#!/bin/bash . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1 NAME=m17n-lib rlJournalStart rlPhaseStartSetup rlAssertRpm ${NAME} rlAssertRpm ${NAME}-devel rlAssertRpm glibc-locale-source rlShowPackageVersion ${NAME} rlRun -t -l "VERSION=$(rpm -q ${NAME} --queryformat='%{version}')" 0 "Get VERSION" FEDORA_VERSION=$(rlGetDistroRelease) rlLog "FEDORA_VERSION=${DISTRO_RELEASE}" rlRun "tmp=\$(mktemp -d)" 0 "Create tmp directory" rlRun "cp hello.txt old.png $tmp" 0 "Copy files needed for tests" rlRun "pushd $tmp" rlFetchSrcForInstalled "${NAME}" rlRun "rpm --define '_topdir $tmp' -i *src.rpm" rlRun -t -l "mkdir BUILD" 0 "Creating BUILD directory" rlRun -t -l "rpmbuild --noclean --nodeps --define '_topdir $tmp' -bp $tmp/SPECS/*spec" if [ -d BUILD/${NAME}-${VERSION}-build ]; then rlRun -t -l "pushd BUILD/${NAME}-${VERSION}-build/${NAME}-${VERSION}" else rlRun -t -l "pushd BUILD/${NAME}-${VERSION}" fi rlRun "set -o pipefail" rlRun -t -l "./bootstrap.sh" rlRun -t -l "./configure --prefix=/usr" rlRun -t -l "make check" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest rlRun "pushd $tmp" rlGetTestState rlLog "Number of failed asserts so far: ${ECODE}" rlRun -t -l "OLD_SIZE=$(stat -c \"%s\" old.png)" \ 0 "Get size of old.png" rlLog "Old size is ${OLD_SIZE}" rlRun -t -l "m17n-dump hello.txt" \ 0 "Create a new png" rlFileSubmit hello.txt.png rlRun -t -l "NEW_SIZE=$(stat -c \"%s\" hello.txt.png)" \ 0 "Get size of hello.txt.png" rlLog "New size is ${NEW_SIZE}" rlRun -t -l "file old.png hello.txt.png" \ 0 "Log output of file command" rlRun -t -l "echo $(fc-match)" \ 0 "Show which font was used" rlAssertGreater "New size should be greater than 1000" ${NEW_SIZE} 1000 rlGetTestState rlLog "Number of failed asserts so far: ${ECODE}" rlRun "popd" 0 rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartCleanup rlRun "popd" rlRun "rm -r $tmp" 0 "Remove tmp directory" rlPhaseEnd rlJournalEnd