Than Ngo 01c6952697 - rebase to 1.7.12
- add support for SCSI loc-code
- Fix catching polymorphic type by value
2021-09-03 14:48:27 +02:00

317 lines
11 KiB

commit fff4ada4f29978923527b06e95aca71513bac275
Author: Kamalesh Babulal <>
Date: Mon May 31 15:47:02 2021 +0530
devicetreecollector: buildSCSI() - add support for SCSI loc-code
fillQuickVPD failing to find the loc-code, doesn't always attribute to
the missing device-tree entry associated with the sysfs device path.
There are also configurations like USB hubs, to which the SCSI devices
gets connected with special device-tree layout. A USB controller, that
supports both USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 devices will create two USB hubs for
communicating with devices. Where one hub controllers devices with
speeds ranging upto 480M (USB 2.0) and another for devices operating
at the 5000M (USB 3.0). The layout might be little complex when the
USB 3.0 devices are internal on board ones and 2.0 is an external
root hub
/ \
USB hub 1 (2.0) USB hub 2 (3.0)
| / \
external internal internal
device device1 device2
the populated device-tree adds both of the internal devices
under the hub1, that hosts the slower external device, with
the layout:
|_ hub@1
|_ cdrom@1 (USB 2.0)
|_ usb-scsi@6 (USB 3.0, internal device 1)
|_ usb-scsi@8 (USB 3.0, internal device 2)
this patch add support to find location code for such SCSI devices
connected to USB hubs in a mix and match of external and internal
Signed-off-by: Kamalesh Babulal <>
Signed-off-by: Vasant Hegde <>
diff --git a/src/include/devicetreecollector.hpp b/src/include/devicetreecollector.hpp
index 84ddbfe..1bd0293 100644
--- a/src/include/devicetreecollector.hpp
+++ b/src/include/devicetreecollector.hpp
@@ -206,6 +206,10 @@ namespace lsvpd
Component * findSCSIParent(Component *fillMe,
vector<Component*> devs);
+ string fillLocCode(Component *gParent, Component *gGParent,
+ Component *gGGParent);
void buildSCSILocCode(Component *fillMe, vector<Component*> devs);
void getComponentsVector( vector<Component*>& devs );
diff --git a/src/internal/sys_interface/devicetreecollector.cpp b/src/internal/sys_interface/devicetreecollector.cpp
index dd55611..1f686f5 100644
--- a/src/internal/sys_interface/devicetreecollector.cpp
+++ b/src/internal/sys_interface/devicetreecollector.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cerrno>
@@ -735,7 +736,9 @@ ERROR:
int loc;
devSpecific = fillMe->getDeviceSpecific("XB");
- if (devSpecific != NULL) {
+ if (devSpecific != NULL ||
+ fillMe->devBus.dataValue == "scsi" ||
+ fillMe->devBus.dataValue == "usb" ) {
sysDev = fillMe->sysFsLinkTarget.dataValue;
while (sysDev.length() > 1) {
if ((loc = sysDev.rfind("/", sysDev.length())) != (int) string::npos )
@@ -752,6 +755,152 @@ ERROR:
return NULL;
+ /*
+ * @brief fillLocCode tries to parse the device-tree and find
+ * the loc-code based on port numbers.
+ * @args:
+ * gParent: two level higher in the sysfs path of the device (required for
+ * finding devices in the same root hub USB 2.0)
+ * gGParent: three level higher in the sysfs path of the device (required to
+ * calculate raw port number)
+ * gGGParent: Four level higher in the sysfs path of the device (required for
+ * findging devices in the sibling root hub USB 3.0)
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * device: /sys/devices/pci0019:01/0019:01:00.0/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.0/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0
+ * parent: /sys/devices/pci0019:01/0019:01:00.0/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.0/host0
+ * gParent: /sys/devices/pci0019:01/0019:01:00.0/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.0
+ * gGparent: /sys/devices/pci0019:01/0019:01:00.0/usb2/2-2
+ * gGGparent: /sys/devices/pci0019:01/0019:01:00.0/usb2
+ */
+ string DeviceTreeCollector::fillLocCode(Component *gParent, Component *gGParent,
+ Component *gGGParent)
+ {
+ string devTreeDir, devName, rawPortS, locCode;
+ vector<string> listing, list;
+ char busNum[10], portNum[10];
+ int maxChild, rawPort = 0;
+ FSWalk fsw = FSWalk();
+ char *baseName;
+ int i = 0, j;
+ /*
+ * First part of this function, tries to find the port
+ * number assigned to the device under the USB
+ * controller. The algorithm used to construct the
+ * rawport (the term used in the Linux Kernel USB device
+ * driver code) is the parse the bus and port number
+ * from the last directory level of the device sysfs path
+ * and then find the maximum number of ports available
+ * under the USB hub, to connect devices in the hub.
+ * Applying the formula:
+ * - bus number * child of all the hubs, with bus number
+ * lesser than the current bus + current device port
+ * number.
+ * i.e., if the device gets assigned to port 2 of the
+ * root hub number 2, here 2 is the bus number, assigned
+ * by the USB controller and as maxchild of 4 or in other
+ * words maximum available ports on the root hub is 4.
+ * We assume that the same USB controller will host 4
+ * ports for both root hubs (USB 2.0 and USB 3.0).
+ * When the algorithm is applied to the above example:
+ * bus number (2) * (1 * 4) (1 is bus lesser than current
+ * one and 4 is maxchild/ports available) = port number 6.
+ * We need to search for devices ending with @6, under the
+ * root hub to find the location code.
+ */
+ baseName = basename((char *)(string(gGParent->sysFsNode.dataValue).c_str()));
+ if (baseName == NULL)
+ return string("");
+ for (i = 0; baseName[i] != '\0' && baseName[i] != '-'; i++)
+ busNum[i] = baseName[i];
+ busNum[i] = '\0';
+ if (strlen(busNum) == 0)
+ return string("");
+ for (i+=1, j=0; baseName[i] != '\0'; i++, j++)
+ portNum[j] = baseName[i];
+ portNum[j] = '\0';
+ if (strlen(portNum) == 0)
+ return string("");
+ maxChild = atoi(string(getAttrValue
+ ( gGGParent->sysFsNode.dataValue.c_str(), "/maxchild")).c_str());
+ i = atoi(busNum);
+ if ( i > 1 ) {
+ rawPort = i - 1;
+ rawPort *= maxChild;
+ }
+ rawPort += atoi(portNum);
+ rawPortS = "@" + to_string(rawPort);
+ /*
+ * for the USB 2.0 devices, device-tree association of root
+ * hub under which they are connected, is read from devspec
+ * or of_node in the sysfs path of the /sys/devices/. So we
+ * just search for the devices ending with the port number
+ * calculated above in the device (root hub) device-tree
+ * node.
+ */
+ fsw.fs_getDirContents(gParent->deviceTreeNode.dataValue, 'd', listing);
+ while (listing.size() > 0) {
+ string devDir = listing.back();
+ if ( - rawPortS.length(),
+ rawPortS.length(), rawPortS) == 0) {
+ devTreeDir = gParent->deviceTreeNode.dataValue + "/" + listing.back();
+ locCode = getAttrValue( devTreeDir.c_str(), "/ibm,loc-code");
+ return locCode;
+ }
+ listing.pop_back();
+ }
+ /*
+ * this logic is same as above but we are searching one
+ * level higher in the /proc/device-tree hierarchy, the
+ * search path includes all of the root hubs connected to
+ * this USB controller and use the same logic as above to
+ * find the device ending with the @portnumber in every
+ * root hub.
+ */
+ fsw.fs_getDirContents(gGGParent->deviceTreeNode.dataValue, 'd', listing);
+ while (listing.size() > 0) {
+ devTreeDir = gGGParent->deviceTreeNode.dataValue + "/" + listing.back();
+ devName = getAttrValue( devTreeDir.c_str(), "/name");
+ if ("hub") == 0) {
+ fsw.fs_getDirContents(devTreeDir.c_str(), 'd', list);
+ while (list.size() > 0) {
+ string devDir = list.back();
+ string _devTreeDir;
+ if ( - rawPortS.length(),
+ rawPortS.length(), rawPortS) == 0) {
+ _devTreeDir = devTreeDir + "/" + list.back();
+ locCode = getAttrValue( _devTreeDir.c_str(),
+ "/ibm,loc-code");
+ return locCode;
+ }
+ list.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ listing.pop_back();
+ }
+ return string("");
/* @brief Collect Location Code information for devices that do not
* give us a nice ibm,loc-code
* @arg devs - device tree discovered devices
@@ -763,9 +912,10 @@ ERROR:
void DeviceTreeCollector::buildSCSILocCode(Component *fillMe,
vector<Component*> devs)
- Component *parent;
- ostringstream val;
+ Component *parent, *gParent, *gGParent, *gGGParent;
const DataItem *target, *lun, *bus, *host;
+ ostringstream val;
+ string locCode;
/* Build up a distinct YL based on parents YL - for device such as
* scsi, ide, usb, etc that do not generate ibm,loc-code
@@ -793,6 +943,71 @@ ERROR:
val << getAttrValue( parent->deviceTreeNode.dataValue,
"ibm,loc-code" );
+ /*
+ * fillQuickVPD failure, doesn't always attribute to the missing
+ * device-tree entry associated with the sysfs device path.
+ * There are also configurations like USB hubs, to which the
+ * SCSI devices gets connected with special device-tree layout.
+ * A USB controller, that supports both USB 3.0 and USB 2.0
+ * devices will create two USB hubs for communicating with
+ * devices. Where one hub controllers devices with speeds
+ * ranging upto 480M (USB 2.0) and another for devices operating
+ * at the 5000M (USB 3.0). The layout might be little complex
+ * when the USB 3.0 devices are internal on board ones and 2.0
+ * is an external device.
+ *
+ * root hub
+ * / \
+ * USB hub 1 USB hub 2
+ * (2.0) (3.0)
+ * | / \
+ * External Internal Internal
+ * device device1 device2
+ *
+ * the populated device-tree adds both of the internal devices
+ * under the hub1, that hosts the slower external device, with
+ * the layout:
+ * usb@1
+ * |_ hub@1
+ * |_ cdrom@1 (USB 2.0)
+ * |_ usb-scsi@6 (USB 3.0, internal device 1)
+ * |_ usb-scsi@8 (USB 3.0, internal device 2)
+ *
+ * the logic below finds the location code for such SCSI devices
+ * connected to USB hubs in a mix and match of external and
+ * internal devices.
+ */
+ gParent = findSCSIParent(parent, devs);
+ if (gParent != NULL) {
+ gGParent = findSCSIParent(gParent, devs);
+ if (gGParent != NULL) {
+ gGGParent = findSCSIParent(gGParent, devs);
+ if (gGGParent != NULL &&
+ gGGParent->devBus.dataValue == "usb" ) {
+ /*
+ * walk up to the hub controller sysfs
+ * directory to find the device-tree
+ * association.
+ */
+ locCode = fillLocCode
+ (gParent, gGParent, gGGParent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (locCode.length() > 0) {
+ fillMe->mPhysicalLocation.setValue( locCode.c_str( ), 60 ,
+ __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if we fail to find the loation code, then fallback to old
+ * method of constructing an unique code.
+ */
val << "H" << host->dataValue << "-B" << bus->dataValue
<< "-T" << target->dataValue << "-L" << lun->dataValue;