- Try all packages when installpkg --optional is used. (bcl@redhat.com) - Add support for aarch64 live images (bcl@redhat.com) - pylint: Ignore different argument lengths for dnf callback. (bcl@redhat.com) - Adds additional callbacks keyword for start() (jmracek@redhat.com) - Add ppc64-diag for Power64 platforms (pbrobinson@gmail.com) - livemedia-creator: Add release license files to / of the iso (bcl@redhat.com) - lorax: Add release license files to / of the iso (bcl@redhat.com) - INSTALL_ROOT and LIVE_ROOT are not available during %post (bcl@redhat.com) - Add --noverifyssl to lorax (#1430483) (bcl@redhat.com)
2 lines
158 B
2 lines
158 B
SHA512 (lorax-27.0.tar.gz) = 07d794de18be4670293cf432af1a6bbb959b6d6361daf8ada44bde926169f426adf3ee3ada9406c767dc57ae23203d3d528cd8bdcf8d38ddcda4940cbff412e1