#!/bin/sh # Some useful functions used in other MySQL helper scripts # This scripts defines variables datadir, errlogfile, socketfile export LC_ALL=C # extract value of a MySQL option from config files # Usage: get_mysql_option VARNAME DEFAULT SECTION [ SECTION, ... ] # result is returned in $result # We use my_print_defaults which prints all options from multiple files, # with the more specific ones later; hence take the last match. get_mysql_option(){ if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "get_mysql_option requires 3 arguments: section option default_value" return fi sections="$1" option_name="$2" default_value="$3" result=`/usr/bin/my_print_defaults $sections | sed -n "s/^--${option_name}=//p" | tail -n 1` if [ -z "$result" ]; then # not found, use default result="${default_value}" fi } # Defaults here had better match what mysqld_safe will default to # The option values are generally defined on three important places # on the default installation: # 1) default values are hardcoded in the code of mysqld daemon or # mysqld_safe script # 2) configurable values are defined in /etc/my.cnf # 3) default values for helper scripts are specified bellow # So, in case values are defined in my.cnf, we need to get that value. # In case they are not defined in my.cnf, we need to get the same value # in the daemon, as in the helper scripts. Thus, default values here # must correspond with values defined in mysqld_safe script and source # code itself. get_mysql_option mysqld datadir "/var/lib/mysql" datadir="$result" # if there is log_error in the my.cnf, my_print_defaults still # returns log-error # log-error might be defined in mysqld_safe and mysqld sections, # the former has bigger priority get_mysql_option "mysqld_safe mysqld" log-error "`hostname`.err" errlogfile="$result" get_mysql_option mysqld socket "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" socketfile="$result" get_mysql_option mysqld_safe pid-file "`hostname`.pid" pidfile="$result"