Tom Lane c80ae3ea7b mysql is being replaced by mariadb and/or MySQL.
this commit is squash of:
  last commit(s) of 'mysql' repo 'rawhide' branch
  first commit(s) of 'community-mysql' repo 'rawhide' branch
2024-02-05 16:59:12 +01:00

15 lines
656 B

# Disable the outfile_loaddata test, which as of 5.1.38 is giving
# platform-dependent results, with the "expected" results being arguably the
# wrong ones. This is upstream at
# (note that upstream has also disabled it, but only for Solaris, so we still
# need to disable it here).
# Still broken in 5.5.14, despite alleged fix.
outfile_loaddata : bug#46895 code wrong, expected results wrong too
# Disable innodb.innodb, which is showing platform-dependent results
# as of 5.5.9. Upstream at
innodb.innodb : bug#60155 has platform-dependent results