In Fedora, package 'mysql8.0' is versioned and it is currently set
as the distribution default. That means it produces un-versioned RPMs
and provides the versioned names, as well as community-mysql names.
In RHEL 10, package 'mysql8.4' is versioned, but it is NOT the
distribution default. That means it produces versioned RPMs and it
does not provide unversioned names.
Here, in RHEL 9 module, the package is named the old unversioned name
'mysql'. We does not want it to produce the provides of the versioned
names, nor conflicts with community-mysql, so small fixup is needed.
mysql8.4-test.x86_64: E: file-parent-ownership-mismatch Path "/usr/share/mysql-test/platform-specific-tests.list" owned by "root" is stored in directory owned by "mysql"
mysql8.4-server.x86_64: E: missing-dependency-to-logrotate for logrotate script /etc/logrotate.d/mysqld
Related: RHEL-63025