
123 lines
4.4 KiB

<%page args="kernels, runtime_img, basearch, inroot, outroot, product, isolabel, extra_boot_args"/>
## Don't allow spaces or escape characters in the iso label
def valid_label(ch):
return ch.isalnum() or ch == '_'
isolabel = ''.join(ch if valid_label(ch) else '-' for ch in isolabel)
import os
from os.path import basename
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths
# Test the runtime_img, if it is > 4GiB we need to set -iso-level to 3
if os.stat(joinpaths(inroot, runtime_img)).st_size >= 4*1024**3:
isoargs = "-iso-level 3"
isoargs = ""
mkdir ${LIVEDIR}
install ${runtime_img} ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img
treeinfo stage2 mainimage ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img
## install kernels
mkdir ${KERNELDIR}
%for kernel in kernels:
%if kernel.flavor:
installkernel images-xen ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz-${kernel.flavor}
installinitrd images-xen ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd-${kernel.flavor}.img
installkernel images-${basearch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz
installinitrd images-${basearch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img
%if basearch == 'x86_64_v2':
treeinfo images-xen kernel ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz
treeinfo images-xen initrd ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img
## configure grub2 config file
mkdir ${GRUB2DIR}
install ${configdir}/grub2-bios.cfg ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @VERSION@ ${product.version} ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @PRODUCT@ '${product.name}' ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @KERNELPATH@ /${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @INITRDPATH@ /${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @ISOLABEL@ '${isolabel}' ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @ROOT@ 'root=live:CDLABEL=${isolabel|udev}' ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
replace @EXTRA@ '${extra_boot_args}' ${GRUB2DIR}/grub.cfg
## WHeeeeeeee, EFI.
<% efiargs=""; efigraft=""; efiarch32=None; efiarch64=None %>
%if exists("boot/efi/EFI/*/gcdia32.efi"):
<% efiarch32 = 'IA32' %>
%if exists("boot/efi/EFI/*/gcdx64.efi"):
<% efiarch64 = 'X64' %>
%if (efiarch32 or efiarch64):
<%include file="efi.tmpl" args="configdir=configdir, KERNELDIR=KERNELDIR, efiarch32=efiarch32, efiarch64=efiarch64, isolabel=isolabel, extra_boot_args=extra_boot_args"/>
# Create optional product.img and updates.img
<% filegraft=""; images=["product", "updates"]; compressargs=""; %>
%for img in images:
%if exists("%s/%s/" % (LORAXDIR, img)):
installimg ${compressargs} ${LORAXDIR}/${img}/ images/${img}.img
treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img}.img images/${img}.img
<% filegraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
# Add the license files
%for f in glob("usr/share/licenses/*-release-common/*"):
install ${f} ${f|basename}
<% filegraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(basename(f), outroot) %>
# Add the livecd-iso-to-disk script if installed
<% f = "usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk" %>
%if exists(f):
install ${f} ${LIVEDIR}/${f|basename}
## Make images/eltoritio.img
runcmd grub2-mkimage -O i386-pc-eltorito -d ${inroot}/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc \
-o ${outroot}/images/eltorito.img \
-p /${GRUB2DIR} \
iso9660 biosdisk
treeinfo images-${basearch} eltorito.img images/eltorito.img
## make boot.iso
runcmd xorrisofs ${isoargs} -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso \
-R -J -V '${isolabel}' \
--grub2-mbr ${inroot}/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/boot_hybrid.img \
-partition_offset 16 \
-appended_part_as_gpt \
-append_partition 2 C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B ${outroot}/images/efiboot.img \
-iso_mbr_part_type EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 \
-c boot.cat --boot-catalog-hide \
-b images/eltorito.img \
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table --grub2-boot-info \
-eltorito-alt-boot \
-e '--interval:appended_partition_2:all::' -no-emul-boot \
-graft-points \
${KERNELDIR}=${outroot}/${KERNELDIR} \
${LIVEDIR}=${outroot}/${LIVEDIR} \
${filegraft} \
${GRUB2DIR}=${outroot}/${GRUB2DIR} \
${GRUB2DIR}/i386-pc=${inroot}/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc \
images/eltorito.img=${outroot}/images/eltorito.img \
treeinfo images-${basearch} boot.iso images/boot.iso