_state (active_slot);
+ target_slot = replace_active_slot (window, location, flags);
+ }
+@@ -655,7 +658,19 @@ nautilus_window_open_location_full (NautilusWindow *window,
+ nautilus_window_set_active_slot (window, target_slot);
+ }
+- nautilus_window_slot_open_location_full (target_slot, location, flags, selection);
++ if (navigation_state != NULL)
++ {
++ nautilus_window_slot_open_location_set_navigation_state (target_slot,
++ location, flags, selection,
++ navigation_state, 0);
++ free_navigation_state (navigation_state);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ nautilus_window_slot_open_location_full (target_slot, location, flags, selection);
++ }
+ g_object_unref (location);
+ }
+@@ -3099,3 +3114,70 @@ nautilus_window_search (NautilusWindow *window,
+ g_warning ("Trying search on a slot but no active slot present");
+ }
+ }
++/* Ideally, this method should be a simple wrapper for the slot method. However,
++ * going back or forward can result in a new slot (or another subclass), so we
++ * workaround that by duplicating part of nautilus_window_slot_back_or_forward()
++ */
++nautilus_window_back_or_forward (NautilusWindow *window,
++ gboolean back,
++ guint distance,
++ NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags)
++ NautilusWindowSlot *slot;
++ GList *next_location_list, *back_list, *forward_list;
++ GFile *next_location;
++ guint len;
++ NautilusBookmark *next_location_bookmark;
++ gboolean active_slot_handles_location;
++ slot = nautilus_window_get_active_slot (window);
++ back_list = nautilus_window_slot_get_back_history (slot);
++ forward_list = nautilus_window_slot_get_forward_history (slot);
++ next_location_list = back ? back_list : forward_list;
++ len = (guint) g_list_length (next_location_list);
++ /* If we can't move in the direction at all, just return. */
++ if (len == 0)
++ {
++ return;
++ }
++ /* If the distance to move is off the end of the list, go to the end
++ * of the list. */
++ if (distance >= len)
++ {
++ distance = len - 1;
++ }
++ next_location_bookmark = g_list_nth_data (next_location_list, distance);
++ next_location = nautilus_bookmark_get_location (next_location_bookmark);
++ active_slot_handles_location = nautilus_window_slot_handles_location (slot, next_location);
++ if (!active_slot_handles_location)
++ {
++ NautilusNavigationState *navigation_state;
++ NautilusLocationChangeType location_change_type;
++ navigation_state = nautilus_window_slot_get_navigation_state (slot);
++ slot = replace_active_slot (window, next_location, flags);
++ nautilus_window_slot_open_location_set_navigation_state (slot,
++ next_location, flags, NULL,
++ location_change_type,
++ navigation_state, distance);
++ free_navigation_state (navigation_state);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ nautilus_window_slot_back_or_forward (slot, back, distance, flags);
++ }
diff --git a/SPECS/nautilus.spec b/SPECS/nautilus.spec
index 1eece52..6cef126 100644
--- a/SPECS/nautilus.spec
+++ b/SPECS/nautilus.spec
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Name: nautilus
Version: 3.28.1
-Release: 15%{?dist}
+Release: 20%{?dist}
Summary: File manager for GNOME
License: GPLv3+
@@ -69,6 +69,21 @@ Patch33: search-engine-tracker-Expand-macro-as-string.patch
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1906499
Patch34: nautilus-file.c-Fix-open-writable-file-in-recent-tab.patch
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2068092
+Patch35: window-Streamline-RestoreTabData-memory-management.patch
+Patch36: window-slot-Rename-RestoreTabData-to-NautilusNavigat.patch
+Patch37: window-window-slot-Save-and-restore-navigation-histo.patch
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2068089
+Patch38: Add-actions-to-the-toolbar.patch
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2094431
+Patch39: files-view-Add-menu-item-to-copy-current-path.patch
+Patch40: files-view-Backport-translations.patch
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2106241
+Patch41: nautilus-canvas-container-Remove-the-include-visible.patch
BuildRequires: gtk-doc
BuildRequires: meson
BuildRequires: gcc
@@ -181,6 +196,21 @@ desktop-file-validate $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
+* Tue Aug 9 2022 Ondrej Holy - 3.28.1-20
+- Fix scrolling issues in the icon view on focus changes (#2106241)
+* Fri Jul 29 2022 Ondrej Holy - 3.28.1-19
+- Fix the "Copy Location" action to copy just the plain path (#2094431)
+* Mon Jun 20 2022 Ondrej Holy - 3.28.1-18
+- Add toolbar action to copy current location (#2094431)
+* Mon Jun 6 2022 Ondrej Holy - 3.28.1-17
+- Add actions to the toolbar (#2068089)
+* Wed Apr 13 2022 Ondrej Holy - 3.28.1-16
+- Save and restore navigation history when changing window slot (#2068092)
* Wed Jan 6 2021 Ondrej Holy - 3.28.1-15
- Fix activation_uri handling to prevent invalid bookmarks (rhbz#1906499)