#!/bin/bash # # Configuration file for /etc/cron.weekly/raid-check # # options: # ENABLED - must be yes in order for the raid check to proceed # CHECK - can be either check or repair depending on the type of # operation the user desires. A check operation will scan # the drives looking for bad sectors and automatically # repairing only bad sectors. If it finds good sectors that # contain bad data (meaning that the data in a sector does # not agree with what the data from another disk indicates # the data should be, for example the parity block + the other # data blocks would cause us to think that this data block # is incorrect), then it does nothing but increments the # counter in the file /sys/block/$dev/md/mismatch_count. # This allows the sysadmin to inspect the data in the sector # and the data that would be produced by rebuilding the # sector from redundant information and pick the correct # data to keep. The repair option does the same thing, but # when it encounters a mismatch in the data, it automatically # updates the data to be consistent. However, since we really # don't know whether it's the parity or the data block that's # correct (or which data block in the case of raid1), it's # luck of the draw whether or not the user gets the right # data instead of the bad data. This option is the default # option for devices not listed in either CHECK_DEVS or # REPAIR_DEVS. # CHECK_DEVS - a space delimited list of devs that the user specifically # wants to run a check operation on. # REPAIR_DEVS - a space delimited list of devs that the user # specifically wants to run a repair on. # SKIP_DEVS - a space delimited list of devs that should be skipped # NICE - Change the raid check CPU and IO priority in order to make # the system more responsive during lengthy checks. Valid # values are high, normal, low, idle. # # Note: the raid-check script intentionaly runs last in the cron.weekly # sequence. This is so we can wait for all the resync operations to complete # and then check the mismatch_count on each array without unduly delaying # other weekly cron jobs. If any arrays have a non-0 mismatch_count after # the check completes, we echo a warning to stdout which will then me emailed # to the admin as long as mails from cron jobs have not been redirected to # /dev/null. We do not wait for repair operations to complete as the # md stack will correct any mismatch_cnts automatically. # # Note2: you can not use symbolic names for the raid devices, such as you # /dev/md/root. The names used in this file must match the names seen in # /proc/mdstat and in /sys/block. ENABLED=yes CHECK=check NICE=low # To check devs /dev/md0 and /dev/md3, use "md0 md3" CHECK_DEVS="" REPAIR_DEVS="" SKIP_DEVS=""