--- src/packaging/envmods/mpich.module.in 2013-01-30 14:45:08.000000000 -0500 +++ src/packaging/envmods/mpich.module.in.new 2013-02-21 18:28:01.218528398 -0500 @@ -3,12 +3,21 @@ # MPICH module for use with 'environment-modules' package: # +# Only allow one mpi module to be loaded at a time +conflict mpi + # Define prefix so PATH and MANPATH can be updated. -setenv prefix @prefix@ -setenv exec_prefix @exec_prefix@ +setenv MPI_BIN @LIBDIR@/@MPILIBNAME@/bin +setenv MPI_SYSCONFIG @sysconfdir@ +setenv MPI_FORTRAN_MOD_DIR @includedir@ +setenv MPI_INCLUDE @includedir@ +setenv MPI_LIB @libdir@ +setenv MPI_MAN @mandir@ +setenv MPI_PYTHON_SITEARCH @pysitearch@/@MPILIBNAME@ +setenv MPI_COMPILER @MPILIBNAME@-@ARCH@ +setenv MPI_SUFFIX _@MPILIBNAME@ +setenv MPI_HOME @LIBDIR@/@MPILIBNAME@ prepend-path PATH @bindir@ +prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH @libdir@ prepend-path MANPATH @mandir@ - -# Undefine prefix and exec_prefix which are too generic environment variables. -unsetenv prefix -unsetenv exec_prefix +prepend-path PYTHONPATH @pysitearch@/@MPILIBNAME@