194 lines
12 KiB
194 lines
12 KiB
#[1]iso-8859-1 test [2]iso-8859-2 ALT test
iso8859-2 plus table, and cp-1252
Description Code Entity name
=================================== ============ ==============
quotation mark " --> " " --> "
ampersand & --> & & --> &
less-than sign < --> < < --> <
greater-than sign > --> > > --> >
Description Char Code Entity name
=================================== ==== ============ ==============
euro sign &128; -->
undefined &129; -->
single low-9 quotation mark &130; -->
latin small letter f with hook &131; -->
double low-9 quotation mark &132; -->
horizontal ellipsis &133; -->
dagger &134; -->
double dagger &135; -->
modifier letter circumflex accent &136; -->
per mille sign &137; -->
latin capital letter s with caron &138; -->
single left-pointing angle quote mark &139; -->
latin capital ligature oe &140; -->
undefined &141; -->
latin capital letter z with caron &142; -->
undefined &143; -->
undefined &144; -->
left single quotation mark &145; -->
right single quotation mark &146; -->
left double quotation mark &147; -->
right double quotation mark &148; -->
bullet &149; -->
en dash &150; -->
em dash &151; -->
small tilde &152; -->
trade mark sign &153; -->
latin small letter s with caron &154; -->
single right-pointing angle quote mark &155; -->
latin small ligature oe &156; -->
undefined &157; -->
latin small letter z with caron &158; -->
latin capital letter y with diaeresis &159; -->
non-breaking space   --> -->
capital A, ogonek Ą Ą --> Ą Ą --> Ą
breve {˘} {˘}-->{˘} {˘} -->{˘}
capital L, stroke Ł Ł --> Ł Ł --> Ł
general currency sign ¤ ¤ --> ¤ ¤ --> ¤
capital L, caron Ľ Ľ --> Ľ Ľ --> Ľ
capital S, acute accent Ś Ś --> Ś Ś --> Ś
section sign § § --> § § --> §
umlaut (dieresis) ¨ ¨ --> ¨ ¨ --> ¨
¨ --> ¨
capital S, caron Š Š --> Š Š --> Š
capital S, cedilla Ş Ş --> Ş Ş --> Ş
capital T, caron Ť Ť --> Ť Ť --> Ť
capital Z, acute accent Ź Ź --> Ź Ź --> Ź
soft hyphen [] [­]-->[] [­] -->[]
capital Z, caron Ž Ž --> Ž Ž --> Ž
capital Z, dot above Ż Ż --> Ż Ż --> Ż
degree sign ° ° --> ° ° --> °
small a, ogonek ą ą --> ą ą --> ą
ogonek {˛} {˛}-->{˛} {˛} -->{˛}
small l, stroke ł ł --> ł ł --> ł
acute accent ´ ´ --> ´ ´ --> ´
small l, caron ľ ľ --> ľ ľ --> ľ
small s, acute accent ś ś --> ś ś --> ś
caron {ˇ} {ˇ}-->{ˇ} {ˇ} -->{ˇ}
cedilla ¸ ¸ --> ¸ ¸ --> ¸
small s, caron š š --> š š --> š
small s, cedilla ş ş --> ş ş --> ş
small t, caron ť ť --> ť ť --> ť
small z, acute accent ź ź --> ź ź --> ź
double acute accent {˝} {˝}-->{˝} {˝} -->{˝}
small z, caron ž ž --> ž ž --> ž
small z, dot above ż ż --> ż ż --> ż
capital R, acute accent Ŕ Ŕ --> Ŕ Ŕ --> Ŕ
capital A, acute accent Á Á --> Á Á --> Á
capital A, circumflex accent   -->   --> Â
capital A, breve Ă Ă --> Ă Ă --> Ă
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Ä Ä --> Ä Ä --> Ä
capital L, acute accent Ĺ Ĺ --> Ĺ Ĺ --> Ĺ
capital C, acute accent Ć Ć --> Ć Ć --> Ć
capital C, cedilla Ç Ç --> Ç Ç --> Ç
capital C, caron Č Č --> Č Č --> Č
capital E, acute accent É É --> É É --> É
capital E, ogonek Ę Ę --> Ę Ę --> Ę
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Ë Ë --> Ë Ë --> Ë
capital E, caron Ě Ě --> Ě Ě --> Ě
capital I, acute accent Í Í --> Í Í --> Í
capital I, circumflex accent Î Î --> Î Î --> Î
capital D, caron Ď Ď --> Ď Ď --> Ď
capital D, stroke Đ Đ --> Đ Đ --> Đ
capital Eth, Icelandic N/A Ð --> Ð Ð --> Ð
capital N, acute accent Ń Ń --> Ń Ń --> Ń
capital N, caron Ň Ň --> Ň Ň --> Ň
capital O, acute accent Ó Ó --> Ó Ó --> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent Ô Ô --> Ô Ô --> Ô
capital O, double acute accent Ő Ű --> Ű Ő --> Ő
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark Ö Ö --> Ö Ö --> Ö
multiply sign × × --> × × --> ×
capital R, caron Ř Ř --> Ř Ř --> Ř
capital U, ring Ů Ů --> Ů Ů --> Ů
capital U, acute accent Ú Ú --> Ú Ú --> Ú
capital U, double acute accent Ű Ű --> Ű Ű --> Ű
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Ü Ü --> Ü Ü --> Ü
capital Y, acute accent Ý Ý --> Ý Ý --> Ý
capital T, cedilla Ţ Ţ --> Ţ Ţ --> Ţ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature) ß ß --> ß ß --> ß
small r, acute accent ŕ ŕ --> ŕ ŕ --> ŕ
small a, acute accent á á --> á á --> á
small a, circumflex accent â â --> â â --> â
small a, breve ă ă --> ă ă --> ă
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark ä ä --> ä ä --> ä
small l, acute accent ĺ ĺ --> ĺ ĺ --> ĺ
small c, acute accent ć ć --> ć ć --> ć
small c, cedilla ç ç --> ç ç --> ç
small c, caron č č --> č č --> č
small e, acute accent é é --> é é --> é
small e, ogonek ę ę --> ę ę --> ę
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark ë ë --> ë ë --> ë
small e, caron ě ě --> ě ě --> ě
small i, acute accent í í --> í í --> í
small i, circumflex accent î î --> î î --> î
small d, caron ď ď --> ď ď --> ď
small d, stroke đ đ --> đ đ --> đ
small eth, Icelandic N/A ð --> ð ð --> ð
small n, acute accent ń ń --> ń ń --> ń
small n, caron ň ň --> ň ň --> ň
small o, acute accent ó ó --> ó ó --> ó
small o, circumflex accent ô ô --> ô ô --> ô
small o, double acute accent ő ű --> ű ő --> ő
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ö ö --> ö ö --> ö
division sign ÷ ÷ --> ÷ ÷ --> ÷
small r, caron ř ř --> ř ř --> ř
small u, ring ů ů --> ů ů --> ů
small u, acute accent ú ú --> ú ú --> ú
small u, double acute accent ű ű --> ű ű --> ű
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ü ü --> ü ü --> ü
small y, acute accent ý ý --> ý ý --> ý
small t, cedilla ţ ţ --> ţ ţ --> ţ
dot above {˙} {˙}-->{˙} {˙} -->{˙}
Some other characters of interest Char Code Entity name
=================================== ==== ============ ==============
capital AE diphthong (ligature) N/A Æ --> Æ Æ --> Æ
small ae diphthong (ligature) N/A æ --> æ æ --> æ
capital OE ligature N/A {Œ}-->{Œ} {Œ} -->{Œ}
small oe ligature N/A {œ}-->{œ} {œ} -->{œ}
copyright N/A © --> © © --> ©
registered trademark N/A ® --> ® ® --> ®
trademark sign N/A ™--> ™ ™ --> ™
em space N/A [ ]->[ ] [ ] -->[ ]
en space N/A [ ]->[ ] [ ] -->[ ]
1/3-em space N/A [ ]->[ ] [ ] -->[ ]
1/4-em space N/A [ ]->[ ] [ ] -->[ ]
thin space N/A [ ]->[ ] [ ]-->[ ]
hair space N/A [ ]->[ ] [ ]-->[ ]
em dash N/A [—]->[—] [—] -->[—]
en dash N/A [–]->[–] [–] -->[–]
Characters not found in ISO-8859-2 have "N/A" in the Char column. Some
characters for which I could not find entity names in either [3]RFC
2070 or the [4]ISOlat1, ISOlat2, ISOnum, ISOpub and ISOtech sets (the
ones included by Peter Flynn's [5]HTML Pro DTD) are shown enclosed in
There also is a variation of this table which tests [6]ISO-8859-2
characters and entities in ALT attributes.
See Martin Ramsch's original [7]ISO-8859-1 Table for related info and
links, and for some notes on entity names. This file is mostly just an
adaptation of his table to the ISO-8859-2 character set.
kweide@tezcat.com 1997-03-09
3. http://www.internic.net/rfc/rfc2070.txt
4. ftp://www.ucc.ie/pub/sgml/
5. http://www.ucc.ie/doc/www/html/dtds/htmlpro.html
7. http://www.uni-passau.de/~ramsch/iso8859-1.html