teamd: improve the error output for non-integer port prio teamd: return 0 if tdport doesn't exist in teamd_config_port_set teamd: add port_master_ifindex_changed for link_watch_port_watch_ops initscripts: fix if/fi align teamd: fix a json object memleak in get_port_obj() libteam: set netlink event socket as non-blocking libteam: double NETLINK_RCVBUF to fix -ENOMEM error teamd: add a default value 1000 for link_watch.interval teamd: use enabled option_changed to sync enabled to link_up for lb runner teamd: tdport has to exist if item->per_port is set in __find_by_item_path teamd: remove port if adding fails teamd: lacp: update port state according to partner's sync bit man: fix runner.min_ports default value teamd: lw: nsna_ping: only send ns on enabled port teamd: lw: arp_ping: only check arp reply message teamd: config: update local prio to kernel teamnl: update help message
2 lines
160 B
2 lines
160 B
SHA512 (libteam-1.29.tar.gz) = c2b5fb6d5b89677c94c287d02aa0485ec50953b7c78ebd2b1d525966cbf4c2ca9339a9a333b0ac5221e8f0856c3bf60c780b812aca2f239eadfacd24a9d5501e